Team Fit- May



  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Hope everyone is having a great week. I'm on day two of my Brazil But Lift and I feel like somone kicked me in my "bum bum" LOL... in a good way of course! I'm totally enjoying the workouts. Starting to get better at some of the moves, but I know that there is lots of room for improvement.

    Diet is going well now with a full kitchen :) I weighted myself and lost the little water weight I gained over the weekend and b/c of TOM so that makes me even happier.

    Best of luck to eveyone and check in with us.

  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Gaby - can't wait to see how the Brazil Butt Lift works for you. Let me know if you see any changes in your thighs, that is a huge problem area for me.

    Ariel - hope you feel better and can get to the gym today

    lmr9 - great work on the water and exercise. You will get back on track and see that drop in weight soon enough

    Tuesday- stayed within calories

    Wednesday - Burn 2 for 263 calories and 20 min TJ for 142 calories - WOW. I logged in what I plan to eat and should be good to go today
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    So, I'm back... again... :embarassed: Just moved to Florida, and between the move and my trip home, I fell off the wagon HARD.

    The good news: I didn't gain ANY weight on my 3-week trip home!! Amazingly, because I didn't watch closely what I ate! I did make it to the gym, but only 6 times. :embarassed:

    Thanks for taking me back... again... :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    amm114 - Welcome Back!!! :flowerforyou:

    Today was pretty good - stayed within my calories - drank 12 cups of water - and fit in 30-45 minutes of "exercise" - I call yard work exercise! :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    amm welcome back. glad you got through the move and the trip home.

    Wednesday - I was under my calories

    Thursday - could not make myself get out of bed this morning, so I am going to walk at lunch. I should be even on my calories today.

    Have a good one.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Well I've ben bad again..... i was in a really bad mood yesterday and for some reason when im angry im like im going to eat bad! lol its stupid. so i got a HUGE burrito from Chipotle. :grumble: :cry: It was sooo good too! hahaha:laugh: But Im seeing my trainer tonight so hopefully we go through work outs for me tonight. I know once we do that, I wil be able to stick with it better. Because then after we set that up, every 30 days I have to be re evaluated so I HAVE to stay on top of it. Besides eating that burrito last night, Ive been good about what ive eaten all week.

    today: 60 mins of exercise plus 15 mins strenght training and 8 glasses of water.

    Welcome back Angie!
    Gaby- great job on sticking with the bbl! keep it up girl!
    Ang everyone else stay strong and be positive!!:flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Happy Friday. Congrast Chocolickkyss on pushing thru and staying focused this week.
    I've been pretty focused myself. First week of the BBL program. I didn't want to take it for granted, so I'm still pushing thru and feeling motivated. I"m getting the moves down for sure. So now its just about increasing resistance, weights and trying to do the whole things with no "mini" breaks.
    I'm kinda looking forward to having to do a workout today and Saturday (Sunday is rest day of BBL). Because I noticed the wkends are always a little tough and let the gym go and b/c of that I eat not so good.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, so after I hurt my foot, I just let myself go. I havent been logging. I logged today though. I have not been able to walk much less exercise! I am so ready to be over this! I need to get back on the ball and start eating right! Good thing is that at least I didnt gain this week. I stayed the same :D. Good luck to everyone over the weekend.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning ladies!!! :smile:

    Well the weekend was bad...... hmm who woulda thought!? lol :laugh: But I went grocery shopping and got lots of stuff I needed. Lots of produce too. So i'm going to make sure I am good about eating this week. I'm meeting with the trainer tonight again so that should be fun. He's funny. I haven't been weighing myself the last few weeeks...... :cry: I'm afraid of what it will say. So I need to do good this weeks so I can weigh in on Sunday. And hopefully it will either say 156 or less!

    So gotta question!!! Does anyone know of any gppd creams that work to make strech mark go away!? or at least not apear so bad? I hate mine..... :ohwell: And soon It iwll be warm enough to get in the pool and go to the lake and I dont want them to look so bad. I thought that if I were tan they wouldnt be as noticeable, but I think that they look worse now because of the tanning. But Im not going to be pale this summer again!:laugh:

    today: 60 mins of exercise (not sure what all that will be) and 8 glasses of water

    Have a great Monday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello eveyone,
    Happy Monday. Still with no internet service at home till this wkened, so I'm MIA after work
    I once again didn't have much change. Just went down like 1/2 lbs, but I'm happy cause I know it gonna get little harder and harder.
    I will say this. In the last week of completing the BBL program I have lost 3 that's right three inches on my waist alone. I didn't do the rest of my measurements, but I noticed my waist looked smaller so I measured and that's what it said. I couldn't believe it!! I'm loving the workout. I have to be honest I got lazy yesterday, so today I gotta double up on yest and today's workout. But I love how fun they are. I think this is going to be a regular part of my workout even after I'm done w/ the program.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good Morning.

    Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, computer problems.

    Ariel - I have a cream from when I was pregnant that worked. I will look it up when I get home and let you know.

    So I decided my body was in a rut/plateau even though I have been working so hard so I started Turbo Slim on Saturday. I have already lost 2 pounds. It is amazing. I am working out and eating between 1200 and 1400 calories a day (based on the program) and I am losing weight. It is clean eating so I guess that really does make a huge difference. It is a 10 day program so we will see how it all works out next Monday.

    This morning was Turbo Sculpt - 299 calories. I am on track for calories and water.

    Have a good day everyone
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member

    Kim- thanks for looking it up for me! I hate them so much! they go almost all the way up the side of my torso..... :( YUCK!

    I dont have much time so I am going to the gym and eating good. I did go to the gym last night but I dont think I got in as much as I should have. But I went so thats good!

    I'll try to write more later! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member

    well i didnt make it to the gym yesterday. but thats okay. im going tonight so i should be able to get everything in! i have been eating good too. last night i did have 2 cookies that i made, but im glad i only had 2! i would usually have like 5!!!! i hope everyone else i hanging in there and working hard!

    kim- let me know what that cream is called when you get a chance? does it help make them go away completly or just hide them? because mine arent purple, theyre like clear but i can still see them and i hate them!! i just want the ones on my sides to go away, i dont care about the rest of them, those are the worst though....

    gaby- how much was the bbl? whats the program like? hows it working? you said you lost 3 inches?! thats AWESOME! I wish i could lose 3 more inches off my waist! then it would be 29"!!! that would be perfect! i want to be like 39 29 39. right now i'm 39 32 43...... BOOOO!!!!!!! stupid hips of death!!!!

    okay ladies, have a great Wednesday!!! Suns are playing the LA fakers again tonight so hopefully we come out swinging! I hate the re's man. They call all these bull**** calls on the Suns because they favor the fakers........ I call them the fakers because everytime they get hit, or pushed, they make it seem like it hurt soooooo bad! when really thyere just doing it to get a call...... way to ruin the game, fakers!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Good job ladies! I am so amazed how you all stay so motivated and consistent. I just can't seem to be consistent at all with eating and exercising - I go through these all-or-nothing phases. Ugh. I hate that about myself. I know that if I exercise regularly, the rest will fall in place and my body will respond. I gotta get going again!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    well i had a really crappy night. i didnt exercise. i ate like 4 cookies and didnt have dinner. when i get mad i eat whatever i want. and i dont think about it. i hate it! i'm going to try to be good today though. since im not doing anything now i should be able to make it to the gym and get my work out in. i gotta go. im in a bad mood and i have to be here at this crappy job...... ill write more later
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello All,
    My week is going pretty well. I've had a couple indulgences, but since I'm working out everyday. Driking a lot of water, I'm not tripping about it to much.
    Today's is my dad's 70th birthday, we are going to el Torito for dinner to celebrate. I gotta make sure to eat healthy and not to much thruout the day just in case. But I'm going to be checking their menu online to make sure I know what to get before I even get there:tongue: That's the safest thing to do.
    BBL is going great. I'm luving it. Its a hell of a workout. Even though it looks like dancing a lot and having fun. I'm sore and dripping when I'm done, so I know its kicking my but.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning

    Sorry I have been MIA for a few days.

    I have been working out and keeping within my calories as well as water intake.

    Ariel - the cream I get is from WalMart, but I believe I have seen it at target and walgreens too. It is called Palmer's Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks. It is with the lotions. It is for pregnancy but you can use it for just stretch marks. I tried several and this is what worked the best for me without costing a bundle.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Well, looks like everyone is doing pretty well. Surprisingly, I have found that sticking to my exercise routine and my calorie limits have been working well for me since I got back on the wagon... which was about 10 days ago, so I still have plenty of time to screw it up... hopefully I can STICK WITH IT!! It's soooo hard with summer being here and every ice cream store on the planet screaming my name! There's even an ice cream truck that makes daily rounds in my neighborhood... :devil: and I made chocolate chip cookies on Monday when I was bored. I had 2 a day until today... they can't be that bad, right? Wishful thinking... today I decided one a day is enough. So Ariel, I know how you feel.

    lmr9 - I struggle with consistency as well. This is my 3rd time back on the wagon since September. It's hard to stick with!! I just hope I can eventually make eating right and exercising regularly into a habit, rather than eating whatever I want and not exercising!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    lmr9 - I struggle with consistency as well. This is my 3rd time back on the wagon since September. It's hard to stick with!! I just hope I can eventually make eating right and exercising regularly into a habit, rather than eating whatever I want and not exercising!

    I'm right there with you!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Stayed under my calories - exercised - 12 cups of water. GREAT DAY!!! Let's just hope I can make it through the weekend! :)