Embarrassed when running?



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    The only person that can look after you is you so ignore the jerks and keep doing it! They are worthless, they don't care about anyone else but themselves. Concentrate on you. We'll be here if you need to talk and you are doing amazing things!!!! Are they? No.
  • Angel03744
    Angel03744 Posts: 74 Member
    Ignore them, Concentrate on your running.

    I smile at people on my run, Makes everyones day brighter.
    When I see " Larger" people running, I think to myself GOOD FOR THEM!, I was once that person and like me, Atleast they are doing something about there weight instead of moaning about it!! ( I'm still not small in size, But I bet I can out run somone 1/2 my size and age lol - I run 4 miles per day )
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I used to have the same thing, when I would jog, if I would see people coming towards me on the path, I would stop and walk, and then pick back up after they passed by. I was ashamed of them seeing my 300 pound body jiggling, me puffing, my bright red face... I was just ashamed of myself.

    As my runs became easier (easy is hardly the word, but easier for sure) I felt my self confidence build and my mindset change. It was no longer about them and what they were thinking, it was about me. It was about what I wanted and what I needed for my own health. I needed that movement. I needed that exercise. I wanted it and nobody was going to take that from me.

    I started speaking more positively to myself and the rest pretty much fell into place. I got over that "what in the hell have I done to myself" pity party and started being kind and noticing the good things I was doing. I was saying things like "look at how far you can go now, last week you would have had to stop by now". I focused on myself and what I was doing. I imagined the people I was passing were IMPRESSED by my action I was taking to better myself and my life. I felt that they were on my side, cheering me on, even if it was internally.

    It takes courage to put yourself out there. It takes guts, strength and power. You have that and nobody can shout that away from you or steal it from you, unless you let them. Don't let them. It's within you to keep moving.
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member

    “Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    Loads of good advice already given.

    Remember that you're running for yourself and it doesn't matter one iota what other people think.

    I also get people shouting stuff at me when out running and it makes me so angry (as it's always men), what gives them the right to interfere with me trying to do something that's going to improve my life. So now instead of getting angry, I just shout back at them! Usually stuff like 'come on then, why don't you join me?' or 'think you can do better?' - ok, so that could be asking for trouble but they are usually so shocked that I've had the nerve to say anything back that it shuts them up!

    Don't be embarrassed, be proud and run tall!
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I look like a rock star when I run, everyone does. Make sure you give them a little wave and a nod of acknowledgement as you go by, wouldn't want to let the fans down :smokin:
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    I was riding my bike home from work one night and had someone yell that I should get a job. Funny thing is, my car was far nicer than his.

    Regardless, no one is watching you. And if they are, don't let someone else dictate your life. You want to run, run.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Hi! Here's a little bit about my situation : I love to run. I try to run a few times a week around a lake close by. Whenever I go for a run, I feel like everyone is looking at me, and it makes me not want to go running anymore. The other day I was walking back after a run and people even yelled something at me out of their car window? I don't know what they said.. Anyways, any tips for getting past that embarrassing feeling? I know i'm going to be told to just forget about it and focus on running, but it's hard when you feel like everyone is watching you.

    Are you really hot and run in skimpy clothes?

    No one is looking at you.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Well apart from the scary people hiding in the dark corners
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Just ignore it, most people stare because they can't do it and wish they had the dedication to run and get into or stay in shape. Ignore people yelling from cars they're probably on their way to some fast food place to get a double heart attack burger and butt jiggly milkshake
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,713 Member
    if i run, i run at 4am.
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    If i see someone running, I either think:

    1: You are mental, its minus 3 outside! or
    2: Well done love, you are the same size as me and running in public, I wish I was that brave!

    I am scared to start because I don't want people watching me, which I know is silly, they wont be watching!
    At the gym I have my earphones in and don't acknowledge anyone else unless they come right up to me and start talking (so far only once, and it was a PT asking if I wanted to hire him)
  • HonoriaLucasta
    HonoriaLucasta Posts: 24 Member
    Skeezy fools yelling at you out of cars is a rite of passage. Congratulations, you're a real runner now. :)
  • kalliope0705
    I hope this doesn't sound super condescending or ridiculous but this is the thought that helps me get off my butt and face down the embarrassment of jogging around a track in a three hundred pound frame: "There are a lot of people in this world who will never be able to do this again." My gym houses a sports therapy and physical rehabilitation center and every day that I go there I witness first hand people with real disabilities, people who have lost limbs or motor function, people crippled by age or arthritis. When I see them pushing past their own limitations it makes me think that I need to stop whining and keep moving toward my own goal.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    When I started running I did it at 6 a.m. in the near-dark, silly me!
    Now that I've run many years, many marathons---I realize, NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU!
    Or if they are, they are in awe, amazed and proud of you for getting out there.
    The idea that people are watching or care is an excuse....and probably old junior high fears.
    Tell yourself:
    1) Everyone wants me to succeed.
    2) Nothing, no excuses are going to hold me back from achieving my optimum health.

  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hi! Here's a little bit about my situation : I love to run. I try to run a few times a week around a lake close by. Whenever I go for a run, I feel like everyone is looking at me, and it makes me not want to go running anymore. The other day I was walking back after a run and people even yelled something at me out of their car window? I don't know what they said.. Anyways, any tips for getting past that embarrassing feeling? I know i'm going to be told to just forget about it and focus on running, but it's hard when you feel like everyone is watching you.

    of course they are watching you and yelling things at you. they are watching because they are thinking DAMN!!!!! i wish that was ME. and the ones yelling are just yelling the things the watchers are thinking. :)

    IF they are watching you it's most likely because they are a) runners themselves and are watching your form, b) not actually watching but just mindlessly staring off into space and well you happen to be in the space c) checking out what you are wearing d) thinking i wish i could do that.

    as for anyone that yells something F THEM! jealousy gets you no where in life and if you are yelling unkind things at me while i'm doing something i enjoy very much it is out of jealousy you yell things at me.

    the only time i have ever felt i was being watched was during a race. I had to stop and rest (sadly i was unprepared for the race) and the woman behind me ran up to me and said don't stop i'm keeping pace with you. LOL! she ended up beating me because i was SO UNPREPARED for the race but it felt good knowing someone was using me to keep pace. :)

    now get out run and the next time you feel like someone is watching wave hello to them. :)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Put the headphones in and disappear into your world. Just make sure to keep your eyes on the road. So many people get this feeling both in the gym and while outside. It's just a matter of you finally realizing that you're doing this for you, and that nothing else matters. It will click. Give it time.
  • jjuullzz
    jjuullzz Posts: 33 Member
    I felt that way too! Especially at the gym. I thought people were looking at my treadmill thinking "She's ONLY running at 5.2?" But then I thought, hey, whatever! At least I'm trying... And I'm kicking everyone's butt who's sitting at home on the couch!

    I have run several 5k's and even a 10k (not super fast, mind you). But they are awesome! There are people at all stages doing races. And it makes you feel good to see that everyone is just out there doing the best they can. It's a super positive feeling, and really motivating. Especially the people who are rock stars and push it to the absolute limit!
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Hi! Here's a little bit about my situation : I love to run. I try to run a few times a week around a lake close by. Whenever I go for a run, I feel like everyone is looking at me, and it makes me not want to go running anymore. The other day I was walking back after a run and people even yelled something at me out of their car window? I don't know what they said.. Anyways, any tips for getting past that embarrassing feeling? I know i'm going to be told to just forget about it and focus on running, but it's hard when you feel like everyone is watching you.

    Just remember you are running to improve YOUR life. SCREW THEM. Most people who would judge you from a car window have never put one foot infront of the other to run. Other runners probably aren't judging you - THEY know what it takes to make yourself get off the couch and try to improve. There are always going to be people slimmer, faster and fitter than you... but, you know what? With every step you take you're becoming slimmer, faster and fitter than others. Keep your head up and remember other people's opinions don't matter and do nothing for your success. Don't let your mind conquer you body.
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    I had this actually happen to me once and even though I had earbuds in, I heard what they said. They were laughing and saying "JIGGLE JIGGLE". It brought me right back to grade school and being an overweight kid being bullied. :(

    Then I got MAD. I got so mad. First off, who were they to be judging ME? They were just standing around, smoking, and didn't look like anything special to me. I was the one running, working to better myself, they probably wouldn't even be able to keep up with me! It hurt, but the anger made me more resolved to prove that I could do it and I wasn't doing it to look good for anyone else. They could go **** themselves! LOL...guess I still have a little anger in there about it! ;)

    I don't worry about it now, I've lost quite a bit of weight and I can run longer than ever and feel fantastic when I run. NO ONE can take that from me. That power and joy that you can get from running, it's not something that anyone can take from you. Keep running! :)