Team Fit- May



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    WOW! :bigsmile: I'm not used to all of these people! Welcome everyone! I'm glad you all want to be part of our little group! :drinker:

    I'm kinda busy right now at work so I cant talk to everyone induvidualy but again welcome and I hope you find the motivation and support you need to get to your goals!!! :flowerforyou: :glasses: just let me know if you need any words of encouragment or support!!!

    I wasn't able to exercise yesterday like I wanted because I had an interview to go to at 5 and when I was done I started dinner!! but it went very good so I'm excited! If I get it I will be making about 6k more a year!!!!! :glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Let me get the job! hahaha but today I will be exercising and eating good.

    today: 60 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water. And I am going to get it all in. Not that my pants are fitting tighter or anything but I feel like I look like I've gained weight 9even though its only 3 pounds) So I gotta be good. if I want to look good in my bikinis this summer I have to! Because I look like crap still hahaha :laugh:

    Anyone know any good exercise moves to help make your thighs not look so big?! Mine will be big no matter what because they are pretty much all muscle but I dont like it. They looks really wide. Theyre skinny from the side but wide from the front and hate it!!!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    We are so close in what we weigh and what we want to lose. I think I'm a little older than you though (in my 40's). When I have this weight on, I feel my age. When I've lost it, I feel at least 20 years younger!

    Keep trying, keep going!

    hehe thanks candue!!!!! I'm trying to get to 140. I was doing so good from about August to February then I got lazy and the last 2 months Ive slaked off tremendously!!! But i'm only 16 pounds from 140, and comparied to what I've lost already. that will be a piece of cake! a piece of crumb cake! hahaha sorry, quoting movies here. lol.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Hey everyone

    Monday: Within calories, all of water, 55 min workout

    Tuesday: I got up this morning and it was suppose to be a rest day, but I did 20 min Turbo Jam just to get some energy going. So far so good with calories and water

    Have to run to a meeting. Talk later
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everyone! kholmes, DownSizin, and aabelein - I'm SO PROUD of your for sticking with this for so long!!! I've been off this wagon since the beginning of the year, but I'm going to do my best to get back on. It feels good to be back. See ya around! :flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello All,

    Monday - stayed under my calories, drank a lot of water but didn't get a work-out in like I had planned.

    Tueday - started the morning with day 1 of the Slimdown program for the Brazil But Lift. Will be doing this 6 days straight and then I start the 4 week program on Monday. Looking forward to the results. I made sure to take my before pictures and did all my measurements so I can keep record on my improvement.

    Keeping focus with my calories. The office is always full of yummy stuff, but I do my best to bring breakfast and snacks from home.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    gaby- what is the brazil butt lift!? it sounds like something i might wanna try :bigsmile: anything to make my butt better! haha

    oh and i just had a 32 oz iced mocha :ohwell: my b. lol. good thing im going to the gym tonight! i am going to use the cross trainer for an hour! you burn sooooo many calories on that thing its insane! :glasses:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hey Aabelein,
    The Brazil But Lift is a BeachBody work out program, I got it thru my BB coach who I met on MFP :)!
    I recommend you check it out. Its only day one for me out of the whole thing, but so far it looks like fun. And doing two DVD workouts a day its still under one hour, so I do plan to hit the gym as well.
    The best part is that it comes with a "booty blue-print" so you can use the workout calendar that better fits your needs.
    If you are interested I'll keep you posted of how I'm doing.
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    May I join?

    Im looking to get back on track and I need a support group. It really helped me last time. I am looking to drop 20 pounds by June 1. Im starting a Biggest Loser workout and last year I dropped 13 or 15 in a month, I was new to it then but now Im a vetern I think 20 is very attainable.

    My CW :209
    1st Mini Goal: 205 by 5/11
    GW: 189 by 6/1

    I am known to cheat occasionally but to get to my goal I will have to be crazy hard on myself. Here it goes.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi guys! 10 cups of water - 30 min of exercise - stayed within my calorie goal. Great day 1 back!!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    GREAT DAY! Had 10 cups of water. Worked out for 50 minutes with the first day of the Brazil But LIft program. Stayed under my calories. And made sure to load on Protein and keep in low on the carbs, but got as much fiber as possicle.

    Hows eveyone else doing???
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    PS. Sorry I mean to say 20 cups of water... gosh..... cutting myself short :)
  • Shineshine
    Shineshine Posts: 4
    I was doing great on Monday, but yesterday I had too much PEANUTS!!!! I have this love and hate relationship with peanuts. I love them, and I eat them when I am bored. I hate them, because they have so much calories and fat. Oh well, I brought a bag, got finish it...
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Good morning EVERYONE! WOW!!!! We have a good size group going here now. Welcome to all of you!

    LMR- WELCOME BACK!!! Good to see you back at it.

    I was really busy yesterday so I didn't get a chance to check in. Stayed within cals, 8- water, but only 30 min exercise (I need to ramp that up)!
    Shineshine - I have the same relationship with cashews...when I crave them, I only buy the 99cent bag because I know if I buy the can or any other quantity, I eat until they're gone! :love:

    Everyone have a great day and stay strong! Again, welcome to all the newbies! :happy:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    I have a question...

    Is there any easy way to check the messages on this board? I usually go to Cummunity->Motivation and Support-> find Team Fit-May. But it's hard to find this group. I am sure by the end of this week I will have to go to page 5-6 to find you.

    I could do Search too. Any other ways?

    On your home page, in the news feed if anyone has replied to something on our thread, you can click on the thread (Team Fit-May) and it takes you directly to the thread or like someone else said, go to Community, then "My Topics". Like when LMR replied to a post here, I clicked on it and got right to the thread.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Well, I felt like I did okay yesterday, but after logging my food today, I see that I was wrong. I didnt get to go to the gym because I hurt myself so bad monday night that I can still barely walk or lift my legs... which makes it pointless! I did however manage to push out two 30 minute walks yesterday. That totals up to a little more than 3 miles *estimating*

    I almost always get my water in.... 10 cups for yesterday. I am not going to be able to go to the gym tonight either, but I will walk 30 minutes at lunch and tonight at home I will try to stretch and maybe do some hand weights and/or some moves on my ball.

    My bf- so sweet- says that I just need to go soak in the tub.

    Hoping for a better day tomorrow! And Gym time :D
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning all

    Tuesday: We changed our dinner plans and I ended up going over on my calories, but I am ok with it.

    Wednesday: Got up and did Burn 2 and 20 min TJ. My calories are planned for the day and I should be good.

    Shineshine - I used to eat tons of nuts, but I am over them now. What I did was get a little cup and measure exactly how many I was suppose to eat *ounce wise) and then I would only bring that with me for the day so that I couldn't over indulge. You may want to try that.

    lmr - welcome back

    karen - great job yesterday. keep it up
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning everyone!!! :smile: It seems like everybody is doing pretty well!! YAY!!! :flowerforyou: Well I got to the gym yesterday with my roommate and my sister and we only exercised for 15 mins because my roommate wanted to finish watching Avatar and she was my ride so I had no choice but to leave. I was bummed because i only burned like 140 calories..... :cry: And I'm not going to the gym today because Im getting my hair done then going to a bbq. So tomorrow I will make sure I go, besides that Im seing the personal trainer so I have no choice. But im ezxcited because he is going to take all my measurements and show me how to work all the machines then make a customized plan for me. he will tell me what to use and how long to use it for, then in a month we will meet again and take my measurements again and re-evaulate everything! so i'm exicted. hopefully it keeps me more accountable. according to their scale im 10 pounds heavier than my scale..... i think gym scales lie though..... becuase my scale was only 2 pounds off from my doctors scale.

    Yes let me know how the bbl goes! is it free? i want my butt to look good in a bikini so thats the area i want to work on most!

    hope everyone stays on track today!! its wednesday!!! almost friday!!!! :glasses:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    ps- for all our newbies :tongue: My name is Ariel if you want to call me that. :glasses:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Went over my calories today, but I got in a 30 minute walk, and 12 cups of water. Feel pretty good about that for day 2 back at it. Have a good week everyone. :smile:
  • Always_lil_j
    Hey yall, I would love to join if that is ok. My goal for May is to get down to 145. This would be a 7.5lb weightloss for the month. I also want to stay on track with my calories and get my cardio in everyday, except sundays.

    Good luckk everyone. We can do it!!!