How many times a week do you eat out?



  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    As often as DW is in the mood...

    lucky woman.

    please tell her that!
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    I don't "cheat" really. Cheating to me means trying to play the system, and to be honest you can't really do that with weight loss. My husband and I eat out every so often, maybe once or twice a month. When we do, I order what ever I want. I know that if it is a pasta dish to ask for a to-go box and put half of it in there right from the start. But other than that I enjoy myself, because I know that having a few days that are high in calories isn't what got me here in the first place, and that I will just pick back up where I left off tomorrow.

    Great attitude toward the eating! We eat out way too much, but I order pretty healthy, unless I am having a 'cheat' meal at Five Guys. Most of the time half my order goes into a to go box right away too.

    I allow myself one 'cheat' meal a week, but they are planned and I focus on staying within my calorie target or I increase my workouts to cover for it... so it's really not a 'cheat'.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Oddly, when at home, I am too afraid to even buy in a pizza to cook myself, or to do a cooked breakfast, so the only time I will have these things is if I have them out. Maybe because I am totally letting go a bit if having them out rather than adding everything up. Many times I have stood checking the counts on pizzas you can do at home, and end up putting it right back again and holding out as long as I can without that sort of food.

    Ps - I really want to try waffles with some sort of yummy goodness on top, having never had them before.
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Once per week.
    I prefer cooking stuff at home because I can control what's in my food better then say going to a restaurant where I don't know everything that's in the food.
    Not to mention way more cost effective in the long run.
  • amandajones1978
    As a general rule I don't ever let myself cheat in the form of "cheat days." I find that life already provides enough "unavoidable" cheat days (birthdays, parties, networking meetings, etc.) to meet the quota. Usually I find that you end up eating over your calories on more than just your assigned cheat day(s) because of this. Also, cheat days/weekends keeps you psychologically yearning for it. You'll find that after a 2-3 weeks of no cheat days, or a couple months or so of very few and far between cheat days, you won't want to cheat. ...It's a bit similar to the situation that if I don't watch tv for a while because life/work has been so hectic, I don't get the craving to watch shows anymore).

    I have to agree! I dine out maybe once or twice a month with friends, but I try to get the healthiest item on the menu. As for TV, with my busy schedule I havent been able to watch it. Now, I hardly watch it at all...I've been spending more time at the gym.
  • xbleedingxglitterx
    Once a week, on the days that I go grocery shopping because I'm usually too lazy to cook that night lol Subway is my restaurant of choice 90% of the time.
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    No cheat days, or meals, etc.......if I go over my calories then I go over my calories. I don't like to consider it cheating, it associates food and eating with shame. If I know I am going to be eating out or eating more than usual I try to "earn" extra calories with exercise, but that doesn't always happen.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Normally once a week and I allow myself to eat/drink about anything I want.