The conspiracy to make (and keep us) fat...



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I can't believe that people don't think that these food companies want to make us fat! Of course they do!

    Fat people need more calories. You make their stomach bigger, you can move more product and make more money.

    It's in their best interest for everyone to have a very large stomach.

    I don't think you understand how stomachs or metabolism work...

    Oh for crap's sake! It's an expression, "large stomach." It just means "eats a lot," "has a big appetite."

    Most people don't burn 1000+ calories a day in exercise, most people who overeat are overweight.

    Did you get my point or were you completely distracted by my use of the word stomach? :D
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It's sad that so many Americans believe a free market produces the best product/lowest price when in reality what it produces is the most profitable products.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's sad that so many Americans believe a free market produces the best product/lowest price when in reality what it produces is the most profitable products.

    I believe it...but then I also consider myself an educated consumer who makes reasonably optimal choices in the products I buy.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    *tap dances* Tah dah!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    It's sad that so many Americans believe a free market produces the best product/lowest price when in reality what it produces is the most profitable products.

    I believe it...but then I also consider myself an educated consumer who makes reasonably optimal choices in the products I buy.

    Reasonably optimal?! Oxymoron, optimal being the highest possible degree.
    In for Big Pharma scaremongering and possible mentions of African Killer Bees and Hitler. (done and done)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I can't believe that people don't think that these food companies want to make us fat! Of course they do!

    Fat people need more calories. You make their stomach bigger, you can move more product and make more money.

    It's in their best interest for everyone to have a very large stomach.

    I don't think you understand how stomachs or metabolism work...

    Oh for crap's sake! It's an expression, "large stomach." It just means "eats a lot," "has a big appetite."

    Most people don't burn 1000+ calories a day in exercise, most people who overeat are overweight.

    Did you get my point or were you completely distracted by my use of the word stomach? :D

    I haven't heard that expression before. I thought you literally meant eating a large volume of food would permanently increase the size of the stomach.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    I read "It Starts With Food" and it made sense to me. I started eating "Paleo" over a month ago, and feel better for it and love the choice and how delicious my food is. I've always loved cooking, have my own herb garden, and for me, eating (mostly organic) protein and lots of veggies with healthy fruits/nuts/oils has made me feel so much better than eating "reduced fat/fat free/low calorie" food. I'm not craving sugar, dairy or grains, my hair and skin looks and feels healthier, and it really is sustainable. That's what I'm's working for me and I'm not stuffing myself. It may not be for everyone, but the less I buy into the "diet" stuff, the processed stuff and the GMO crap the better off I am.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's sad that so many Americans believe a free market produces the best product/lowest price when in reality what it produces is the most profitable products.

    I believe it...but then I also consider myself an educated consumer who makes reasonably optimal choices in the products I buy.

    Reasonably optimal?! Oxymoron, optimal being the highest possible degree.
    In for Big Pharma scaremongering and possible mentions of African Killer Bees and Hitler. (done and done)

    It was unqualified at first, but realized how presumptuous it sounded that I would always make the optimal choice, so I qualified it to mean something close to optimal, but not always absolutely optimal.

    Sorry that you considered my post suboptimal.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I haven't heard that expression before. I thought you literally meant eating a large volume of food would permanently increase the size of the stomach.

    LOL :D

    No, that's not what I meant!

    I just mean that the more people overeat, the fatter they get, the more food they will consume (their calorie needs become larger). I'm sure that the industry uses this to their advantage, if you "trick" people into overeating ( even at a cost like supersizing meals for 10 cents) you will eventually have more business because those people's calorie needs (and food consumption) will grow.

    The fact of the matter is that they have a vested interest in the fatness of the average American.
  • JEG2012
    JEG2012 Posts: 158
    um, hi! I was just talking about this at work; after losing close to 80 lbs, i went to walmart for some new clothes. (something cheap since i am continuing to lose, lol) anyways, noticed that i fit size 8-10, when 5 years ago at this weight i was a 12-14. i think clothing sizes have changed to make people feel better, but i think maybe people don't realize, (or want to realize) they are getting bigger. Society is really against losing weight...i dont usually buy into conspiracy theories, but weight management is a billion dollar business, just saying.

    I totally get what you're saying.... 30 yrs ago I sewed my own wedding dress, a perfect size 12 Vogue, not one adjustment and I weighed 135 lbs. How is it when I weighed 175 a month ago I could still fit in a 12??? Who is the garment industry trying to fool?
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    It's sad that so many Americans believe a free market produces the best product/lowest price when in reality what it produces is the most profitable products.

    I believe it...but then I also consider myself an educated consumer who makes reasonably optimal choices in the products I buy.

    Reasonably optimal?! Oxymoron, optimal being the highest possible degree.
    In for Big Pharma scaremongering and possible mentions of African Killer Bees and Hitler. (done and done)

    It was unqualified at first, but realized how presumptuous it sounded that I would always make the optimal choice, so I qualified it to mean something close to optimal, but not always absolutely optimal.

    Sorry that you considered my post suboptimal.

    Not so! I consider your post and your optimal food choices to be superlative and really most impressive. *Flower for you* *You're so pretty* *other such niceties*
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's sad that so many Americans believe a free market produces the best product/lowest price when in reality what it produces is the most profitable products.

    I believe it...but then I also consider myself an educated consumer who makes reasonably optimal choices in the products I buy.

    Reasonably optimal?! Oxymoron, optimal being the highest possible degree.
    In for Big Pharma scaremongering and possible mentions of African Killer Bees and Hitler. (done and done)

    It was unqualified at first, but realized how presumptuous it sounded that I would always make the optimal choice, so I qualified it to mean something close to optimal, but not always absolutely optimal.

    Sorry that you considered my post suboptimal.

    Not so! I consider your post and your optimal food choices to be superlative and really most impressive. *Flower for you* *You're so pretty* *other such niceties*

    In that case, I retract all of the really awful, terrible things that I thought (but never actually typed or said aloud) about you a few minutes ago.


    PS: And it's true, I feel pretty...oh so pretty.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    you realize of course that liberalism and fascism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, yes?

    Nope. Liberalism is opposite conservatism. Both assume moderate government power, but allocate the power differently.

    The opposite of fascism would be anarchism, they're on a completely different spectrum from liberal/conservative and are more related to the amount of power invested in hierarchy.

    well ok if you want to get technical. but if you were putting ALL of them on one line it would go (simplifying a bit obviously):


    my only point was that facism is closer to conservatism than liberalism.

    lol, no!

    You can be a liberal fascist, or a conservative anarchist but you can't be a conservative liberal or a fascist anarchist.

    Wow, could we derail the thread anymore? :o

    It was well worth it though, the über-quoter turned silent haha.
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    Food Matters is also a great movie. I am all for organic fresh food, but still ok to eat most any food anywhere in moderation.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    you realize of course that liberalism and fascism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, yes?

    Nope. Liberalism is opposite conservatism. Both assume moderate government power, but allocate the power differently.

    The opposite of fascism would be anarchism, they're on a completely different spectrum from liberal/conservative and are more related to the amount of power invested in hierarchy.

    well ok if you want to get technical. but if you were putting ALL of them on one line it would go (simplifying a bit obviously):


    my only point was that facism is closer to conservatism than liberalism.

    lol, no!

    You can be a liberal fascist, or a conservative anarchist but you can't be a conservative liberal or a fascist anarchist.

    Wow, could we derail the thread anymore? :o
    edited because I don't know jack **** about this stuff
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    you realize of course that liberalism and fascism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, yes?

    Nope. Liberalism is opposite conservatism. Both assume moderate government power, but allocate the power differently.

    The opposite of fascism would be anarchism, they're on a completely different spectrum from liberal/conservative and are more related to the amount of power invested in hierarchy.

    well ok if you want to get technical. but if you were putting ALL of them on one line it would go (simplifying a bit obviously):


    my only point was that facism is closer to conservatism than liberalism.

    lol, no!

    You can be a liberal fascist, or a conservative anarchist but you can't be a conservative liberal or a fascist anarchist.

    Wow, could we derail the thread anymore? :o

    It was well worth it though, the über-quoter turned silent haha.

    yes! more people to quote!

    i SOMETIMES have things to do. this was one of those times. :happy:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    you realize of course that liberalism and fascism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, yes?

    Nope. Liberalism is opposite conservatism. Both assume moderate government power, but allocate the power differently.

    The opposite of fascism would be anarchism, they're on a completely different spectrum from liberal/conservative and are more related to the amount of power invested in hierarchy.

    well ok if you want to get technical. but if you were putting ALL of them on one line it would go (simplifying a bit obviously):


    my only point was that facism is closer to conservatism than liberalism.

    lol, no!

    You can be a liberal fascist, or a conservative anarchist but you can't be a conservative liberal or a fascist anarchist.

    Wow, could we derail the thread anymore? :o

    edited because i don't know jack **** about this stuff.

    double edit... very confused how this last string of posting went down... whatever.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206

    edited because i don't know jack **** about this stuff.

    Never stopped you before.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    I find this thread very interesting, some brought out some thought provoking points. I believe in personal responsibility, we need to accept that we make the choice and have to live with the consequences.

    However, having said that, many food corporations have no vested interest in providing healthy, tasty, cheap food. I've noticed that if you want healthy, than its expensive. If you want cheaply priced, its not healthy at all.

    For example, someone mentioned Kraft Foods. I recently saw a report where the boxed mac and cheese is purposely focused to children, so that when busy moms are grocery shopping, their kids will see the box and want it. Not necessarily the greatest evil, but its the ingredients that the FDA allows in this product, the artificial dyes that can cause harm and damage, especially to young children. In the UK, the same Kraft boxed mac and cheese cannot put the artificial dyes, they use more natural ingredients, such as beta carotene and paprika, to give the color.
    The only reason they stopped putting in the product there in the UK is because the consumer demanded it. Otherwise, they would have continued with the harmful yellow dyes. I use this as an example of how these companies bottom line is always going to be money, not what's best for you.

    That's why I try to stay away from boxed foods like this, if I want mac and cheese, I make it myself. But at the same time, I recognize that there are busy moms who at times need the boxed one because its easy,convenient, and cheaper. I feel they should have the healthier choices available to them.