How much do you lift? (Ladies only)

Hey ladies. Can you help me out? I'm looking for some motivation. I'm interested in finding persons (women) who weigh about the same as me and to know how much they lift. It's not to compare in order to feel bad about myself nor is it to feel like I'm better than anyone. It's simply so I can have some goals to work towards. For example, I can squat 85 lbs for 10 reps but when I tried to do 90 lbs it was an epic fail. I figure now it may have been due to several factors but honestly, it really discouraged me and I thought to myself that maybe at my weight I wasn't supposed to be able to squat 90 lbs. Then I met (online) someone close to my weight who is currently squatting 105 lbs and is increasing weekly.

In the off chance that there is someone else who is in my position but nowhere close to my weight, it would be nice if all ladies who do the following lifts would post how much weight they're currently pushing so that others can be motivated too. Thanks in advance :)

Here is mine:

Weight: 134 lbs

Squat: 85 lbs / 10 reps

Deadlift: 105 lbs / 10 reps

Overhead press: (Haven't tried this yet)

Bench press: (Haven't tried this yet)


  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Are you following any kind of program, or is that just one set of ten reps?
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    ^^ This.

    In all honesty when I lift I do 3 sets and each set I go up in weight and try to get 10 reps each time.

    It doesn't matter what someone else does. It only matters what YOU do
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Are you following any kind of program, or is that just one set of ten reps?

    Its 3 sets of 10 reps
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    I know there are other factors. But for say competitions, you're put into weight classes, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Are you following any kind of program, or is that just one set of ten reps?

    Its 3 sets of 10 reps

    3x5 is a better range for big strength gains. 3x10 is a good hypertrophy range, but you're not going to make drastic strength gains week to week. Just try to progress week to week. Also, the longer you lift, the more you will learn to press yourself further.

    Obviously I'm not female, but my wife is 5'2" and weighs 125 Lbs...she squats 3x5 @ 135 Lbs. 3x10 she squats around 100 Lbs.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Are you following any kind of program, or is that just one set of ten reps?

    Its 3 sets of 10 reps

    3x5 is a better range for big strength gains. 3x10 is a good hypertrophy range, but you're not going to make drastic strength gains week to week. Just try to progress week to week. Also, the longer you lift, the more you will learn to press yourself further.

    Obviously I'm not female, but my wife is 5'2" and weighs 125 Lbs...she squats 3x5 @ 135 Lbs. 3x10 she squats around 100 Lbs.

    Thanks for your reply. I'm currently following a program (NROL) and just finished a fat loss phase and will be moving to hypertrophy in 2 weeks or so where I will be doing some 5 rep sets.

    Like I said, I just wanted to have an idea of how much others are lifting. Some persons are able to motivate themselves other ways, for me, when I know that so and so is lifting a certain amount of weight, I have something to look forward to down the road. It's not that I'm going to immediately jump to that, I only increase in 5 lb increments weekly if possible. But at least on the days I feel like quitting, I'll know that if I just stick with it, one day I'll get there.
  • LynNann57
    LynNann57 Posts: 30 Member
    Hopw long have you been lifting? I think you are doing great!

    I weigh 133 lbs. I started about 4 weeks ago. Here's what I can do:
    Overhead Press- 5x5- 45 lbs
    Benchpress- 5x5-40 lbs
    Squat- 5x5- 45 lbs
    Deadlift- 5x5- 70 lbs
    Bent over rows - 5x5 - 60 lbs

    I am stuck right now at 40 lbs for the bench press. But I will keep trying. Agree that you go at your own pace, add weight when it gets easy. Keep going!!!
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    I know there are other factors. But for say competitions, you're put into weight classes, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    They are. But know they are also training the specific links in a sport specific manner that allows for stronger lifts. You, I assume, go for general fitness.

    The way you training can dictate how much you can lift.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    You need to give it some time. I don't like the 3x10 rep programs. I am happy to share my stats with you, with what I workout with and what my 1 rep max estimates are for each.

    I will also add that to increase your squat and deadlift, you should work to improve your upper body strength, and you may even want to incorporate accessory work. I've opted to incorporate the leg press into my workout, and my squat strength is much improved. The NROL program doesn't really allow for that to be added in, though.

    I'm 125 as of this week, and my stats are:

    I follow a program that has 5 sets of 5 reps, then last set to max. 4 day split with accessories. I do each of these lifts one day and not all on the same day.

    Overhead Press - light weight warmup plus 35x5, 40x5 and 45xmax (7 rep max). 1RM is 55.

    Deadlift - I have dropped back on the weight because of a forearm pain issue and workout with 95x5, 110x5, and 120xmax (11 reps max) 1RM is 150.

    Benchpress - I workout with 55x5, 55x5 and 60xmax (5 reps max), 1RM is 75.

    Squats - 105x5, 115x5, 125xmax (12 rep max), This week I up it to 135 for my last set to max. 1 RM is 175.

    I have had breast cancer and mastectomy, so my upper body is still quite weak. But I am working on improving the stats.

    It takes a lot of time. There is no deadline. Just take each day as it comes. You will see plenty of strength gains in the coming months.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hopw long have you been lifting? I think you are doing great!

    I weigh 133 lbs. I started about 4 weeks ago. Here's what I can do:
    Overhead Press- 5x5- 45 lbs
    Benchpress- 5x5-40 lbs
    Squat- 5x5- 45 lbs
    Deadlift- 5x5- 70 lbs
    Bent over rows - 5x5 - 60 lbs

    I am stuck right now at 40 lbs for the bench press. But I will keep trying. Agree that you go at your own pace, add weight when it gets easy. Keep going!!!

    Thank you! I have been lifting for 2 months longer than you. Well, not true. I started NROL last year, did a few weeks and then stopped. Started it over January 6 of this year. Sounds like you are doing Stronglifts, something I plan to do eventually once I finish NROL. How are you finding it? Good numbers by the way! And I think 40 lbs is great for the bench press, my upper body is pretty weak so I'm not sure what my bench press numbers will be like when I move to hypertrophy in 2 weeks.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    I know there are other factors. But for say competitions, you're put into weight classes, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    They are. But know they are also training the specific links in a sport specific manner that allows for stronger lifts. You, I assume, go for general fitness.

    The way you training can dictate how much you can lift.

    I agree. And yes, I'm kinda going for general fitness. Actually at the moment I'm trying to bulk. But the reason I thought weight was the most crucial factor was because I had found a website (gosh darnit I can't find it again) that showed what category you would fall in (novice, beginner, intermediate, expert) based on the weight you are and the weight you are lifting for each compound lift.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    If you really want to increase your weights you could switch to s strength building program like StrongLifts5x5. Oh switch when you are done with New Rules.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    5'3 115lbs

    Overhead Press- 8x3 55lbs
    Benchpress- 8x3. 60lbs
    Squat- 8x3. 140lbs (can do more in lower rep range)
    Deadlift- 8x3 105lbs (I have arthritis in my hands and overhand grip strength is painful/numb)
    Bicep curl- 10x3 25lb in each hand
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I know that site! Can't remember either but keep in mind those are 1RM!

    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    I know there are other factors. But for say competitions, you're put into weight classes, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    They are. But know they are also training the specific links in a sport specific manner that allows for stronger lifts. You, I assume, go for general fitness.

    The way you training can dictate how much you can lift.

    I agree. And yes, I'm kinda going for general fitness. Actually at the moment I'm trying to bulk. But the reason I thought weight was the most crucial factor was because I had found a website (gosh darnit I can't find it again) that showed what category you would fall in (novice, beginner, intermediate, expert) based on the weight you are and the weight you are lifting for each compound lift.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    Good point!

    Everyone else's numbers posted here blows mine away so I'm not going to post :laugh: Cool news though is that I have witnessed several men in the gym who lift less than me.. I feel less of a n00b now :laugh: :laugh:

    OP, check out Stronglifts 5x5. I prefer that much more than high rep, low weight programs
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    Yes it all depends on your goals. Think you're on the right track! Just keep pushing and change your workouts every 4-6 weeks. This will keep u from hitting a plateau.
    I have NROW! But haven't had the chance to dive into it. Would like to see your progress add me as a friend if u like!


    Squat: 135x20, 145x15, 185x10, 225x8 1rm 320
    Bench press 95x12, 115x6, 135x3
    Overhead press. 65x10, 95x8, 110x3. 1rm 135
    Db rows. 55x10 65x8 75x6-7.
    Dead lift 110x15, 135x8 215x5.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    If you really want to increase your weights you could switch to s strength building program like StrongLifts5x5. Oh switch when you are done with New Rules.
    Yes, I will definitely switch when I'm finished with NROL.
    5'3 115lbs

    Overhead Press- 8x3 55lbs
    Benchpress- 8x3. 60lbs
    Squat- 8x3. 140lbs (can do more in lower rep range)
    Deadlift- 8x3 105lbs (I have arthritis in my hands and overhand grip strength is painful/numb)
    Bicep curl- 10x3 25lb in each hand
    Arthritis in your hands and you can lift that much??? I'm VERY impressed. I can barely hang on to 105, will have to switch to mixed-grip soon. Your squat is also unbelievable. HUGE motivation for me.
    Good point!

    Everyone else's numbers posted here blows mine away so I'm not going to post Cool news though is that I have witnessed several men in the gym who lift less than me.. I feel less of a n00b now

    OP, check out Stronglifts 5x5. I prefer that much more than high rep, low weight programs
    I do too, but since I've started NROL already and am getting great results, I'm just going to stick with it until its finished. Plus I always start things and quit in the middle, this time I'd like to stick it out. By the way, the purpose of the original post wasn't to make anyone feel bad or anything like that about the weight they are currently lifting. It's simply to show how far others have reached with hard work. Great job on "outlifting" all those men!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Yes it all depends on your goals. Think you're on the right track! Just keep pushing and change your workouts every 4-6 weeks. This will keep u from hitting a plateau.
    I have NROW! But haven't had the chance to dive into it. Would like to see your progress add me as a friend if u like!


    Squat: 135x20, 145x15, 185x10, 225x8 1rm 320
    Bench press 95x12, 115x6, 135x3
    Overhead press. 65x10, 95x8, 110x3. 1rm 135
    Db rows. 55x10 65x8 75x6-7.
    Dead lift 110x15, 135x8 215x5.
    Definitely adding you! Those are huge numbers! By the way, checked out your profile and you look GREAT!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Good point!

    Everyone else's numbers posted here blows mine away so I'm not going to post Cool news though is that I have witnessed several men in the gym who lift less than me.. I feel less of a n00b now

    OP, check out Stronglifts 5x5. I prefer that much more than high rep, low weight programs
    I do too, but since I've started NROL already and am getting great results, I'm just going to stick with it until its finished. Plus I always start things and quit in the middle, this time I'd like to stick it out. By the way, the purpose of the original post wasn't to make anyone feel bad or anything like that about the weight they are currently lifting. It's simply to show how far others have reached with hard work. Great job on "outlifting" all those men!

    Great commitment! I hope you post some before and afters when you are finished with New Rules!

    Oh I'm aware, just thought the person who posted that made a good point. I do have to say though, it isn't really hard to make other women feel bad especially when women who weigh less are posting how they lift heavier than you. It's inspiring at the same time though. I've only been doing Stronglifts for two weeks now so I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on myself. lol