any of you lost your weight and gained it back??



  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Pretty much the story of my life until 2 years ago. In 2003 (after gaining the freshman 15 twice over), I moved home for the summer, started Weight Watchers and a work out regimen and dropped the 30 pounds I had gained. Kept that off for about a year and a half, went through a bad break up and gained 50! For the next 7 years, I continued to yo-yo back and forth, ultimately reaching over 270lbs.

    Finally, I made the decision to have gastric bypass in April of 2011. My issue was never losing weight, my issue was keeping it off. I had BAD eating and exercise habits. Now, I eat smart and workout regularly (well, I do when I'm not recovering from a torn ACL!). I have lost over 120lbs and am still losing. Weight loss surgery isn't for everyone, but good habits ARE! I attribute that to my success, not the surgery.
  • amjo2693
    amjo2693 Posts: 89 Member
    Yes. It took me 5 years to lose 65lbs doing Weight Watchers. After a bad break up and new job, I gained it all back within two years. It feels like it's definitely a lot harder to take the weight off this time around.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Gained weight due to unhealthy habits around 2009. Got pregnant in early 2010. Gained very little weight during my pregnancy and ended up a little lighter. Got within 15lbs of my goal weight while on maternity leave. Went back to work gained 15lbs in 3 months. Got pregnant again. Same as with my first pregnancy - ended up within 11lbs of my goal weight. Went back to work and gained 20lbs. Ended up at the same darn weight as before my first pregnancy.

    Started regularly logging in late January and have lost 16.5lbs since then. Have another 19lbs to go. We all say this - but I really think this time will be different. I can just feel the mental shift. Before, I was only successful at losing weight when I didn't have to participate in "real life". Maternity leave, summer vacation from college, ect... Starting in January is the first time I have lost weight while also being busy with life. Feels great!
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I've lost (and regained) 60lbs a number of times. Every single time I've lost it has been via doing extreme diets that I simply couldn't sustain - diets that not only restricted hugely but made certain foods absolutely forbidden. Every time when I've dropped to the point I've been happy I've started indulging in all the things I was told for months and months were BAD...and the weight piled on again.

    What's different this time? I'm not looking for a quick fix. I'm not looking to drop 2+ lbs a week by pushing myself as hard as I can every single day. I know that way won't work because what's required is a lifestyle change with weight loss being a nice side benefit. So I'm looking at making healthy choices more often (the old 80/20 rule), getting more active and building some muscle back. I don't care how long it takes because it's going to be a way I live from now on.
  • minimah7
    minimah7 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi guys.
    I surely do know this one all too well. I had lost 17 pounds in total then gained 12 back. Oh no! This is not the way! I must get back on track and the only person that can do it for me is me. Let's go!-Me, Myself and I.
    I do not mind an occasional encouraging word however. I need it sometimes and I am ever grateful to encourage others.
    Guys we CAN do this and we will.
    Please let me know what I can do/try to do to help you stay on track also.
    Happy Holy Week everyone! :wink:
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Which brings me to something that I've learned while losing with MFP and that hopefully I will apply often to the rest of my life: If something works, do it. If it stops working, find something else that does work. And if you find something that works even better, do that. But don't give up.

  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Holy Cow! I guess I didn't even realize how much I had typed there untill I hit send... Sorry guys!

    you should edit it for paragraphs.

    That's a great idea, but unfortunately you can't edit posts that are over an hour old... Le Sigh...lesson learned
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Gained weight due to unhealthy habits around 2009. Got pregnant in early 2010. Gained very little weight during my pregnancy and ended up a little lighter. Got within 15lbs of my goal weight while on maternity leave. Went back to work gained 15lbs in 3 months. Got pregnant again. Same as with my first pregnancy - ended up within 11lbs of my goal weight. Went back to work and gained 20lbs. Ended up at the same darn weight as before my first pregnancy.
    ^^^This is so true for me -- I gain weight at work! When I've taken just a week or two off of work, the scale drops very quickly. When I go back to work...sitting behind a desk all day is just not healthy. But it's what I've got to do for the next few years, so I have to figure out a way to make it work.
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    I gained 60lbs with my kids and weighed in at 200lbs right before giving birth in 2007. In 2010 I started working out, I walked 5 miles everyday and took up kickboxing classes 3x a week. In about 5-8 months I was officially 50lbs down! (150lb) and maintained my weight. (Never was able to lose those last

    In April of 2012 I got into a relationship with my best friend of 7 years, and somewhere between April-November I gained back 30lbs, on Christmas day 2012 I weighed in at 180lbs..

    I started back on my journey to weightloss on Jan 1st 2013, and weigh in at 167.8 as of this morning. So since Jan to now I've lost 12lbs. I think the second time around has been alot harder, its taking me alot more effort and def alot more exercise to reach my goals. As before it seems the weight just melted off of me. I'm hopinh to be around 135-140lb by Christmas this year.
  • mikeswife04
    mikeswife04 Posts: 130 Member
    I am down (SINCE HS) 90 pounds and 50 since last march.... I am struggling with the last 15 and keep going up to 20 lol...
    I'm not worried though... I know that my eating habits are the reason I am stalling out.... I will break 135 one day damn it lol..

    I'm 5'6" and 137 right now.... :)