Do you believe that everyone can get fit?



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member

    Less than 2 years ago, I was a 230lb couch potato who never exercised and stuffed my face all the time. I was pre-diabetic, had some medical issues going on, and a lot of pain in my body (shoulder, knees, etc). I was exhausted all the time. My life pretty much sucked.

    Now, I consider myself an athlete. I run. I lift weights (heavy ones - pulled a 250lb deadlift the other day!! yippee!). I take exercise classes (spinning and the occassional cross-fit style class). I do yoga twice a week. I run 5ks all the time. I'm signed up to do a Ragnar Relay next year. My friends and I go rock climbing for fun. My life is all about fitness and exercise. I'm extremely active, have crazy amounts of energy, and I'm in better shape than I have ever been. I love it!

    If I can do it, anyone can. I hated sports in school, thought sweating was gross. I criticized people who worked out and lived active lifestyles. I was incredibly judgemental. Luckily, I found a class that I loved (spinning) and that pushed me to get in better shape. I wanted to perform better in the class, so I had to get my diet and fitness under control.

    LIke I said, I wouldn't trade my life now for anything. Am I the best at everything? Nope. Do I still have a ways to go in my fitness? Sure. But, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.....and this past year and a half has taught me that.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    I don't believe everyone can get fit but anybody can get fit.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I was a couch potato all my life. Even as a kid I rather hid in the corner reading a book than doing exercise.

    Do you believe everyone can get really fit with the proper training? Or are some bodies are just not made for being sporty?

    Our bodies are made to be active, and it sounds to me that you're not doing a program that is suited for you. If you're going to challenge and push your body, pick something you actually enjoy rather than some vague non-goal of "trying to get fitter".

    I think that everyone can get fit doing something physical that they love to do. All you need are the basic building blocks (strength, endurance, flexibility, etc) and the possibilities of putting a program together are endless, really.

    I strongly dislike sports, for example, but I found a love for weight lifting. So you'll never see me running around a baseball or soccer field, but you'll find me in my garage showing my barbell what's up and enjoying the heck out of it.

    I also strongly dislike running, but I enjoy getting on my bicycle and riding it around my neighborhood.

    Do what you enjoy. Don't let other people tell you what to do because it all boils down to just personal preference. And, there's enough variety out there for anybody.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I absolutely believe that anyone can get fit. And I also believe that doing it slowly with small changes, one at a time, make it possible w/o over doing it and getting burned out.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Physically (and I am not talking about people with disabilities) everybody can get fit. EVERYBODY. But, mentally, fitness is absolutely not for everyone...
  • mountaingirl2207
    It sounds to me that your definition of 'fit' is to be a runner. Maybe running is just not your thing. You could have an inner cyclist or swimmer or kayaker hiding inside you. I would.d say explore some other options and see if it improves your fitness level.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Everyone can do this.
    I used to think I just wasn't one of those people and it turned out I was just a lazy cow who needed motivation to get off her *kitten* and get her sweat on.