Unsupportive Family



  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Three choices that I see immediately:

    Learn to say no-by whatever means necessary-get your own food and when they eat crap and garbage, you eat something healthy.

    Move and buy your own food.

    Eat what they eat and deal with the consequences.

    Not easy to choose plan 1 or 2, but it sounds like you will have to do one or the other if you want to lose weight. And bottom line is that it is your choice how to deal.

    It is difficult, but you'll have to figure out if you want a poptart or an apple. And then stick with it no matter what.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Honestly, you just have to try and avoid the treats they bring into the house. Make sure they store the stuff out of sight, like putting wrapped candies in a closed pantry, or storing ice cream in the back of the fridge.

    Find healthier, sweet alternatives to their food so you are not actively craving it.

    For instance, instead of full fat chocolate ice cream, buy 100 calorie ice cream snacks prepackaged into bags.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Look! STOP, just STOP!!! YOU are intruding on THEM! If they are AWARE of what THEY are into, then there is Nothing You can do for THEM! NOW, Focus on YOU...Just STOP focusing on what if or what You do not have. If YOU are committed to a healthy lifestyle, then that is a Great place to start...people are NOT going to indulge your desires about MOST things so get used to it. That is why you have to have your OWN Program and be committed to it.

    When I moved back to My hometown, I stayed with My Sister and her Family until I found a house to buy (6 months). She has adopted 5 children, and the house is loaded with chips, soda, cookies, candy, ice-cream; it is also loaded with fresh veggies, good lean meat, whole grain bread, she even has a great garden! She cooked every day from scratch and I even let her fix My plate...guess what, I lost 20 lbs while there! Sure I ate a cookie everyday with My coffee, some chips now and then. Heck, I do that now...what I am saying is that I CHOOSE to follow MY Plan, she did not force anything on Me, in fact she was amazed and proud of MY commitment. I was/am grateful that she was/is there and opened her home to Me...and I'm a grown azz woman, REAL grown!

    With all you have going on...classes, studying, extra-curricular activities, partying...how do you have time to focus on what your parents are doing, and why does it matter. If you have all you need (your healthy stuff), seems like they have accommodated you to the max, so the problem is YOUR commitment to your program. The only way to DO It is just to DO It! Plan your meals and SNACKS! Have what you need available at all times, even when you break between studying (if you study at home or away). Sometimes you will have to take snacks with you just in case you come across a vending machine or donut shop on campus! Heck, I take My own snacks to the movies (Cheaper and Healthier)! BE Different and Don't Care!!!
  • Tenzuya
    Tenzuya Posts: 64
    Go out and buy yourself a small whiteboard and hang it in your room, write down all your goals and the rules by which you are going to live by, and set a high standard for yourself, also dont talk to your parents about there diet, some people find this very confronting and it can sometimes make them worse, everytime you lose some weight just casually let them know and show them how it makes you happy, they will start to question how there treating themselves when they see your success.

    Now when it comes to getting hungry when you cant eat here are 10 things you can do that may help you.
    1:Drink some water
    2:Go for a walk
    3:Read a book
    4:Have a shower(to relax you)
    5:Brush your teeth
    6:Have a cup of tea
    7:Visit a friend
    8:Watch some before and after weight loss video's on youtube
    10:Log into MFP and talk to us

    I hope that helps
  • jimmh559
    jimmh559 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm also in college with two parents who are obese with diabetes, one of them has had kidney failure due to diabetes. I fill the refrigerator with nearly $200 worth of healthy food every month, but my parents still rather buy their junk food or fast food. They have even gone as far as telling me that my "way of eating" is disrespectful to them and to our culture.

    I tried preparing my own lunch and eating it at school or work, but that didn't work, occasionally I still had to eat at the house.

    I tried cooking meals large enough for the entire family to eat, but if one of them did not like the taste, they make their own meals.

    I tried explaining to them the dangers of their eating habits, but this eventually lead to us fighting.

    I tried playing to their sympathy by telling them that if they continue to eat that way they would not be around to see me walk during my graduation, this was another failed attempt. My parents said they'll watch from heaven.

    I took them grocery shopping with me and showed them how to make healthy substitutions, but when they notice that those healthy substitutions meant a higher grocery bill, I lost their support.

    The only thing we did agree on was exercise, I work out every day, and I've been able to successfully get them to go out for a walk with me 3 times a week for the past 8 months.

    It's been nearly a year since all of this happen and even thought my parents still don't approve of the way I live my new life, they accept it, and I decided it's better for me to be selfish and make my own life my number one concern.

    I had to learn to deal with their choices, but occasionally when they are not looking, I'll grab a handful what ever unhealthy snack is on the counter and put it in the bottom of the trash.
    As upsetting this might make my parents or some of you feel that I throw food away, let me remind you that anyone of us being overweight does not help end world wide hunger.

    Good Luck, remember it's okay to be selfish, because in the end the only thing you have control over is yourself.
  • meyrlb
    meyrlb Posts: 2
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    I'm with EDesq on this one... It sounds to me like you're trying to hang your challenges (with regard to healthy eating) on your parents... (speaking as a parent) I frankly don't feel that you're really being fair to them. Are YOU having a problem maintaining control around all of that unhealthy food? If yes - than that is YOUR challenge, not theirs. Like it or not, you're living in their house.

    Look - you're the one who is being wise by trying to make healthier food choices - good for you! You will live longer, and likely be happier because of your choices. Congratulations!

    But you're trying to impose your new found love of eating healthfully on others, which isn't playing fairly. You need to do this for you, and nobody else... and likewise, for any measure of success, they'll also need to make these types of life choices on their own.

    Perhaps instead of explicitly voicing/acting-on your frustration with their eating habits, you should do what you know is the right thing for yourself, and then let them see the effect it has on you... this is far more powerful than trying to preach to them anyways.

    Sounds to me like you need to lighten-up with regard to complaining about what your parents choose to buy & eat, and teach by example.
  • pranav127
    pranav127 Posts: 6 Member
    The problem is south Indians eat food which can be accompanied only by a particular kinds of rice...
    Basmati rice is better but it has a kind of fragrance which just doesn't go with south Indian food.