How much do you lift? (Ladies only)



  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Weight 135 lbs

    Squat: 155lbs
    Deads: 155 lbs
    Overhead press: 70 lbs
    Bench : 90 lbs

    These are all for 5 sets of 5.

    I was around where you are about 5-6 months ago.

    Eta I'm doing stronglifts and have been since about October before that I did nrolfw. The site you're thinking of is

    Or that's a similar one I think :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes it all depends on your goals. Think you're on the right track! Just keep pushing and change your workouts every 4-6 weeks. This will keep u from hitting a plateau.
    I have NROW! But haven't had the chance to dive into it. Would like to see your progress add me as a friend if u like!


    Squat: 135x20, 145x15, 185x10, 225x8 1rm 320
    Bench press 95x12, 115x6, 135x3
    Overhead press. 65x10, 95x8, 110x3. 1rm 135
    Db rows. 55x10 65x8 75x6-7.
    Dead lift 110x15, 135x8 215x5.

    Holy shiz on that squat!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member

    check out that site.... very awesome.... it'll tell you what you want to know exactly

  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    i dont dount Sblakes numbers.. those legs are sick... amazing physique..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    ^^agreed. It also often comes out that they use a Smith to squat in. The numbers are not comparable.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    That is true. I appreciate reading this :smile:

    Ladies or even you astronomicals, how and when do you make the progression from a "Smith" to a regular squat? I have started with 80lbs on the Smith machine.. it's not difficult but not easy either. Sometimes there is a rack that is free but I don't use it and wait for the Smith.. I'm concerned about injury and I often don't have a spotter with me at the gym
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    I know there are other factors. But for say competitions, you're put into weight classes, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    They are. But know they are also training the specific links in a sport specific manner that allows for stronger lifts. You, I assume, go for general fitness.

    The way you training can dictate how much you can lift.

    I agree. And yes, I'm kinda going for general fitness. Actually at the moment I'm trying to bulk. But the reason I thought weight was the most crucial factor was because I had found a website (gosh darnit I can't find it again) that showed what category you would fall in (novice, beginner, intermediate, expert) based on the weight you are and the weight you are lifting for each compound lift.

    I've seen that chart. I think it is full of it. Really, just make sure you are lifting more next week than this week. (Generally speaking). When you said you failed at 90, what do you mean? You couldn't do 3x10x90. You only did a few reps or you just couldn't move it at all?
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    That is true. I appreciate reading this :smile:

    Ladies or even you astronomicals, how and when do you make the progression from a "Smith" to a regular squat? I have started with 80lbs on the Smith machine.. it's not difficult but not easy either. Sometimes there is a rack that is free but I don't use it and wait for the Smith.. I'm concerned about injury and I often don't have a spotter with me at the gym

    Do it now. But know that chances are your smith machine is counter balanced and when you first free squat, you will probably only being doing the bar. As well, pending on your gym you should have a rack with adjustable safety bars. Put them at a height of just below the bottoms of your squat depth.
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    Ladies or even you astronomicals, how and when do you make the progression from a "Smith" to a regular squat? I have started with 80lbs on the Smith machine.. it's not difficult but not easy either. Sometimes there is a rack that is free but I don't use it and wait for the Smith.. I'm concerned about injury and I often don't have a spotter with me at the gym

    Squats are actually pretty safe to do without a spotter, so long as your gym has safety bars on the racks. They should be below knee-high so you don't get caught on them when you go down. Then if you can't get up, you can "dump" the bar behind you on those (dignity intact) or if you lose your balance, sit down on your *kitten*. (undigified but you'll live)

    Bench Press is the one I don't like doing alone. I tend to mix it up with dumbell presses for the balance, and smith for the weight. My progress suffered on that lift though, but I kept getting stuck under the bar!!

    Free weights are just sooo much better for you. You will feel so many different muscles working around your core and in your legs, that weren't having to work while using the smith. It's a bit scary to start with, but a great feeling.

    Now I just wish I could ever get a go on a barbell at my gym these days!! The only times I can get there it's always busy. :(
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I am switching gyms because Planet Fitness only has Smith machines, which makes me feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Next week I start at Spectrum. I will also be switching from NROLFW to Strong Lifts or Starting Strength (book arrives tomorrow). I think because I was previously forced to use Smith Machines, I'm going to pretend I never lifted before, start over with just the bar and work up from there.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hey ladies. Can you help me out? I'm looking for some motivation. I'm interested in finding persons (women) who weigh about the same as me and to know how much they lift. It's not to compare in order to feel bad about myself nor is it to feel like I'm better than anyone. It's simply so I can have some goals to work towards. For example, I can squat 85 lbs for 10 reps but when I tried to do 90 lbs it was an epic fail. I figure now it may have been due to several factors but honestly, it really discouraged me and I thought to myself that maybe at my weight I wasn't supposed to be able to squat 90 lbs. Then I met (online) someone close to my weight who is currently squatting 105 lbs and is increasing weekly.

    In the off chance that there is someone else who is in my position but nowhere close to my weight, it would be nice if all ladies who do the following lifts would post how much weight they're currently pushing so that others can be motivated too. Thanks in advance :)

    Here is mine:

    Weight: 134 lbs

    Squat: 85 lbs / 10 reps

    Deadlift: 105 lbs / 10 reps

    Overhead press: (Haven't tried this yet)

    Bench press: (Haven't tried this yet)

    i know i weigh almost 30 lbs more than you, but whatever. i do stronglifts 5x5 which includes the same lifts that you are doing, but 5 sets of 5 reps for strength building

    Here is mine:

    Weight: 162 lbs

    Squat: 165 lbs 5x5

    Deadlift: 185 lbs 1x5

    Overhead press: 60lbs 5x5 (my weakest lift)

    Bench press: 85 lbs 5x5

    i also do bent over rows: 80 lbs 5x5
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    i dont dount Sblakes numbers.. those legs are sick... amazing physique..

    i completely agree with this. i had to back off my squat numbers and work on getting down further
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    That is true. I appreciate reading this :smile:

    Ladies or even you astronomicals, how and when do you make the progression from a "Smith" to a regular squat? I have started with 80lbs on the Smith machine.. it's not difficult but not easy either. Sometimes there is a rack that is free but I don't use it and wait for the Smith.. I'm concerned about injury and I often don't have a spotter with me at the gym

    make the transition now. you are more prone to injury on the smith than in a squat/power rack. you also will build more stabilizing muscles when you have to keep the bar balanced rather than the smith doing it for you. if you need to back off the weight to get more comfortable with it, then do it!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I agree that it's hard to judge people's squat numbers for form reasons. If it helps, I know for 100% fact that my form is on par for reaching so my tops of my thighs are just below parallel and this is for a low bar squat using a regular ol' olympic bar :) I've been working very hard on form since January because (like was mentioned) I WAS doing incorrect form, really just doing partial squats, at which point I was doing 170 5x5. I was also using the bar pad before which I don't recommend getting used to because you probably will have to stop using it eventually and the switch is tough!

    Mentally it sucks to hit 170 lbs 5x5 and then have to go back down to 135, 145 etc then I finally hit 155 this week :) So try to figure out your form right away!!! I personally lifted with a friend who has lifted his whole life and then went to a powerlifting gym where everyone really knows their shiz and they helped me a lot with little form things :)

    I dont' recommend using the smith machine for anything. That thing should be banned from gyms imo. It really causes poor form and doesn't require you to use any accessory or balancing muscles or your core at all which is like half the benefit of doing squats vs leg presses or other leg work. Just IMO. I can see using it for bench because there's no spotter around but still, removes half of hte core involvement in a bench press and also doens't let you do the arm movement correctly because it moves straight down instead of at an angle (alhtough the Planet fitness ones seem to be at an angle which is even more awkward for squats).

    Just do your best and def work up to the same weight your'e at on smith machine if you're goign to the bar, start at 45 and add weight and see how it feels!
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Current weight: 173

    Squat: 80
    Overhead: 50 (been stuck at that one a few sessions)
    Deadlift: 115
    Bench: 60
    Barbell row: 70

    I'm doing Strong Lifts so that changes constantly. Tonight, I will be doing:

    Squat: 85
    Bench: 65
    Row: 75
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I agree that it's hard to judge people's squat numbers for form reasons. If it helps, I know for 100% fact that my form is on par for reaching so my tops of my thighs are just below parallel and this is for a low bar squat using a regular ol' olympic bar :) I've been working very hard on form since January because (like was mentioned) I WAS doing incorrect form, really just doing partial squats, at which point I was doing 170 5x5. I was also using the bar pad before which I don't recommend getting used to because you probably will have to stop using it eventually and the switch is tough!

    Mentally it sucks to hit 170 lbs 5x5 and then have to go back down to 135, 145 etc then I finally hit 155 this week :) So try to figure out your form right away!!! I personally lifted with a friend who has lifted his whole life and then went to a powerlifting gym where everyone really knows their shiz and they helped me a lot with little form things :)

    I dont' recommend using the smith machine for anything. That thing should be banned from gyms imo. It really causes poor form and doesn't require you to use any accessory or balancing muscles or your core at all which is like half the benefit of doing squats vs leg presses or other leg work. Just IMO. I can see using it for bench because there's no spotter around but still, removes half of hte core involvement in a bench press and also doens't let you do the arm movement correctly because it moves straight down instead of at an angle (alhtough the Planet fitness ones seem to be at an angle which is even more awkward for squats).

    Just do your best and def work up to the same weight your'e at on smith machine if you're goign to the bar, start at 45 and add weight and see how it feels!

    at my gym, we have one that goes straight up and down and another one that is slanted. i see women doing squats on the slanted one all the time and i just don't get it
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Good point!

    Everyone else's numbers posted here blows mine away so I'm not going to post Cool news though is that I have witnessed several men in the gym who lift less than me.. I feel less of a n00b now

    OP, check out Stronglifts 5x5. I prefer that much more than high rep, low weight programs
    I do too, but since I've started NROL already and am getting great results, I'm just going to stick with it until its finished. Plus I always start things and quit in the middle, this time I'd like to stick it out. By the way, the purpose of the original post wasn't to make anyone feel bad or anything like that about the weight they are currently lifting. It's simply to show how far others have reached with hard work. Great job on "outlifting" all those men!

    Great commitment! I hope you post some before and afters when you are finished with New Rules!

    Oh I'm aware, just thought the person who posted that made a good point. I do have to say though, it isn't really hard to make other women feel bad especially when women who weigh less are posting how they lift heavier than you. It's inspiring at the same time though. I've only been doing Stronglifts for two weeks now so I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on myself. lol

    2 weeks?? That's all? There is no way you can feel bad then. Soon you'll be looking back and thinking..."I can't believe when such and such a weight felt SO heavy". I know I do that all the time when I put just the bar on my back. Can't believe I used to think it was impossible to squat with.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Weight 135 lbs

    Squat: 155lbs
    Deads: 155 lbs
    Overhead press: 70 lbs
    Bench : 90 lbs

    These are all for 5 sets of 5.

    I was around where you are about 5-6 months ago.

    Eta I'm doing stronglifts and have been since about October before that I did nrolfw. The site you're thinking of is

    Or that's a similar one I think :)
    Amazing numbers! I can't wait to be able to put two 45 lb plates on the bar. That day I'm gonna feel so badass! And thanks for the site! It's not the same one, but I'll check this one out too.
    Id like to note that I;d never base my squatting ability off other peoples numbers..... tons of people go nowhere near as low as they should and its easy to do double your real capacity when you do that.. bench you cant really cheat on... you can flare your elbows, until the day you blow your rotator cuff

    i dont dount Sblakes numbers.. those legs are sick... amazing physique..
    I see with what you're saying. Never even thought about that, but I agree 100%. Like for example if I were to ask a couple of guys at the gym that I go to how much they squat, they would tell me some ridiculously huge numbers when actually they barely even squat 1/4 way down (not kidding!).
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    What you weight is not the only factor in what you lift. Don't worry about who lifts what and where you fall on a scale. The goal is to lift more next week than this week.

    I know there are other factors. But for say competitions, you're put into weight classes, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    They are. But know they are also training the specific links in a sport specific manner that allows for stronger lifts. You, I assume, go for general fitness.

    The way you training can dictate how much you can lift.

    I agree. And yes, I'm kinda going for general fitness. Actually at the moment I'm trying to bulk. But the reason I thought weight was the most crucial factor was because I had found a website (gosh darnit I can't find it again) that showed what category you would fall in (novice, beginner, intermediate, expert) based on the weight you are and the weight you are lifting for each compound lift.

    I've seen that chart. I think it is full of it. Really, just make sure you are lifting more next week than this week. (Generally speaking). When you said you failed at 90, what do you mean? You couldn't do 3x10x90. You only did a few reps or you just couldn't move it at all?

    I couldn't do even one! Went down and couldn't get back up. I wasn't hurt or anything (except for a bruised ego). As I said, there are a couple of reasons why that might have been. That day I went to the gym with a lot on my mind, and also I hadn't eaten and felt weak. The entire workout was dreadful. And I never got the chance to try again because that was the last workout in that phase and the next phase only had front squats which I only got to 70 lbs then the phase ended. In 2 weeks I will be starting the next phase and I'll be back to back squats again. Here's to hoping I can get back up this time! :laugh:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I agree with everyone who said switch to free weights immediately. I've heard so many negative things about the Smith machine. I've never actually used it so I can't verify, but the reasoning makes sense to me.

    @fittiephd - I work really hard on my form too. Before I even started I watched dozens of youtube videos including the ones by Mehdi and Mark Rippetoe and even now, every now and then I watch the videos again just to remind myself.