(Diabetic) *kitten* Up in the Garden



  • Barbsunshine
    We had a beautiful Saturday and Sunday, spent both days in the new garden planting onions! We also went to a few stores and purchased kale, lettuce, brocolli and seeds for beets...we've never grown beets before so it'll be an adventure!
  • nick64quandry
    nick64quandry Posts: 20 Member
    i am not a gardener and i am borderline
  • Barbsunshine
    I guess I should have added that my husband is Type II. His blood sugar has been running great since he's added many more fruits and vegetables to his diet.
  • wannchef
    wannchef Posts: 8
    Well we have just a little more than frost this season. Snow and freezing rain today. :) Have started my seeds in a small green house acclimating them in a cold frame.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    I love my garden (new-to-me as of July 2012), and while I'm not diabetic, I do have sugar-issues.

    I have hypoglycemia - never officially diagnosed, but if I don't eat regularly I get cranky, impaired judgement, and then want to pass out.

    I wish I had more time to garden. I take a sign language class once a week, and help officiate my local roller derby league twice a week. Plus I work 40 hours a week! Most of my gardening happens on the weekend - and even then if I have a busy derby weekend I don't have the time/energy to get much done.

    My big project right now is to take the giant pile of compost I had delivered out of my driveway and spread it around all my planting/flower beds in my front yard. I'm hoping to get that done on Sunday (Saturday morning too, if the rain holds off).

    ETA: I'm currently growing Asparagus, Artichoke, Sugar Snap Peas, and Broccoli. When the weather warms up a bit more, I'm going to plant carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, and probably a few other things. We also have 3 apple trees, a pear tree, 1 Cornelian Cherry, and a Persimmon.