
  • jodymaro1
    jodymaro1 Posts: 63 Member
    The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. Have faith in YOURSELF. I know all about guilt. Change your thoughts and it will change your actions. Forgive yourself and never give up. :)
  • never124get
    never124get Posts: 163
    DONT give up. You are so close. And look how far you have come! Please stick with it and take it a day at a time. I know looking at things as a big picture seem overwhelming but don't fret! Take each day as it comes. You can do it because you have come this far already! We all mess up from time to time because we are human. But don't look at this as a sign of weakness and defeat. Take this in stride and learn from it. You can do it!
  • In regard to the meditation post.........I love that! I've learned the way we talk to ourselves is worse than anyone! We would not tolerate anyone to talk to us or anyone else the way we talk and shame ourselves!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    It took me 2 1/2 years to get from 250 down to 176 pounds. there were times I wanted to give up to but I said to myself how badly do you want this Katie? that gave me the push to keep going. its like anything you have to really want it and allow that to be your motivating factor. your are not that far away. I have almost double your amount to reach my goal weight but I am not giving up. I see it that I am one step closer. when i first began I had 110 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight.

    let me ask you how bad do you want to lose weight? do you really want it? if you do your going to have to work for it? there are no quick fixes or fast results

    think of all the people who you inspire who see your progress and are probably watching you. there are people who you inspire and probably don't know it. what will you tell those people if they ask why you gave up after being so close to the goal.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    One day of eating badly isn't the end of the world. Last night, I had 20 snack a jacks, 16 brownies, fool mudammes, baba ganoosh and chocolate. I've probably eaten well over 3000 calories. Ah well, you pick yourself back up and carry on. And you have eight pounds left.

    So tell that little voice in your head to pipe down and bugger off because you can do this.
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    I've done so well. I've lost 16 pounds in a little over 2 months, and I've lost 6 pounds while doing MFP for the past month. But in the past 2 days, I'm pretty sure I've ruined it all. I've eaten SO MUCH. I feel so guilty all of the time now. I couldn't even make time to work out today. I can't take the amount of pressure I put on myself. I feel like a fat hippo who can never amount to anything because I end up failing anyways. I'm ready to give up. I'm just so done with constantly putting myself down..and I know I shouldn't feel the amount of shame I feel when I eat something I know I shouldn't, and that just makes me eat more. Please help...

    Did two days of eating really well result in losing the 16 pounds? No. So two days of eating really badly will not undo all the work you have done. It happened...now you just go back to eating on track and move on. Maybe you need to build in some cheat days for yourself so that it's planned for and you don't have to feel guilty. That's what I do! I've lost 25 pounds in 6 months and am 5 pounds from my goal weight and that's with a cheat day EVERY WEEKEND.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    When i slip up I just tell myself to give my head a shake and buck up and start again the next day. A couple weeks ago i had like 6 bags of chips and 4 chocolate bars in one day. Chips are/were my favorite thing ever and I NEEDED them. Next day i slapped myself and got back at it. I logged them to all could see my shame :)
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    its TWO days.
    even if you BINGE for 2 days, you will hardly put on a LOT of weight.
    hence the use of capitals. just relax...we have to live a little...we are not competetive bodybuilders.
    get back on track. monitor ur diet and training as usual and you will be back on track in literally 3 days or so.

    i go out of my way to cheat once a week...to keep my sanity...to enjoy myself a little...i love it and never feel guilty. i probably overeat for a day and then my weight goes up by 2 kilos for the next 3 days(water weight) and after 3 days of eating healthy and training, im back to normal and still developing.

    relax and get back up. happes to all of us. giving up is the worst option out there.period.
  • People who have been losing a lot of fat (+50lbs) can tell you how many times they ate more than they wanted to during their journey. It will happen. There will be that time when you'll be hungry or stressed or your body won't take the restrictions no more. The point is not to be perfect but to try your best.
    Calm down, don't give up. :)
  • I understand where you're coming from, but putting everything in perspective...you have 8 pounds to go....seriously 8 pounds. Some people like myself have about 20-30 pounds to go...some have 50..some have more than 100 pounds to lose. You have to get it in your mind sometimes you're going to have cheat days...no one on this site can say they haven't had one or haven't thought about having a cheat day filled with sh*tty eating and no exercise...it's apart of the journey, it's going to happen. But having one or a few days like that is not going to ruin you or your journey. C'mon girl, you got this and you know it. :smile:
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Let's just say, for the same of argument, that you HAVE undone all of your previous weight-loss good (which I don't believe is true).

    If you were starting back at square one, are you content to stay there? Is this what you want for yourself? Giving up means staying put. I doubt that's what you want, so let's try something different:

    Forgive yourself. Be kind to yourself. LOVE yourself. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going. WITHOUT punishing yourself or restricting too severely. Even if it's two steps forward and one step back, you are headed in the right direction.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat as you, though I've not been losing as quickly. It's been something like 8 pounds in two and half months. Last weekend I fell off the wagon and basically just ate nachos, chocolate, and mac and cheese for two days straight, and this weekend I've been so busy with my research project that I haven't had time to work out once, and as a result, finished most days over my goal.

    The thing I've realized, though, is that I managed to stay under my TDEE every time I went over, which is kind of awesome in itself.

    Sometimes you need to take a break and fall off the wagon so you know how horrible it feels to not be as healthy as you want to be, as healthy as you CAN be.

    I'm with you on this, but you need to stop saying that you can't.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I've done so well. I've lost 16 pounds in a little over 2 months, and I've lost 6 pounds while doing MFP for the past month. But in the past 2 days, I'm pretty sure I've ruined it all. I've eaten SO MUCH. I feel so guilty all of the time now. I couldn't even make time to work out today. I can't take the amount of pressure I put on myself. I feel like a fat hippo who can never amount to anything because I end up failing anyways. I'm ready to give up. I'm just so done with constantly putting myself down..and I know I shouldn't feel the amount of shame I feel when I eat something I know I shouldn't, and that just makes me eat more. Please help...

    Do you really want to undo all of your hard work you've already put into this? Plus it's likely you'll gain even more. So you've had 2 bad days. It's not a big deal so don't make it worse than it is. You want to be a quitter? Then quit. Quitting is the easy way out. I go for months without exercising but I've stuck with it for over a year now and have 5 to go. You think I'm going to quit because my weight loss didn't go anywhere for 3 straight months? NO! Life happens. Pick yourself up and move on. Don't make excuses. If you want a pity party fine. Have it for a day. But don't let it go on any longer and don't expect others to join your pity party. You're only hurting yourself. You only have 8 pounds to go and you want to quit? Really? What happens when something really hard comes your way? Are you going to quit that too? Don't mean to be harsh but take a reality check. Get over it and move on.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Get over it.

    What do you want? To be thinner? Feel good about yourself? Like the person you see in the mirror? Be more confident? Wear cuter clothes?

    Tell me how the hell any of that is going to come true if you give up. Do it. Tell me. Right now.

    Quit whining and moping and feeling all bad about yourself and ****ing do something about it. Because trust me, nobody else in this thread really gives a ****. Two minutes after they posted their message of "support" they've moved on with their lives and forgotten about you. The only lasting motivation won't come from strangers on a message board, but from YOU. YOU have to want it, and YOU have to know why. Because at the end of the day, YOU are the only person YOU are accountable to. End of story.

    So why do you want it?
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I give up, too. You quit, I quit. We're done here! Let's go.
  • HA, Jenna, I hope that's your name...If I were to follow your theory that two days "ruins" ones weight loss ...I am soooo in trouble..lol.. Let's see.. I had Dairy Queen - Medium Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizard on Monday, 5 possibly six slices of Pepperoni & Sausage Pizza on Thursday, and last night I had 3 Twix Candy Bars. I do not know how you could of possbily been worse then me in the last 5 days...do tell me..;)


  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    I do not want to sound condescending here at all, but you are only 18 years old and according to your diary, you kind of "got into your Easter basket" a couple of days early! Good for you! CELEBRATE spring with that bunny! If one of your friends said "I am a hideous person because I overage some Easter candy!" my hunch is, you would say that was an overreaction right? So, be your own best friend and acknowledge that sometimes, we need to "be a kid" and indulge in things we normally do not. For me, it is all the great dips and finger foods at all the Christmas parties. Savor it and acknowledge that holidays carry memories for us, like an Easter Basket, that we want to relive when we grow up. It is OK! Losing weight is wonderful, but not if you can't live life and celebrate once in awhile. I think you are a super young person who is still on touch with being a child! Do not ever lose that.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I'm going to have a 'bad' couple of days myself because we're out for dinner tonight and I don't want to order salad (it's a really great restaurant and I want to enjoy it!) and of course tomorrow, there is Easter Sunday lunch followed by chocolate eggs.

    Mentally, I've written off any weight loss next week and braced myself for possibly a small gain (though I'm going to exercise as much as I can to avoid that if I can), but I won't give up because I don't want to be starting from 181lb again, I'd rather start from 164lb or at a push, 165lb. I'll do the same a various points along the way until I reach goal but I won't give up as it's been a lot of work to lose the first 17lb so I'm not going to let it slide.

    So don't give up - imagine how bad you'll feel if you have to lose the same LBs again and again because you gave up so close to your goal?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    you can't undo 2 months of progress in a couple of days.

    here's my question...what the hell are you going to do once you're back in "real life?" The one where you're not on a "diet"...the one where you're just living and doing what you do? What happens then? You going to go to a party or BBQ or something and overdo it a little and just say **** it and pack the Lbs back on?

    I think you need to adjust your mentality...none of this is for a day or two...or a few weeks or whatever. You should be teaching yourself how to make better overall decisions as part of an overall lifestyle rather than focusing on isolated events.
  • RedneckMomma77
    RedneckMomma77 Posts: 85 Member
    Every person is their own worst enemy! I haven't been able to log my food this week, because I haven't been home, and where I was didn't have enough signal for me to do it on my phone. So I figure I consistently went over my goal calories. But, I needed to be where I was because of family illness, and now a family death. Does that mean that I am doomed to fail? No. Does it mean that I have undone everything? No. I'll just start again tomorrow, because today isn't going to be a good day either. I have to get dressed up, and carry myself like there is nothing wrong, and keep going. Lunch is being served by a local church for the family, and all kidding aside, I'm in the south, and we have some very unhealthy cooking habits. But, I will go and enjoy the time with family, and wish that it was for a different reason than what it is. Tomorrow, I will start over again, and just chalk this entire week up to life. Life happens whether we want it to or not, and it will knock you on your @$$ from time to time. When that happens we have two options. 1.) Cowboy/cowgirl up or 2.) Lay in the dirt. Get up, dust yourself off, and keep pushing forward. If that saying doesn't do it for ya, here's another one. Pull up your big boy/girl panties, and get it done.

    We define ourselves in times of struggle, not in times of comfort! You can do this, so stop beating yourself up.:heart: