Stuck at 123 lb!



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Being at an already healthy weight and BF%, any fat stores you do have are going to come off very slowly. Your body is a smart machine and doesn't want to deplete fat stores and it knows you are at a healthy weight. Your body will make every effort to maintain at this point. Continue with lifting and some cardio and set a 1/2 Lb per week loss goal and your body should respond better to what you are trying to do. As it is, it's just telling you to go to hell with your big 'ole calorie deficit.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Lifting heavy can drop your body fat a lot quicker than strictly cardio. I'm at practically the same weight in these two pictures:


    I also see that you recently had a child. Your body will never be the same as it was before you had a baby. Your hips widen during the birthing process and don't necessarily return to the same width. You could reach your pre-baby weight and still not fit into your pre-baby jeans. Controversially, if you drop BF% while lifting, you could fit into the same jeans at a higher weight (I lost 2 pant sizes between those two pictures).
  • FootsoreRambler
    FootsoreRambler Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'4", and the least I weighed in my adult life was 117. That was when I was running 20+ miles/week. If you are anything like me, then exercise is more of a driver for weight loss than diet (not necessarily from a calorie viewpoint, but at least in terms of motivation). I'm currently about 127 and losing at a very slow rate, less than 2 lbs/month, while lifting weights. I liked running, and it worked nicely, but I'm even happier with the way my body is changing with weightlifting. But I had to let go of the idea that the scale was the best measure of my results, in this case, since body recomposition is happening.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is a) running is awesome, but it takes rather a lot IME to make a difference. And b) anything else is probably going to take a long time when you are already at a healthy bodyweight, so don't sweat a 3 week plateau too much. Also c) maybe you should start thinking in terms of bodyfat percentage goals rather than weight goals. And perhaps look at your changes on a monthly timescale rather than a weekly one.

    ETA: and those who have said upthread that lifting will help you drop sizes w/o necessarily affecting the scale are right. My current 127# is a size 4-6, whereas in the past (before lifting), that has been size 8 territory. Maybe it's just clothing size creep, but it is still pretty motivating.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Lifting heavy can drop your body fat a lot quicker than strictly cardio. I'm at practically the same weight in these two pictures:


    I also see that you recently had a child. Your body will never be the same as it was before you had a baby. Your hips widen during the birthing process and don't necessarily return to the same width. You could reach your pre-baby weight and still not fit into your pre-baby jeans. Controversially, if you drop BF% while lifting, you could fit into the same jeans at a higher weight (I lost 2 pant sizes between those two pictures).

    Holy ****...lifting heavy can change your hair color?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Heavy lifting. Compound lifts. You will build lean muscle and look great. The scale is not the determining factor in our overall progress. Look in the mirror and aim for being content with what you see.

    ^^^This! At this point, this is what you need to do to see changes in your body....not weight loss. Your goal weight is unrealistic and quite frankly unhealthy. Don't be another brainwashed young girl who think she needs to be a size 0 to be attractive. Think healthy and strong, love who you are now!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Holy ****...lifting heavy can change your hair color?

    I wish! I would spend way less money at the salon that way.