how often do you weigh yourself?

Hey everyone! I was wondering how often you weigh yourselves? I usually weigh myself every day because I feel more accountable and conscious of my diet and exercise efforts. However, I surely have my days where i'll eat poorly and forgo the exercise maybe even a few days in a row. In that case, i'm reluctant to weigh myself because I KNOW i'm not going to be happy with the number. Sometimes I do it anyways so I can see the reality and get myself back on track, and other times it just plain discourages me.

I have done the measurements once before and am planning on starting that up again. But I don't know if I should weigh myself daily or maybe just once a week? I'm nervous that if I change to once a week I won't stick to my healthy routine as much, and may drive myself crazy wondering every morning what I might weigh!

What do you guys do? What works best for you?


  • Bennyflippy
    Bennyflippy Posts: 19 Member
    Hey there I weigh myself once a week. I was weighing every morning but got upset if I didn't see a different number. This works for me

  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday but then I would get upset and discouraged even when all my hard work didnt pay off. Now I have to remember that the body fluctuates. For my own sanity I weigh myself on Friday mornings. That way if I have a weekend where I know I was bad I wont get bummed out on Monday. I just have to remember I got four more days to get my butt on track before it really counts :)
  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    Some people say do it daily for trends. I do it once a a week, in the morning after my morning potty on the same day.
  • cc141
    cc141 Posts: 55 Member
    Once a week - sometimes maybe twice just to see. But I used to weigh every day and then it became 2 times a day and the fluctuations ended up discouraging me. Once a week is working for me now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I weigh daily. Normal weight fluctuations don't bother me because I understand them, I know what causes them, and have a thorough understanding of the science behind all of this. I know that it is, for example, scientifically impossible for me to lose or gain 2 or 3 or 5 Lbs of fat this morning when I weighed 3 Lbs more than yesterday, it didn't bother me and the number just got plotted as another data point on my chart. Tomorrow I can just as easily be 4 Lbs down from today.
  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm a daily weigher. Although I do have those days when I know it's not going to be pretty, I really try to make myself face the ugly truth; I find it incredibly interesting to be able to correlate weight with diet and exercise in such a tangible way. But I'm kind of a nerd that way.:happy:
  • Medusa3
    Medusa3 Posts: 11
    Religiously EVERY single day. I find it easier to maintain or if necessary, get back on track if I catch weight-gain as soon as it happens. It's much easier to lose an extra pound that appeared from the day before rather than wait until the end of a week to weigh in and find you've gained 3lbs!! It's also really helped me identify those days where I end up saying "Aw I KNEW I shouldn't have had that cake last night", so the next time I'm tempted I think twice.:smile:
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Twice a week - Tuesday and Friday - but Friday is my "weigh in and log it" day. Tuesday weigh ins are from dreadful impatience and curiosity, nothing else :laugh:
  • roverdisc98
    roverdisc98 Posts: 78 Member
    I "excitingly" weigh EVERY morning to either stay motivated or get pissed I ate that whole pizza the night before. My recording weight day is every saturday. This just works best for me. I couldn't think of not weighing myself for a whole month or much less a week!
  • Once a week, but I will take an occasional "peek" in between. I only record once a week and always on the same day and at the same time (first thing in the morning after using the bathroom.)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    every week or two
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    I weigh myself once a week and take measurements once a month
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I think for accountability's sake once every couple weeks is good enough.

    Because I'm marking trends of weight loss I weigh daily. It's given me very accurate data. I almost have my calorie burn down to the T between that and my fitbit.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I have an official weigh in day once a week, most often a Wednesday. However, i tend to weigh myself every day, so in case there are any major differences i can go back over my log, work out what triggers it and see if it happens again. If it does, then it's clearly not something to do again!
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
    I weigh once a week.. and measure daily (to keep track of water weight gain).
  • I weigh myself every day when I am REALLY trying to lose weight. It keeps me accountable...and I love watching the number go down.

    It seems to help me more than anything.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member
    Daily. But I don't get too bothered if it goes up/down. As long as the trend is down, I am good. :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Every 4-6 weeks works for me! :-)
  • Every morning after a trip the restroom, and every night before I go to bed, sometimes once or twice during the day. I record my weight on Mondays since it tends to be my heaviest day of the week. I've never been obsessive about the number on the scale and I like seeing how different types of food I eat can effect my weight and water retention.