Gear Question for serious runners? Nike + GPS or Garmin?



  • I know this was posted a while ago, but in searching for some running related info I came across this post and felt compelled to reply.

    I have recently bought a new Garmin Forerunner 620 after having done two half marathons last year and wanting to get more serious about running - to track my heart rate and get some more information to help me analyse my runs. Before this I had started off using Nike+ (initially with a sensor attached to my shoe laces an later with GPS). I've tried Runkeeper and have moved onto Strava, using all the forementioned smartphone GPS apps.

    Having done about a month's worth of runs I have noticed the accuracy of the GPS apps on my smartphone is quite a long way inaccurate. When using these apps/sites I have regularly checked my runs to see if the maps of my runs looked ok and they did seem to be generally ok, but after using my Garmin for a month I was shocked at how inaccurate they were. I do a 10km run quite regularly and on my first run with my Garmin it was about 1km short. I was shocked. I wasn't expecting great accuracy from the GPS apps, but a 10% difference was just kidding me into thinking I was doing much better than I was.

    So my advice is if like me anyone is wanted to get more serious about their running it is a no brainer to get a Garmin. If you aren't too worried about distance accuracy and are just wanting to track heart rate then getting a HR strap compatible with the app you are using. This is cheaper and I did consider this.

    Lastly it is possible to upload data to Nike+ from Garmin using the Garmin to Nike+ converter and uploader tool which can be found at Having previously used Nike+ I still wanted to get my data onto the site, but didn't want to have to use their apps to get the data there. I now upload to Garmin connect (and Strava through a PC via a USB lead) from where I can export or push my data wherever I want. I don't think you can export your data from Nike+ and this closed ecosphere in technology I find very limiting, especially if there is some analysis you want to do, but isn't available on the Nike+ site. Nike also seem to be very connected with Apple with updates only appearing on Android a lot later - fine if you use iPhone, but not so great if you don't want to have to spend a fortune on your smartphone. For this reason I'll never buy Nike technology products again. Garmin have a long history of making satnav and running tracking products and for this reason I'd always choos Garmin over Nike's newer watch (which looks more like design over content). The Garmin watch is a little clunky and I was thinking of waiting for a smartwatch to come out that would combine accuracy with smartphone OS type functionality and ease of use, but I think that is a year or so off so for now I think the Garmin is the best option out there.

    I hope this helps anyone reading this to make a decision on whether to go for Garmin over Nike+ GPS (or other smartphone apps). It's just my opinion, but I did try and research this as you spend quite an amount of money and I wanted to know what the options were before making my choice.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,293 Member
    I got the nike+ shoe sensor because the GPS in my area was bad (or the phone I had at the time) and it was comparatively cheap.
    Now I am looking for new apps / equipment and both Garmin and wahoo looks good (want an app that does heart rate and cadence via shoe sensor) but I am too cheap to buy any of it yet...
    +1 on always taking a phone.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I've had the same Garmin Forerunner 205 watch for years. It's been awesome for me.. Even after being several years old, it still lasts for 4+ hours on my long runs. I only paid $105 for mine new several years ago. Not all Garmin's are expensive.. just the ones with all the bells a whistles. I just wanted one that told me Pace, Distance, and Total time. It works wonderfully for me.