The conspiracy to make (and keep us) fat...



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    My old mans niece had to go to the Dr about a month ago. She just turned 9. She is already getting boobs and is a bit chubby. Dr changed her diet and she has slimmed down. I saw somewhere about the hormones used in chickens now are affecting ppl who eat those chickens. They use these hormones to speed up chicken growth to sell them faster. Kids love chicken nuggets. NOM NOM NOM lol

    Yes, hormones in meat are a real problem for children. Puerto Rican girls' average age for menarche is now down to less than 9 years. It is thought to be caused by the large amount of hormone-laced chicken that Puerto Ricans eat.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    My conspiracy theory is that sugars, fake sugars and "low fat and "no fat" foods are keeping people fat- and soda. especially diet soda.

    Fat is not bad for you!

    Yes--as long as they are "good fats" they are great for you. I regularly go over on my fat macro every day (but never go over on my calorie count) and I am slowly slimming right down. I have always eaten well (I was raised on home-grown vegetables and farm to table eggs, milk, meat etc.) but until I cut out sugar and starch, I was not eating properly for my body. Now that I am slimming down and getting healthy, my friends tell me that I look 20 years younger than I am. But that's just a bonus--what is really great is that I am day-by-day, regaining my health. :smile:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I try to cook food that has a high bliss factor, and I still stop eating when I'm full. There's nothing delicious about most processed foods anyway.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My conspiracy theory is that sugars, fake sugars and "low fat and "no fat" foods are keeping people fat- and soda. especially diet soda.

    Fat is not bad for you!

    When I got fat, I never seemed to care whether the fats and sugars I ate were the "right ones" or not.

    And now that I've lost weight, I still don't care whether the fats and sugars are the right ones or not. Go figure.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My old mans niece had to go to the Dr about a month ago. She just turned 9. She is already getting boobs and is a bit chubby. Dr changed her diet and she has slimmed down. I saw somewhere about the hormones used in chickens now are affecting ppl who eat those chickens. They use these hormones to speed up chicken growth to sell them faster. Kids love chicken nuggets. NOM NOM NOM lol

    It's illegal to use hormones in chickens.

    So whatever you saw was BS.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    My conspiracy theory is that sugars, fake sugars and "low fat and "no fat" foods are keeping people fat- and soda. especially diet soda.

    Fat is not bad for you!

    When I got fat, I never seemed to care whether the fats and sugars I ate were the "right ones" or not.

    And now that I've lost weight, I still don't care whether the fats and sugars are the right ones or not. Go figure.

    and that will likely catch up with you some day. :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My conspiracy theory is that sugars, fake sugars and "low fat and "no fat" foods are keeping people fat- and soda. especially diet soda.

    Fat is not bad for you!

    When I got fat, I never seemed to care whether the fats and sugars I ate were the "right ones" or not.

    And now that I've lost weight, I still don't care whether the fats and sugars are the right ones or not. Go figure.

    and that will likely catch up with you some day. :smile:

    In some vague, unverifiable way for which there is no evidence.

    "Yeah? Well you'll get yours! One day!"
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    My old mans niece had to go to the Dr about a month ago. She just turned 9. She is already getting boobs and is a bit chubby. Dr changed her diet and she has slimmed down. I saw somewhere about the hormones used in chickens now are affecting ppl who eat those chickens. They use these hormones to speed up chicken growth to sell them faster. Kids love chicken nuggets. NOM NOM NOM lol

    It's illegal to use hormones in chickens.

    So whatever you saw was BS.

    How come when I go to buy my chickens I get the ones that say hormone free and they are always smaller than the ones next to them that dont say hormone free? Or free range whats the diff?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    My conspiracy theory is that sugars, fake sugars and "low fat and "no fat" foods are keeping people fat- and soda. especially diet soda.

    Fat is not bad for you!

    When I got fat, I never seemed to care whether the fats and sugars I ate were the "right ones" or not.

    And now that I've lost weight, I still don't care whether the fats and sugars are the right ones or not. Go figure.

    and that will likely catch up with you some day. :smile:

    In some vague, unverifiable way for which there is no evidence.

    "Yeah? Well you'll get yours! One day!"

  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    NM i just looked free range dont get the antibiotics as the others one do to prevent the disease they get :/
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    My old mans niece had to go to the Dr about a month ago. She just turned 9. She is already getting boobs and is a bit chubby. Dr changed her diet and she has slimmed down. I saw somewhere about the hormones used in chickens now are affecting ppl who eat those chickens. They use these hormones to speed up chicken growth to sell them faster. Kids love chicken nuggets. NOM NOM NOM lol

    It's illegal to use hormones in chickens.

    So whatever you saw was BS.

    How come when I go to buy my chickens I get the ones that say hormone free and they are always smaller than the ones next to them that dont say hormone free? Or free range whats the diff?

    He's right. Are you sure you're not thinking about hormones for beef/dairy production? As far as free range, that means the chicken is not kept in a cage or run and is allowed to roam freely (relatively speaking - there're barriers to keep predators out, I'm sure).

    ETA: Nothing's stopping them from putting hormone-free on the packaging since it is true - maybe it is a marketing gimmick.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    How come when I go to buy my chickens I get the ones that say hormone free and they are always smaller than the ones next to them that dont say hormone free? Or free range whats the diff?

    I don't know, but it's certainly not because the other ones were given hormones.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Straight from the USDA:

    "NO HORMONES (pork or poultry):
    Hormones are not allowed in raising hogs or poultry. Therefore, the claim "no hormones added" cannot be used on the labels of pork or poultry unless it is followed by a statement that says "Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones." "
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    NM i just looked free range dont get the antibiotics as the others one do to prevent the disease they get :/

    "Free range" doesn't mean "no antibiotics used." Chicken sold as "organic" is not allowed to have ever been treated with antibiotics, but there is "free range" chicken that is not "organic" and may have been treated with antibiotics.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    My old mans niece had to go to the Dr about a month ago. She just turned 9. She is already getting boobs and is a bit chubby. Dr changed her diet and she has slimmed down. I saw somewhere about the hormones used in chickens now are affecting ppl who eat those chickens. They use these hormones to speed up chicken growth to sell them faster. Kids love chicken nuggets. NOM NOM NOM lol

    It's illegal to use hormones in chickens.

    So whatever you saw was BS.

    How come when I go to buy my chickens I get the ones that say hormone free and they are always smaller than the ones next to them that dont say hormone free? Or free range whats the diff?

    He's right. Are you sure you're not thinking about hormones for beef/dairy production? As far as free range, that means the chicken is not kept in a cage or run and is allowed to roam freely (relatively speaking - there're barriers to keep predators out, I'm sure).

    ETA: Nothing's stopping them from putting hormone-free on the packaging since it is true - maybe it is a marketing gimmick.

    Hell IDK I half pay attn to all the stuff that comes across my ears lol Hence the questions lol I hear a little bit of it and then when it is brought up I ask half assed if it coul dhave anything to do with the subject Now I am curious why my old mans neice is getting boobs so young then. Also why most kids are going through puberty so much earlier. Is it evolution or the food we are eating?
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    So the conspiracy is between our ancestors that ate to live and companies that make good that tastes good?

    Got it, thanks

    Hilarious!!! Love it!!!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    What a portion is and what is served is the biggest gap there is.

    Ain't it the truth!!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Maybe it's already been said, but...

    There is certainly a conspiracy to get you to buy as much food as possible, produced as cheaply as possible, and at the highest price you are prepared to pay without going to a competitor instead. It's called 'business'.

    However, no one gives two hoots if you actually eat it or not. They'd be just as happy if you threw it in the trash, so long as you give them your money. Fat, thin, tall, short, your money is good.

    There is also a conspiracy (business) to get you to buy as much exercise equipment as possible. But no one considers this to be a 'conspiracy to make (and keep) us fit'.

    The only difference between the two is that it takes willpower to use exercise equipment, but eating massive quantities of food is easy and requires little or no self-control or responsibility.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    NM i just looked free range dont get the antibiotics as the others one do to prevent the disease they get :/

    "Free range" doesn't mean "no antibiotics used." Chicken sold as "organic" is not allowed to have ever been treated with antibiotics, but there is "free range" chicken that is not "organic" and may have been treated with antibiotics.

    and free range can even mean they are free to wander in cramped quarters in a barn. doesn't actually mean they're pasture fed.
  • 0hhCarolina
    Well you all keep believing that. I just finished two beers after downing half a bag of chips, 400 calories worth of Heath Bar Ice Cream, and am about to dig into some spicy chicken wings and fettuccine alfredo from the local pizza shop. I'd be happy to compare health stats any time.

    I don't know, I used to be the same way, losing weight and running marathons and not worrying about quality of food so much as calories. I lost 60 lbs twice in this way, eating whatever, even McDonalds as long as it was "on plan". I also ran over 10 marathons (well 4 half, 4 full, and several 30Ks).

    After about ten years of this lifestyle I became suddenly quite ill and thought for about 10 months I possibly had colon cancer it was so bad. I have learned the hard way that these kinds of things can indeed catch up to us and it has been a scary and humbling experience. I still have trouble sticking to eating clean but think it is well worth the effort.