To Draw or to Holster?



  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I am doing a paper on Firearms and would love people to share their ideas/thoughts about them. Such as

    Q: "Did you have firearms around growing up?"
    A: I did. My Father was a police officer and, from a young age, he took all of us kids to the range to target shoot. I still own the rifle I learned on when I was a little boy.

    Q: "How did you benefit or not benefit you?"
    A: I was never afraid of guns. I always had a healthy respect for them. When I joined the Army, I was never scared of any of the weaponry. I knew safety.

    Q: "What is the appeal of firearms?"
    A: For me, nothing. I look at a firearm (pistol) just like a look at seatbelts or a fire extingusher. I have them and I make sure that I know how to use them and then I hope like hell I never NEED to use them.

    Q: "What are your views of the 2nd Amendment?"
    A: The 2nd Amendment was put in place specifically for the average American to protect himself (or herself) from the government. It was written during a time where the king (England) had absolute authority. The creation of the United States worked to put an end to that and the 2nd is part of that protection.

    Furthermore, I am a big supporter of the Florida "Stand your ground" law but, I also support harsher punishment for people who commit crimes with a firearm.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Thanks to everyone giving me their responses! They are really helping and when I showed my teaching she was so excited :smile:
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Im from India but i live in the US.

    In India, my grandfather had 5 rifles and various other guns( i cant name them) on his farms and taught my grandmother how to shoot.
    Then he taught my dad how to hunt and shoot, after my parents got married.

    we dont have guns in our home, but there is a healthy respect for them. Some time, I would like to get a gun too.
    Guns are just instruments. They can be used to harm or to protect. People need to stop blaming things for their own choices.
  • Polymorphist
    My father was a champion skeet shooter so I grew up with mostly shotguns. I learned to shoot skeet at a young age.

    My feeling as that we rely on guns as to much of a crutch for perceived protection. If a gun is on or near you then you might stand a chance at protecting yourself if your home is invaded (or attacked on the street). However, if it is locked away then you have to run to retrieve the firearm and then prepare to defend yourself. Simply put, you might not have time before an invader or attacker gets to you. Then what?

    Firearms sometimes don't always work as expected and during a stressful situation you might not be calm enough to fire accurately. People often think they are prepared to handle a situation and that possessing a firearm makes them tough, but they never really know until an attack occurs. Police officers and military personnel get to practice being in stressful combative situations, most civilians with a firearm do not. Going to the gun range is not enough to build the confidence of handling a life or death situation. Police and military also practice recognition of when and when not to fire such as when there are other people or children in the area.

    I am a big supporter of learning to use your body for self defense. If you lose your firearm somehow during an engagement or run out of ammo, then using your body maybe the only thing you have left. There are also ways for a smaller person to learn to fight off a larger attacker. I'm not sure that relying solely on a firearm is the be all end all of protection and safety.
  • kdcj17
    kdcj17 Posts: 73 Member
    My family and I are strong supporters of guns. In fact, my husband works manufacturing many parts for many guns. I have a huge problem with our gov't trying to decide our 2nd amendment for us. They do NOT have the right. We do not at this time conceal carry, as I don't have my permit. I'm waiting for my husband to go through hunters safety so we can get ours at the same time, I already did when I was 11. Anyways, I live in Idaho, which we have the law on our side to open carry. WE DO! There are places we do NOT open carry, such as State buildings, our kids schools, etc. However, besides that, we both have our handguns and know how and when to use them, god forbid. Holstered on our sides.