Embarrassed when running?

Hi! Here's a little bit about my situation : I love to run. I try to run a few times a week around a lake close by. Whenever I go for a run, I feel like everyone is looking at me, and it makes me not want to go running anymore. The other day I was walking back after a run and people even yelled something at me out of their car window? I don't know what they said.. Anyways, any tips for getting past that embarrassing feeling? I know i'm going to be told to just forget about it and focus on running, but it's hard when you feel like everyone is watching you.


  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    They were probably yelling, "damnn look at that fine person. "

    Yeah sometimes I feel that way.

    It's normal. My advice to you is to keep running.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    It's like going to the gym for the first few times. Everyone always thinks that everyone is starring and thinking things. They really aren't. (Granted you're not one of those person grunting non stop) In reality, take a second and look around, everyone is off in their own little world. People get all worried because they're lifting light weights. Actually the only people being starred at are the ones grabbing too much weight because everyone knows they'll get pinned under it. (More a guy thing) So in your case, as long as your not stumbling around like a drunk, just get out and run because the only ones that care is you.
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I felt that way in the beginning. I started doing couch to 5k and really its just something you have to get past. i completed that program in the fall and will be repeating it as soon as it warms up a bit more in the a.m. I think once you just do it a bit more you will just zone out. I smile and says hi to others when I'm out. don't worry about the random comments put on music and tune them out. I had a comment once but it was an encouraging one it made my day.
  • lqtransformation130
    lqtransformation130 Posts: 85 Member
    Use their comments whether negative or positive as a motivator and keep going!!!!!
  • ilikesitspicy
    ilikesitspicy Posts: 24 Member
    That's okay, I think everyone has felt that way. All you have to do is counteract it and my favorite way is keeping the headphones on with my favorite music. I let myself daydream that I'm winning a race or I'm at a club dancing, and I tend to forget where I am.

    Lately, as I walk through the heavily populated park to get to my running trail, I think that the people who are looking at me are envious that I'm there to work out and not to sit on my *kitten* and eat bbq. And you know what? Some of those people at your lake are probably thinking the same thing :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Keep running. People are looking because someone is running past them, but for the most part their eyes are just following whatever's going on, and they aren't registering it. A lot of the time I'll get people who smile and wave if I notice them. Just ignore anyone negative, because they're stupid.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    They may have shouted something rude to you..but inside they would be secretly impressed..people who stare are jealous. If you wear headphones, crank the music up and look straight ahead..or do what I do..if someone sees me working out and they should something I ask if they want to join in..that usually shuts them up :wink:
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I guess you just have to ask yourself: run and be embarrassed or don't run and don't change you life and become healthier? Honestly, even if they yelled something derogatory and rude, why let some ignorant fools stop you from something good for you that you like? It sucks to feel judged and embarrassed, but 99.9% of the population doesn't give a crap about you running! ;)
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I used to feel like that when I first started, then I had some kids laugh at me one day when I was walking back as I was a sweaty mess. That really knocked my confidence!
    But once you get more into it you don't care and if you go the same times every day you end up recognising everyone (or almost) you see and it will start to be more of a pleasant exchange.
    Also, runners stare at other runners to push themselves, I always try to beat the other people running the same track as me, haha. And they also do it to compare themselves, there is nothing wrong with healthy competition.
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    I know what you mean. I just about had a panic attack the first time I ran outside. I cut my Run short and went home. I tried again and got a hat, sunglasses, ponytail and halo headphones. I wore my sons tshirts cause they are long and covered me and i have gone from wearing the 20 yo to the 18yo and now the 15yo shirts. Time i bought my own gear now. I pretend I am invisible and hug my side of the path and a lot of people wouldn't recognise me. I get in my own zone and just enjoy the feeling of being able to run. I researched good form and worked on putting it into practice. I had trouble looking up in the beginning and was always staring at the ground in front of me. When I looked up the pathway I felt like my heart came up into my throat and I would panic. Eventually I started looking up but it took a while. Now I look up when I run and it is amazing.
    Don't let fear stop you. Be persistent and stick with it. I ran just under 7.5kms tonight and it feels great.
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I always feel self concious when I am doing my warm up walk but when I am actually running I am too focused on making myself carry on to think about it.

    I found getting some proper technical clothing helped (no jiggling here). I also find that most people I make eye contact with give me big smiles - usually dog walkers or other runners who understand the importance of exercise.

    I also had kids yell something at me once but to be honest it didn't bother me for more than a moment - I'd rather be out there improving myself and looking dorky than looking cool and getting more unhealthy.

    I don't know what you look like but I doubt you look so odd that you stand out at all. Even if you do (for some reason), rock it. You're out there setting a good example. That rocks.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i know a lot of people feel this way, i say, screw it, you are doing it for you
    focus on the weather, look at the brighter things in life,
    these people staring, they are saying, gee, i wish i could go and do that.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Those people are Muppets (derogatory term in the UK)!

    If they shouted something insulting, I'm sure they were just on their way to fill their guts with rancid greasy takeaway food and I'm sure are unpleasant characters.

    I've just started running 5k twice a week with a boot camp session in the middle. We quite often get people shouting at us from cars and to be honest they're just idiots who have no drive (only their car), no health goals and quite frankly NO IDEA!

    I just ignore them and remember that I am bettering myself to be the best I can be.
  • TheYoungys
    TheYoungys Posts: 44 Member
    I have had that on occasion and always reminded myself that THEY are walking, sitting or driving their unfit arses around while I am out having fun, staying fit and looking good. They then become much less of a bother. Headphones and some pumping music also makes you feel more like ignoring whatever else is going on! Enjoy and good luck!
  • andreafischer1982
    andreafischer1982 Posts: 36 Member
    I am started running just a few weeks ago and in the beginning i run just when it was dark outside because i am just a beginner and then i thought hell NO!!!
    At least i run and do something for me - the people who walk by and give strange look i don't give a F**** i am running for me to feel better and to have fun and i don't care what other think!!!
    In a few weeks i will be better and fitter and the poor people will thin omg why i haven't started running.

    Don't let others kill your devotion for RUNNING
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    Not gonna repeat what everyone already said here...some good stuff....but you have a middle finger for a reason and if people are yelling crap at you, I urge you to use the universal symbol to tell them how you really feel....and keep on running!
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    Do you listen to music when running? I find it helps me zone out other people.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    What specifically are you embarrassed for?
    Most people are probably just in shock from seeing someone running. I know i would look and be like "I wish i could run" hahaha
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Put on your mp3 player and go to your happy place. The vast majority of people out there don't even notice you running, and don't care. The ones who do, and are screaming at you are losers. Who cares! Do your thing and enjoy yourself.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    How do you think people feel when they get in shape and they have all sorts of out of shape people putting them down for going to the gym and eating a balanced diet? It never ends.... if you dont want people to be ****s you need to have an average physique that doesnt intimidate them or make them feel better than you...

    set a short goal and achieve it.. set lots of them... distance goals.. time goals... lifting goals.. weight loss goals... goals outside of fitness... anything you can achieve in a reasonable amount of time (month or less) and build on.... set realistic goals so that even if you fall short of perfections you still succeed... Strive to get better.... People have said that setting a large goal, when really overweight, is helpful.. I have trouble believing thats good fro most... If people are ****ting on your confidence you need to feel like you've achieved something and just keep truckin.

    set up a rewards program with indulgences that you get for achieving goals.... itll help you to not overindulge if you know exactly what it is your going to have weeks prior...

    If you hate your body image and are uncomfortable with it dont expect this mean world to coddle you and make you feel good about yourself.. Its never going to happen... People are mean... At least you are doing something.

    wear headphones... go cycling..... do whatever you've gotta do....

    are you doing this for you or just so people see a different you? If you keep doing it for everyone else its gonna be hard to succeed because its gonna take a lot of time to get there...