Emotional Breakdown at Yoga



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never tried the hot yoga because I tend to get faint if I get too hot, but I totally feel your pain with yoga in general. I am not very flexible and very uncoordinated. I literally fall over trying to get in some of the positions. I'm currently doing Turbo Fire and I cringe every time I see Stretch 40 on the schedule.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So tonight, I tried Yoga for the first time in my life. It was hot yoga - Bikram.
    I am overweight at 190lbs and 5 foot 7 and very unflexible. I usually do bootcamp, run, crosstrainer, body weight exercises (callisthenics), Turbo Fire, etc. Never anything like yoga.

    So I read up on tips, I ate light before the class, and drank lots of water before hand.

    However, oh my god, I have never felt as useless at something in my life. It really highlighted how overweight I am, certain stretches were impossible and I could actually feel my body fat at my sides. I could probably do 20% of the positions, and those 20% I could only do a very basic version of them. I sat out a lot as I kept feeling sick. The Bikram teacher kept (kindly) correcting me and calling things out to me in the class which made me feel worse. It got to a certain point, and I know it sounds stupid, but I had the overwhelming urge to cry.

    I know, pathetic, I seriously have issues with crying and cannot cry at things that affect me personally usually, and so the feeling of crying was really strange to me.

    Can anyone share their thoughts with me on this as I'm really confused about what caused this weird emotion over reaction.

    Honesty...a hot Bikram class was not a good starting point. It's more for an experienced yogi not a first timer. I would try again with a beginners yoga class....NO HEAT INVOLVED. Here's the thing about yoga....it's a very individual practice...not a competition. In a beginners class they'll focus on that and ease you into the poses. Also an excellent DVD to try on your own is Yogaworks beginners am/pm.....basic but hits all the classic poses.:flowerforyou:
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    Bikram is not really the right type of yoga for beginners. It's really hard, even for people who have been doing yoga for years. Maybe switch to a beginner's course without all the heat and humidity?

    No one is great the first time they do any type of yoga, so please don't be discouraged! You just need to find the right class for you!
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I disagree with those saying that you need a beginner class - I jumped into an intermediate (but not hot) yoga class and loved it because it challenged me, and I would rather do 20% of something hard than 100% of something easy.

    That said, you may want to look into a different teacher. Some teachers call you out in class, some correct you individually, some are fast paced, some focus on certain areas, etc. Yoga for me is frustrating with a certain kind of teacher, and great with one that matches my style. My advice would be to try a few more times, keep your mind open, but if it is still frustrating try a class with a different teacher and see what you think.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I so identify with you!! I've been doing yoga via DVD in my hotel room but decided to try a class today. I was in tears AT THE BEGINNING... while we were still sitting on our mats... before we'd even BEGUN poses.

    Edit: I went and wrote a blog about this... I'm glad I could still edit this post to add the link, and I hope you folks will take a look: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/JanieJack/view/crocodile-tears-during-power-yoga-520349