


  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I switched about 2 months ago and I'm loving it. Just 2 months in and I feel completely different. I feel great! Even my skin has cleared up and the darkness under my eyes is fading. :smile: And I don't miss the meat at all.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Just be sure to take a B complex if you decide to go vegan. You can easily get B vitamins while being a vegetarian but converting to veganism takes more effort (I was one for 3 years, might go back) but you will be missing B-12 as it's not found in any vegan source that hasn't been enhanced with it.

    Speak to a nutitionist and work on meal plans (at least a months worth) so you have at least some things to fall back on.
    Also, faux meats shouldn't be eaten on an everyday basis (loads of sodium, they're highly processed, and usually soy based). I'm not aginst soy but it shouldn't be the bulk of your protein.

    I applaud your reasons for going veg (they're the same that mine), just read, read, read....that way you can truly answer all the questions that will come at you...why are you a vegetarian? where do you get your protein? Are you sure that this is healthy? Are you only trying to lose weight? are the most common but you'll also get the snide remarks of ...vegetables have feelings too, yum...meat tastes good, ect. Yeah, it's annoying but you need to learn to brace yourself and not allow people to push your buttons too much (trust me there are several people on the boards that are constantly berating vegetarians/vegans because we refuse to eat meat and are aginst crulety to animals-most of these people are avid hunters).
    Good luck. FYI: 1/2 of my friends on here are vegetarians and my page is public, as is my food diary.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, I have been a veggie for over 28 years!!! Its much easier to be veggie now :smile: than back then.... you were thought of as a mad cranky hippie!!!!!