What's your religion?



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    The taboo spin-offs will be what is your poitical affiliation and what is your sexual preference.

    Should be a fun day to see if mouses roar.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Fot those who think that I started a controversial topic:
    Religion and politics are heavy subjects and people tend to get a little emotional about them.
    You're going to have discussions and disagreements. Either you dont talk about your beliefs or you deal with the fact that you have brought up a controversial subject and be prepared for some emotions. There's nothing wrong with educated discussion.

    I'm not imposing anything..

    This has actually been the most civil thread on religion I've seen here in a long, long time. :flowerforyou:

    Exactly! That's why I don't understand the emails people are sending me!

    Haha, people are sending you messages?

    Quite a few, actually! :(
    One of them told me to delete this topic - because I'm only "18 and I don't really have an opinion!"

    I wasn't aware there was an age limit for opinions......
  • Scott2ndGradeTeacher
    Scott2ndGradeTeacher Posts: 147 Member
    Lutheran - Missori Synod
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I'm a Christian, but with a lot of other teachings mixed in. More like a spirtualist through Christian teachings.

    In al though, the terms and labels don't define what I believe, nor do I let myself get stuck in my beliefs. I am ever changing and growning in my faith and spiritualism.

    ^^^ This is me.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member

    Better than guys sending various body part pictures and saying "Ur Hawt! Check out mah junk. Lez kick it gurl."

    Okay, that actually made this old prude laugh.
    Do guys get how utterly ridiculous-sounding that is?

    Oh dear me, did I just derail the thread...?:huh:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    This should be fun.

    Atheistic Modern Satanist
  • CallmeFrida
    CallmeFrida Posts: 197 Member
    mother: Orthodox
    father: Muslim

    me: Agnostic

    families scared religion right out of me
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    mother: Orthodox
    father: Muslim

    me: Agnostic

    families scared religion right out of me

    Orthodox __________?
  • saralayne42
    saralayne42 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm, like, an ordained Dudeist Minister, man.

    The Dude abides, man.

    What an interesting conversation - loving it!

    I myself am Episcopalian by birth. I have a relationship with Christ that is deeply personal and that, I hope, trancends religion. The Bible (my opinion only) was written and translated and retranslated so many times that I'm not certain it is the "Gospel Truth". We are all travelers here. We all want love, we all feed our souls the best way we know how. We love our parents, our children, our friends and neighbors. We go to work, pay bills, spend time with loved ones and do the best we know how.
    The name on the door of your place of worship is irrelevant. Be kind. Help where you can. These are the tenants of my faith.
  • nanamartinez13
    nanamartinez13 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I do not follow any religion. My beliefs are Atheist (which is NOT a religion). .
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.

    This, a Jesus Follower.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I don't claim to be perfect, but... I am pretty darn good with my morals.

    I decided to stop going to church (Catholic) when the priest stood up there and basically told us we had to vote for Bush. It was 2004. I decided that I make my own decisions; I'm not going to let someone stand up there and tell me I'm a "sinner" if I don't side with them politically. I figured it hypocritical for a church to be against abortion but for war. Both are killing, no?

    Anyway... my mom raised me with morals. I didn't have a sip of alcohol until I was 21, and even then, it was after my 21st birthday. I have never touched drugs or cigarettes. I am 32 years old and have only been with one person and he has only been with me (my now husband; we've been together almost 16 years now). I am open minded, not racist, not judgmental. I am liberal. I'm basically a hippie, minus the drugs. LOL.

    I am happy to go with my heart and conscience and I don't think it was the years of shame the Catholic Church bestowed upon me. Going to confession? I don't need that. I know right from wrong and when I make a mistake, I learn from it. I have compassion for other people and am always reaching out to help others.

    That said, I do respect other religions and I honestly do not care. I am supportive. My son goes with my MIL to church sometimes and I have no issues with him going. I will let my children decide what they want to believe and will not force my "agnosticism" on them.
  • shirtshirt
    shirtshirt Posts: 5 Member
    i started my own religion, the I DONT KNOW religion. because i dont know. Everyone has there theories but im not going to spend my time worrying about those things., when ever, I DONT KNOW, some thing i just say I DONT KNOW, then move on (unless its actually learning how to do something tangible ). I DO KNOW that, that lady was happy when i stopped and took time and changed her tire last week(and didnt drive by and pry she was ok) , Theres good and bad people , i like good people I DONT KNOW i just do. if at the end (assuming there is and end) and theres 2 sides i figure if im an upstanding human(in my opinion) they will both want me on there team (kinda like the voice) and i will get to choose . any way im the only one in my religion , Stage Dive and thrive , if it makes you happy
  • xxanishxx
    xxanishxx Posts: 212
  • livelaughlovecrazy
    livelaughlovecrazy Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not associated with any particular religion. I think I could find aspects that I apply to my life from just about any religion.

    I believe in good morals, equality, respect for nature and choosing to help others. :smile:
  • livelaughlovecrazy
    livelaughlovecrazy Posts: 101 Member
    Proudly & happily LDS Mormon. I know it, I live it and I love it ;)

    Very well said!

    No matter what religion you are, be proud of it!! :wink:
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Agnostic polytheist.
  • Mimoki
    Mimoki Posts: 115 Member
    My daddy was southern baptist, my mother is theravada buddhist and my hubby and I are muslim. Right before my father passed a way he said if our family can get along then why can't the rest of the world. Im a firm believer in peace and love and all things spiritual no matter what you want to call it or not call it. :)<3
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Humanity is my religion!

    Not sure what you want to do with this so called "friendly" question ?
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