do you have a day where you feel Ugly

Hello im just having a not so good day. I was shopping every time i looked at the mirror i felt FAT and ugly for some reason.dont laugh im skinny FAT lol i can laugh at myself. just curious do you have any day where you feel like youre not accomplishing goals in the way your body looks


  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    yep, all the time tbh.
  • vegannewbie12
    vegannewbie12 Posts: 19 Member
    Days and days and days....good thing I avoid mirrors! LOL
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Yes, I do.

    I try to treat myself, on those occasions, how I treat my teenage daughter when she is having down days.

    May seem silly, but I say to myself "Chin up, little flower. Head held high. You have a right to be here. See what you can contribute to others instead of focusing on how they perceive your looks. Onward."

    Try it out. Can't hurt. :flowerforyou:
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    ps - but you don't have to call yourself "little flower" if that's too girly for a dude :wink:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Every day. I don't look in the mirror much because it depresses me :(
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Every single day ........
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Every day. I don't look in the mirror much because it depresses me :(

    WHAT?????? I reject this, bregalad5!!! Because you are my MFP pal and I KNOW you are freakin awesome!!! Mirrors should beg you to be reflected in them!
  • weightingtobloom
    weightingtobloom Posts: 30 Member
    never had a day that I didn't...
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    Yup, my hair, my skin, bloat - some days I feel like hiding under the table to be honest.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Every day. I don't look in the mirror much because it depresses me :(

    WHAT?????? I reject this, bregalad5!!! Because you are my MFP pal and I KNOW you are freakin awesome!!! Mirrors should beg you to be reflected in them!

    :flowerforyou: I'm getting better, but I'm fighting the psychological barriers right now that have lead me to give up in the past. They came around faster this time...
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Yeah, I get those days. Heck, sometimes, just a bad hair day can make me feel so off. I try not to have too many of those days though because I don't want to project those feelings out, if that makes any sense.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Every day. I don't look in the mirror much because it depresses me :(

    WHAT?????? I reject this, bregalad5!!! Because you are my MFP pal and I KNOW you are freakin awesome!!! Mirrors should beg you to be reflected in them!

    :flowerforyou: I'm getting better, but I'm fighting the psychological barriers right now that have lead me to give up in the past. They came around faster this time...

    Good! Fight the good fight...knock those mothatruckas out!!!!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Absolutely. I just keep telling myself that I'm doing what I can to be the best I can be. I know it will get better and I'll feel better because I've been there before. And I look at a lot of the success stories on MFP. It helps. If they can get there so can I. And so can you. :flowerforyou:
  • IdleKoala
    IdleKoala Posts: 14
    Ya. But mostly its after I eat fatty, unhealthy foods. Makes me feel like crap.
  • FahadNaseem
    FahadNaseem Posts: 80 Member
    Most of the time :/
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yea, I used to have what I called a 'fat day'. A Fat Day isn't just about feeling's about feeling bad all-around. Too fat, not attractive enough. Hair looks wrong, clothing doesn't fit right. I would feel defeated and sigh and tell myself I was having a Fat Day.

    Been years since I've had one. Therapy helped.
  • jmd_66
    jmd_66 Posts: 6 Member
    All the time, but then I remember it is only temporary.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    A day?

    Heck, that's my whole life.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    pretty much every day. The littlest thing can set me off- I have really low self esteem. It sucks :(
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    LOL I have those days every now and then too. I'll walk up one day like "mmm who's that skinny chick?" Then some days I walk past the mirror twice then change my clothes. Untill I gain a little bt of weight and then realize I was being Ridiculous.