Definition of supportive



  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Type B - claims to be very honest, even if he/she comes off a little mean from time to time, focuses on the positive but points out the negative, holds you accountable when you miss your goals and is more concerned about results than feelings
    I see nothing wrong with wanting support to be from either Type A or Type B. I only have issues with people who THINK they are Type B, but really are Type C - negative criticism and punishing or dismissive.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Most definitely B. I have no use for smoke blowing. If I don't do what I'm supposed to do, I want someone to kick me in the *kitten*.

    B. Too much A feels fake.
  • mountaingirl2207
    I really don't care, as long as they're funny and can put a cohesive sentence together.
  • amylite
    amylite Posts: 40 Member
    to me, supportive can be celebrating my successes, being understanding of my choices, not sabotaging - regardless of your own opinions. let's make that Type D
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I like type B. But, what I've found is that they are totally encouraging as well as honest. I like it when people call me on any BS, but tell me "yay" when I conquer the world.
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    [/quote] I see nothing wrong with wanting support to be from either Type A or Type B. I only have issues with people who THINK they are Type B, but really are Type C - negative criticism and punishing or dismissive.

    Yes. And to add to the Type C traits that I can do without - the self-determined 'expert' - the ones who know the one, true way on any given subject and everyone else is therefore wrong. A mix of A and B is fine. I'm always amazed by people who always see the bright side, but I love to have their support and like it nicely balanced by the B's who don't shy away from some hard truths when it's appropriate.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    I see many people ask for supportive friends on here. I'm curious about something. When a person asks for support, they are generally looking (in my opinion) for one of the two following types of people:

    Type A - very encouraging, always focuses on the positive, tells you good try when you didn't quite make your goal and always tries to leave you feeling better about yourself

    Type B - claims to be very honest, even if he/she comes off a little mean from time to time, focuses on the positive but points out the negative, holds you accountable when you miss your goals and is more concerned about results than feelings

    Which of these people appeals to you more?

    When I'd first entered into MFP Type Bs were allover the place ... Loved it ~ Learnt from them ~ Processed their prompters ~ Considered each and all ~ Tried it ~ All I've been doing now since then, has been as they'd advised individually/collectively (SideSteel/Sarauk2sf/Acg67 via my sister) building up on my calories to accommodate my workout routines' load on any given day to shed the unwanted fat but to retain/build lean muscle ~ body recomposition.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Unless it was someone that knew me any my goals really well, I'd prefer A.

    My experience with this site is most people who are type B are more concerning with preaching their goals than really trying to help you meet your own.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I get the feeling that you are looking for a specific answer to this question...

    Did something inspire this thought?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,125 Member
    I really don't care, as long as they're funny and can put a cohesive sentence together.

    Bah ha. I wish I'd said that!

    Really important IMO!!

  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    Type A for sure. I need the encouragement. I KNOW when I mess up, I don't need anyone to tell me. And the type Bs I've known tend to be know it alls, who think they are always right. Big turn-off for me. Who needs all the negativity? There's enough of that in the real world.
  • iamlaprell
    iamlaprell Posts: 71 Member
    I prefer Type B friends, and I'm definitely a Type B myself. I often find myself prefacing my responses to posts and messages with "Tough Love Time: " lol.

    After reading through some of the replies, I felt it might be better to give a little more info on why I consider myself a Type B....

    I am not judgemental first of all and I do not know it all by any means, however if someone on my friend's list is constantly complaining or is doing something that is harmful to their mental health by say obsessing over every single pound or calorie on a day to day basis, then I don't think it's very helpful to them for me to reinforce that behavior by telling them they are doing a good job to be so obsessive and feel guilty about every single bite of food they take. I think that you can lose 50 pounds but if you lose your happiness and make yourself anorexic in the process then you have lost the battle, the point in getting healthier for most of us is so that we can be happier, not so that we can spend every second of every day obsessing over whether we ate right or too much or worked out enough or need to run further or faster.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    B for me. Hey that rhymes I should be a rapper lol
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I know I'm more type A, but I have been type B personally with a few like one girl who asked for my help in keeping her on track with recovering from her eating disorder...and her friend's all called me a b*tch for it.

    I would rather have type B friends, but honestly, if I'm getting SOME sort of support or motivation, I'm happy. I had too many collector friends that I gave encouragement and criticism to. but they never encouraged or gave me constructive criticism. I feel like if I had some tough love, it'd be easier to stay on track...but instead I have a sabotaging husband and very little will power.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    There are people on mfp who love the type "B" friends , but being a type "B" friend to someone who has never tried to start a new lifestyle based on healthier eating and exercise could be potentially devastating.

    Smart friends know when to be a type "A" friend, and when to be a type "B" friend.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Smart friends know when to be a type "A" friend, and when to be a type "B" friend.
    ^ This in a nutshell
  • soundasleepx
    To be honest I'm happy with anyone who is willing to help me along my way, as long as they don't think they know everything and try and tell me HOW I should be going about my weight loss. If it's working for me and I'm just looking for encouragement, I don't want someone putting me off.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    the biggest supporter I have on here is a bit of both, very supportive, positive but she also gives me very honest advice. I know her in real life for 12 years and I knew I would get the honest answers from her. She is VERY informative and is sharing her knowledge she has gained from an amazing trainer on food and the balance with strength training to maximize my results.

    I do love the 'you are doing a great job' comments but I also want the gods honest truth when I am not doing something right! We are all here because we want to not just loose some unwanted weight we are all here because we want to be healthier.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I will not be defined as Type A or Type B, I give the support that I think individual friends need - and that can change in a heartbeat. I am the entire alphabet :tongue:
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    Type Double-D.

    Just kidding! Really! To be honest I find reading about how others are changing their lives more than I like cheers or jeers in my direction.