SBF2 Reboot boogaloo...May 3rd!



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Did a double (hard spin + hard yoga) at the gym and then came home and made coconut flour muffins. Really, really good (coconut flour is my latest discovery. I made blueberry muffins...they don't taste coconut-y at all and it's one of the few wheat subs with a wheaty, sproingy texture) I forgot to put in the agave nectar, and discovered that they didn't need it to be the delicious. Next I'm going to experiment with some sort of carrot-pumpkin-spice mixture. Later, I'm going to make potato leek soup (I successfully purchased vegetables at the farmer's market yesterday!) for dinner.

    Already I'm cheating on my translation-practice-before-I-check-in rule. I'm pretty sure I'm going to change Friday into a day off and study on Saturdays (I was going to aim for Mon-Fri). Or, I could abandon the idea of a schedule (yeah, like that's going to happen:wink: )

    In other other news, I had my latest doc's visit. New determination is that the malabsorption issue was temporary (most likely due to super stupid strong antibiotics during my last illness) as everything seems to be back to high normal range. He tested me for a couple of weird viruses (including some sort of "stealth" strain of mono) If those come back negative, we're going with "just fibro." Boo to it, but OK, we can cope and move on.

    Cope and move on boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome, Mummsy. . .yep, we're awesome! :laugh:
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everyone! :love:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! Hi, Mummsy! Glad you found us!!:flowerforyou: A new thread starts each Monday in the Fitness and Exercise section. Look for the SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo with the Monday's date for the week.

    Did pretty well with the eating today. Still need to get the exercise going good again. I am looking forward to summer and summer stuff.

    Had a case in Juvenile Court this morning. Lost. I hate losing!:angry: Clients took it pretty well. I guess it helps to have your lawyer sitting there bummed out with you.:frown:

    Not as much court next week, so get to get stuff done at theoffice. That will be good.

    I'm glad it is the weekend. Laundry to do. Files to do a little work on.

    Weekend, Boogaloo!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Losing is only good when it's inches or pounds, Bobbie.

    I'm up early on a Saturday, though lately my schedule has been pretty regular, to go to garage sales in the neighborhood. I hope my friend wants to go by bike. I'll earn points for my team and won't feel silly driving my car for a couple blocks.

    We have perfect weather today as well. High of 77! I'm so happy. Really makes up for yesterday's hot and humid.

    I forgot that I have a doctor's appointment on Monday - oops, I'll be in Dallas. I hope they don't charge me. It's odd, they usually call to remind you.

    Great day, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Quick post! Going out to look at houses today with in laws! Looking forward to a girls day out!
    I walked for 45 minutes this morning, so that's done.
    We got some bad news about our friend's who lost their brother. He was actually "murdered". A nurse went in and turned everything off: his air, the alarms so when he called for help they wouldn't hear him, and she/he turned out the lights and closed the door. Even the CEO of the hospital said it is being investigated as a homicide. My heart breaks for them. What a horrible thing to go through. The funeral is Monday so we will probably go.
    I am not sure what kind of exercise I will be getting the rest of the day. I may have to go for another walk later. It's gorgeous today. A cool front came through. :smile:
    Gotta go! Have a blessed day!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    That is terrible, MM...hope they can get to the bottom of what happened soon. I hope that the family finds peace and comfort.

    Today it's cold and damp and rainy. It feels like November outside. Do not like. This weather makes me feel creakier (cold + damp = joint pain for me).

    I got my challenging Zumba in this morning (I wish I could take from this teacher more...but then again, variety keeps it interesting. He added even more complex steps today, so that was super fun.) Then I practiced translating (I scheduled the exam yesterday...June 9th...yikes...) Then we ended up going out for lunch to one of my fave restaurants. I ate fried chicken. Oops. (you can take the girl out of the South, people...) So, a very light dinner is in my future.

    Indoors where it's dry and warm boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi everyone. I am back! Sorry I didn't get a chance to check in while I was gone - I was tired and stressed. The work went relatively well, especially the part that I was responsible for, so that's good. Unfortunately my co-worker friend got injured (he is OK, but ended up with 10 stitches in his eyebrow) on a hike after everything was done, so I spent most of Thursday afternoon/evening waiting in the emergency room with him. Scary! I was with him at the time, and I was not exactly thrilled to see blood spilling from his head. Apparently I was very calm and collected about it, though - he kept saying after the fact that he had no idea how bad it was (and was even thinking of finishing the hike) because I seemed so calm about it. I guess I'm good to have around in an emergency. Interesting later, though - we were at the 24-hour pharmacy waiting for his prescription and I decided to try the blood pressure machine. My blood pressure is usually very low (often systolic under 100), but it was something like 140/90. Can you say stressed? :tongue:

    I didn't eat great while I was gone, but I was mostly reasonable about portions and snacking - so I'll count it as a victory. I did manage two days of pushups while I was there - maxed out at 54 (with a few pauses). And I jogged around the building a little bit, and found that if I really land on the front of my foot, it doesn't hurt my ankle. I'll try the exercises you suggested, Mary. My PT appointment is on Monday.

    MM, so sorry about your friend. V, the weather is crazy today - the wind has been gusting around 50mph, and they're saying it might snow! Bobbie, sorry about your case. And welcome, Mummsy!

    Good to be home, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Welcome back, CP!
    Sorry to hear about your friend, MM, how awful.
    V, your new quote reminds me of Thich Nhat Hanh - be grateful for the non-toothache. When you have a toothache, you know it. But you are not always grateful for the non-toothache.

    Had a great day yesterday - with perfect weather! The high didn't even reach 80, and it was overcast all day. My friend and I biked around the neighborhood garage sales for a couple hours, then we went to the farmer's market, then lunch, biked to the neighborhood festival (bought a skirt/dress and a shirt), then kayaking, dinner, and finally cupcake (which I only ate the bottom of as the top was too sweet). I got a lot of trips in for my commuter challenge.

    Today, I'm heading off to Dallas for a great dinner. Need to get a walk in first.

    No toothache today, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Woke up to snow on the ground this a.m. Ugh.

    Yeah, I'm in being grateful for the non-toothache mode, or trying to be. A good friend of mine and I, years ago, invented a game called "hey, it could be worse..." which we would play whenever we caught one of us complaining. Sample: "this construction sucks. (while driving)" "Hey, it could be worse, it could be raining...." "or it could be an ice storm" "or, it could be an ice storm during a zombie apocalypse..." until the imaginary situation got so ridiculously bad that complaining about the construction seemed silly. I find myself using that game as a technique from time to time...and that quote reminds me of it.

    Today, I'm aiming for a light activity day. Probably cleaning up the kitchen and vacuuming followed by yoga at home. The gym yoga this morning is kundalini style, and I gave it a try for a few weeks and I still hate it. Not my thing. Not my thing at all. I'm trying to let Sunday and Wednesday be my optional light recovery days...not quite a day off, and I'm allowed to do a more vigorous workout if I feel like it, but aiming for a lighter day. (don't doesn't make much sense to me, either.)

    Other than that, some reading/research for my comp. I'm in information overload mode with it (there's just too much music in the world, I guess:tongue: ) so the goal for today is to just try to focus on one thing for half an hour. Yesterday's session led to a three hour information binge on the internet (you tube archive clips leading from one group to another to another to another to another...until suddenly I realized I'd be trying to learn stuff that wasn't even in the topic...that kind of behavior is why it takes forever for me to finish anything...).

    Editing my brain boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Snow? Seriously? It's a lot cooler here as well. Like long sleeve weather. That was unexpected.

    Today isn't my favorite day. No Mother's day plans, nothing. Got ticked at DH because I was being selfish and thought he was being inconsiderate. We seem to be arguing more the last few weeks. I think it's the stress of the adoption. I wish we would pull together instead of pushing each other away. Ugh.
    We are going to the viewing of our friends this afternoon. DH asked them if they wanted us to come out or if they wanted to be alone. They said no one has come out to see them, so we are going to pick up dinner and take it out to them and spend the evening with them. Not really sure what to say or what the mood will be. Then tomorrow we are going to the funeral. It's kind of a big deal to me. I haven't been to many funerals. No one really wants to go but everyone feels like they should. I told DH, "When I die, just stick me in a pine box. I don't care. I'm dead. I'll be in heaven so it won't matter." Seriously I do not want my family to spend a whole bunch of money on it. Sorry if I sound morbid. I'm trying to be silly in my discomfort.
    No work out today. I should though. I had two desserts. Can you say stressed?
    The weight is not coming off so I need to step it up on my eating. I walked really fast (for me) yesterday and my hips/butt are so sore today. I am going to try to do it again tomorrow if I have time.
    That's it for now.
    Happy Mother's Day to the mommies! Hope your day is going well!
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