Plans/Goals for April?



  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    #1 - I really wanna lose 3 pounds ;)

    #2 - Keep my average calories around 1400-1450 for the month.

    #3 - Begin a strength training program. :)

    Loved the mean girls quote in there ;)

    Mine are:
    1. To get into the 130s weight-wise
    2. Continue on my Insanity journey, and hopefully keep to schedule.
    3. Start the nutrition plan and stick to it as much as possible!
    4. Be nicer to myself and my body :)
  • icanfinallybeme
    icanfinallybeme Posts: 5 Member
    1) Get under 200.
    2) Finish 30 day shred.
    3) Start another workout program.
    4) Get down to at least a 32 in waist.
    5) Stay consistently at or below my net calorie goal--1200.
    6) 60 minutes a day-- minimum/420 a week.

    What I'll do if I get all of these done? Try a fitness class! Maybe kickboxing, or hot yoga.
  • pbass1
    pbass1 Posts: 9
    I would love to lose at least 5 lbs. Okay...drink more water too!
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    -drink a gallon of water a day
    -stick to my current eating plan which has been working (finally!)
    -exercise 6 days a week for an hour a day
    -lose 10 pounds

    Almost half way through the month now...I've lost 5, drinking lots of water, sticking to my eating plan, doing 2x the exercise I had planned. I hope you all are sticking to your plans and on the road to reaching your goals!
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Get into this dress! Bought 3 mths ago, was a size 20 and its a size 16, currently it fits but is snug so by EOM I hope it fits comfortably. Will be making a whole diff goal for May!
  • tnq1019
    tnq1019 Posts: 65
    my goals are as follows
    RUN more
    try a few new vegetables (i hate most of them) and recipes!
    i am 155 i would like to get to 150 or 149 by the end of the month not sure if i can but its a nice goal i was so happy to finally get below 160
    tighten up and do more squats!
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Continue doing cardio! I started yesterday for the first time ever lol
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    My goal is to get under 200 pounds! I'm only 7.5 pounds away, and I believe I can do it :) I also want to drink more water!