Low carb diet plan



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    How about just low GI/GL foods with the occasional high GL. If you like to eat everything. I was reading about it and found that I was eating that way anyway. Which explains my decent health for most of my life. Could be because my mom is diabetic and I just picked up her eating and her foods, lol. Either way, it's super EASY and healthy.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    It is not a good idea to do any "Low Carb Diet Plan", there are so many complications in going this route. Your brain needs carbohydrates to function. They also provide energy and help you to feel more satiated.
    There is a definite mood association with restricting them.
    Also, there can be long term health cons from restricting carbs. Typical "Low Carb" diets encourage the consumption of foods which tend to be higher in fats and proteins. If you get too much protein, your kidneys have to work harder to eliminate the extra waste products. It can also cause a condition called "Ketosis" which is the buildup of acidic substances that the kidneys fail to eliminate.
    Also, eating all of those saturated fats can cause the usual ailments they are associated with later in life such as Heart Disease, plaque in the arteries and blood pressure issues. You will also feel very fatigued and not have as much energy for workouts which are key to weight loss.
    When you are attempting to build muscle, upping your protein is always helpful and usually a good idea, but you should also balance with complex carbohydrates. Any "diet" that says anything should be eliminated is not only dangerous and ineffective, but could never be followed long term. And if you research anyone who has followed this type of program, while they may have success up front, the weight is almost always re-gained and sometimes in excess once normal habits return. I would strongly encourage you to reconsider this decision. If you need more guidance on nutrition, I would be happy to message you offline.

    My jaw is just left hanging from all the misinformation in this post. OP, just skip past this one.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    To answer your original post, I would suggest you check out www.marksdailyapple.com
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    OP, find a way of eating that works for YOU and that YOU can stick with period. You will find evidence for and against every diet out there. Low carb, low fat, high fat, raw, vegan, paleo, and so on and so forth. Just find what works for you. You don't need to cut any food group out to reach your goals unless you have an intolerance or a medical reason for doing so. In the long run it will be more beneficial to you to find the way of eating that you are happy to do long term. Consistency is the best tool to reach our fitness goals IMO. Just make sure you aren't under eating.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    OP, find a way of eating that works for YOU and that YOU can stick with period. You will find evidence for and against every diet out there. Low carb, low fat, high fat, raw, vegan, paleo, and so on and so forth. Just find what works for you. You don't need to cut any food group out to reach your goals unless you have an intolerance or a medical reason for doing so. In the long run it will be more beneficial to you to find the way of eating that you are happy to do long term. Consistency is the best tool to reach our fitness goals IMO. Just make sure you aren't under eating.

    This is sage advice. Whether you are restricting carbs, or restricting calories, returning to your 'old" ways of eating will derail both plans. I PERSONALLY find that eating carbs that come from bread or cereal (yes, even whole grains) trigger cravings for more, so I choose to restrict those types of carbs. It's all about setting yourself up to succeed IN THE LONG RUN. I can more readily give up carbs and sugar vs fat, and so that's why I follow a low carb plan. The fat curbs cravings, and it's good for my heart. Win.
  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    Try a recipe club, lots of things on there and also can look for diabetic cooking too, we have to watch our carbs daily so learning how much carbs we eat is a big thing. I love Food.com and Justapinch recipes