Losing weight to get back at an ex.



  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    When my ex wife dumped me she told me "you are too fat to have sex with" (mind you, I was 5'11" and 200lbs at the time). I was already in the midst of losing weight (down 10 at that point), so I just continued to lose the weight for myself. I'm lucky I haven't had to see her or deal with her in 3 years, but as a whole, I could care less what she thinks and now I'm trying to lose weight (I gained 40 or so in about a year) I have now for myself and nobody else. I miss the energy I used to have and I want that back.

    If you were too fat to her, I must be a whale....lol

    Agreed. 200 lbs at 5'11" is not fat, unless you literally had all of it in your belly. I spent most of my life well over 200 lbs and I am 5'7". Hell I am 189 now at 5'7" and look pretty good. I am thinking it wasn't your weight. You are better off without her. Keep up the attitude.

    Haha, oh it wasn't just that, but that was definitely a factor, she was a crazy health nut and I was not. I know I'm for the better and she did me the biggest favor anyone has ever done for me. The two best things to ever happen to me were getting dumped by her and getting laid off by my old company, both taught me valuable lessons and got me out of situations I wasn't happy in. And I've greatly improved in both aspects since then.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Ive constantly had issues with my body, I was a size UK 12 when I broke up with my ex a few years ago and he constantly called me fat after we broke up, he would tell me I wouldnt get anyone else because of my weight etc, unfortunetly because I had insecurities I believed him and just stopped eating, became ill and had A LOT of health problems! Then I met my current partner (an amazing man!) who restored all of my faith in myself and made me realise if I want to lose weight I have to do it for me! And here I am, not giving two sh*ts about my horrible ex, who, hasnt had a girlfriend since me! Karma is a *****!

    You are a beautiful gal. I hope he is biting his knuckles anytime he passes you on the street!
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    I admit there's a part of me that wants to toss a little revenge in my weight loss as well.

    My ex is 6 feet under so "getting back" is not the reason but the memory of standing in sexy lace and heels infront of him and being told his upcoming raid on WoW was more important left a destinctive mark.

    I guess you can say that I found my inner "Frankly my Dear I don't give a D@mn" voice and I use it to take charge of own life.

    However, I would love to get to my healthy weight and go to a high school reunion on a motorcycle and make the HS jocks wet themselves at the sight of the shy fat girl they bullied those years ago :)

    Yes, that revenge would be sweet.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    My ex used it as an excuse.... I had two babies in two years and was still nursing our 10 month old... He told me I wasn't attractive anymore. I looked at him like he was alien and told him that the weight would come off when I finished nursing in a couple of months... He proceeded to tell me, it wouldn't matter, cause I would always be "big"... what he meant to say is he found someone he thought was cuter to sleep with.

    I stopped nursing a month after our split and 4 months later had lost the 40 extra pounds to weigh the same as pre-pregnancy from our first baby (but am a size smaller because I started lifting when the baby was 6 months old which has made me in much better shape).

    Now I am thinner than his "girlfriend"... and am having the time of my life dating handsome, successful men who don't mind the fact that I am "big".. which is code for tall (5'10) and athletic.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    If I saw you with sexy lace and heels on, I would pass out from over excitment.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Better to lose weight to get back at an ex, that to do it to get an ex back.

    We, should be best friends.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    My ex used it as an excuse.... I had two babies in two years and was still nursing our 10 month old... He told me I wasn't attractive anymore. I looked at him like he was alien and told him that the weight would come off when I finished nursing in a couple of months... He proceeded to tell me, it wouldn't matter, cause I would always be "big"... what he meant to say is he found someone he thought was cuter to sleep with.

    I stopped nursing a month after our split and 4 months later had lost the 40 extra pounds to weigh the same as pre-pregnancy from our first baby (but am a size smaller because I started lifting when the baby was 6 months old which has made me in much better shape).

    Now I am thinner than his "girlfriend"... and am having the time of my life dating handsome, successful men who don't mind the fact that I am "big".. which is code for tall (5'10) and athletic.

    Thats what I am talking about. I bet you got a line....Hottie
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    My ex used it as an excuse.... I had two babies in two years and was still nursing our 10 month old... He told me I wasn't attractive anymore. I looked at him like he was alien and told him that the weight would come off when I finished nursing in a couple of months... He proceeded to tell me, it wouldn't matter, cause I would always be "big"... what he meant to say is he found someone he thought was cuter to sleep with.

    I stopped nursing a month after our split and 4 months later had lost the 40 extra pounds to weigh the same as pre-pregnancy from our first baby (but am a size smaller because I started lifting when the baby was 6 months old which has made me in much better shape).

    Now I am thinner than his "girlfriend"... and am having the time of my life dating handsome, successful men who don't mind the fact that I am "big".. which is code for tall (5'10) and athletic.

    Oh my lord, that first paragraph about made me cry. I know how that feels. I was a week overdue with my second baby and I was doing my best to get my husband to have sex so Maybe I would go into labor. I even had the OB/GYN write a "prescription" for sex. Al I could ever get from him was an eye roll and a limp biscuit, and some nasty remarks about my looks. Glad you went on to do better than your ex!
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    When my ex wife dumped me she told me "you are too fat to have sex with" (mind you, I was 5'11" and 200lbs at the time). I was already in the midst of losing weight (down 10 at that point), so I just continued to lose the weight for myself. I'm lucky I haven't had to see her or deal with her in 3 years, but as a whole, I could care less what she thinks and now I'm trying to lose weight (I gained 40 or so in about a year) I have now for myself and nobody else. I miss the energy I used to have and I want that back.

    That's messed up. I wouldn't care what she thinks either.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I am with a wonderful man who finds me attractive as I am, so why would I care what an ex thought? I will admit that I'm trying to be more attractive in general though.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    if your trying to get back at an ex either
    A. your not over them, and your theory is right!
    B. just perhaps you didnt think they thought you were fat and you want to show off what the missed out on :p (hell maybe they were the ones holding you back) my husband has done that lol

    could go both ways i see :)...i love your car analogy!
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Do it for YOU. In the end you'll out live them... THAT'S the ultimate revenge. LOL
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    That used to be my motivation, but when it was, I could never stick to a program/life style change...the motivation has to be so much larger & deeper than that and I am so thankful I've matured beyond that point!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    Don't ever lose weight because of an ex- lose weight because of a potential. Why not start a new relationship in the best mood, the best body, and with the best start. The ex already sucks, why make them feel like poo too? YOU deserve better, always about the future. always.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Did you post this thread so you could tell a bunch of women how hot you think they are, now that their ex is out of the picture?
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    My marriage didn't end because of my weight. However, there's a little part of me that can't wait until I see him next so he can see how smokin' I am and be reminded, yet again, of how badly he screwed up in letting me walk away, even though I have absolutely ZERO interest in him personally! LOL :laugh:

    I'm happily remarried to a guy who thought I was smokin' hot before I lost the weight, but I think digs the body even more with the weight loss. I'm FAR more concerned about how he feels about me. :flowerforyou:

    You are smokin with that gun.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    My ex used it as an excuse.... I had two babies in two years and was still nursing our 10 month old... He told me I wasn't attractive anymore. I looked at him like he was alien and told him that the weight would come off when I finished nursing in a couple of months... He proceeded to tell me, it wouldn't matter, cause I would always be "big"... what he meant to say is he found someone he thought was cuter to sleep with.

    I stopped nursing a month after our split and 4 months later had lost the 40 extra pounds to weigh the same as pre-pregnancy from our first baby (but am a size smaller because I started lifting when the baby was 6 months old which has made me in much better shape).

    Now I am thinner than his "girlfriend"... and am having the time of my life dating handsome, successful men who don't mind the fact that I am "big".. which is code for tall (5'10) and athletic.

    NOW this is flippin awsome! No man should have ever said that, esp in your circumstances! If your life better now, then maybe it was worth losing that a**hole :)
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Did you post this thread so you could tell a bunch of women how hot you think they are, now that their ex is out of the picture?

    Hmmm, I guess I can see why it would look that way but no. Just reponding, some of them are in relationships. Do you want me to call you hot too.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Don't ever lose weight because of an ex- lose weight because of a potential. Why not start a new relationship in the best mood, the best body, and with the best start. The ex already sucks, why make them feel like poo too? YOU deserve better, always about the future. always.

  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Do it for YOU. In the end you'll out live them... THAT'S the ultimate revenge. LOL
