
Hi all, this is my first post in this particular topic.
I've lost round about 14lbs so far, and have another 31 to go before reaching my goal weight. My diet isn't particularly fantastic but I watch my caloric intake and try to make healthy choices (I have tinned mangoes quite a lot, and only eat brown bread). I can't afford to buy a lot of healthy options so I just eat what I can. What I want to know is - my life is pretty much sedentary when it comes to being active. I don't really have a lot of energy and feel tired a lot of the time (it's nothing medical). I used to go to the gym quite a lot but that ended up putting quite a lot of strain on me so I stopped going. - That and I felt pressured and started to hate the idea of going to the gym or working out. How can I manage to get out of this lazy mindset? Do you guys think that walking for an hour a day will be a good start?


  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    Walking is great exercise! It's easy on your joints and it's easy - you can do it anywhere! I recommend it greatly! :)
  • Bubblevixen
    Bubblevixen Posts: 78 Member
    Yes it is my lovely! :D Best way to start! :D Take a walk, relax and enjoy the peace , or even walk with music! :D
  • soundasleepx
    Yeyyy thank you! ^__^ Maybe it will help me to stop feeling so tired all the time. I'm going to put some proper clothes on and go for a walk right now :D I might see if I can challenge myself to go for at least three more walks this week.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When I feel 'unmotivated', I just get up and tell myself that I'm going to walk just 10 minutes at a pace I'll enjoy, so I'll do again the next day and not get burnt out. I always end up walking longer. I think it's just getting started that matters.
    Good luck. :)
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Walking is how I started last year - first at the mall when it was still snowing out, then outside whenever I could get time - I started getting up at 4 am because I became addicted to getting my walk in, then joined zumba and would walk back and forth to class (almost 4 miles right there). Those are the things I did to lose 54 lbs in 8 months, then came overtime, winter, and i gained back 12-14 lbs depending on the day. Grab your ipod, mp3 player, etc - and get out there! Good luck!!
  • soundasleepx
    Thank you ^_^ When I used to go to the gym, I ended up running 5k at the end of it! But it always made me really tired and last time I did it I nearly fainted and I think that's what put me off running again.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    When I first got started here in January I was recovering from surgery and could only walk. I wondered if it was enough activity to even bother. What I found was that I could lose weight by counting calories alone and walking was just a bonus. I lost 10 of the 13 pounds I've lost just with walking and counting calories. It's a great way to burn calories, lift your mood, and get into the habit of exercising. I've become kind of a walking addict. It's my time to clear my head and think things through. I always feel better after walking. Always. Even if I wasn't feeling particularly bad when I set out for a walk. I started by walking for 15 minutes and have increased to 45 minutes and have added weights and pilates as my body is ready for that now.
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    Walking is excellent exercise and the more you walk the less tired you will feel. I listen to a book on tape when I walk so I not only get my exercise in but reduce my stress and relax at the same time. Even if you can only go for 15 minutes or so at first, each day push yourself to do an extra five minutes.:smile:
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    Get a pedometer and try the 10k Steps per day program. I know several people that have found it helpful. *Note 10K steps per day is around 5 miles. I have read that the number is a little arbitrary, they came up with it because most entry level pedometers will read up to 4 decimal places or 9999, so 10K Per Day ends up being an easy way to sell them.
  • JD2285
    JD2285 Posts: 1
    I definitely know the feeling of being burnt out on the gym and leading a fairly sedentary lifestyle (at my desk now). Walking is a great way to get off your booty but not hate the exercise! Try walking uphill if you can, your legs and buns will feel it :) I started my own walk-to-run program and gradually added jogging to my walking routine and can now jog up to 20mins straight! If you want to make sure you get that heart-pumping cardio in, try adding a minute or two of jogging (or even a 30 second full on sprint!) intermittently while you walk :) Keep up the good work!
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    If your having less energy that means your not getting enough sleep.
    (8 hours or more of sleep per day is essential your body recovering and refueling your energy throughout the day.)

    Food Diet:
    ex.) Chicken, Fish, Lamb, Beef, Pork, Nuts, Eggs, etc.
    (Eat more lean protein. Fish/Chicken being the best options.)

    (2) types:
    1.) Simple: White foods like bread, pasta, rice and so on you should avoid as much as possible.
    2.) Complex: vegetables, fruit, grains (100% whole grain way healthier), etc.

    (2) types:
    1.) Good: Almonds, Avocadoes, Omega 3 (Fish Oil), etc.
    2.) Bad: Omega 1 (Oil) [Pretty much anything fried not good for you at all.]

    -If your on a budget try the vegetarian route it's a lot more cost effective you can get protein from eggs, nuts, soy, beans, etc.
    -Limit your fruit intake to 1 serving/day and eat more vegetables because sugar has lots of sugar even though it's natural sugar.
    -Limit your dairy as much as possible because there's lots of sugar/fat in dairy foods.
    (Drink skim milk, eat low fat yogurt, etc.)
    -If you still like your meats then do the following.
    (Eat more chicken, fish, lamb and turkey, Minimize on red meat to 1 serving/week.
    (Eat 100% whole grain bread in moderation. Quinoa, Barley, Oats, etc.)
    -Avoid fried food.
    (Best methods to prepare your food is broiling, roasting, grilling, BBQ, steaming and poaching. Avoid pan frying, deep frying, etc.)
    -Drink a lot of water.
    -Work Outs if your starting out.
    Strength: Push Ups, Sit Ups, Ab Curls, Dumb Bell Curls, Leg Squats, jumping jacks, pull ups, etc.
    Cardio: running, walking, biking, sports, etc.

    Most important get plenty of sleep.
    (Set aside a time where you go to sleep early to make sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep.)

    "If you can't kill it, grow it or pick it don't eat it."
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    @50 lbs down. 99.99% of anything I do for exercise is walking. I did the gym for a couple months to do Zumba but I wasn't feeling it was useful so now I am back to just walking. I walk 30 minutes 5x/week and some on the weekends if I can. A little walking and controlled food portions = win.
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    Walking is my primary form of exercising. It's good for the body and the mind.
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    If you get tired, then start small. Work your way up slowly.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Walking is amazing exercise. I started out walking and lost about 70% of my weight from walking (and of course my diet and eating habits). I was so hesitant to join a gym that I just kept pushing myself to walk farther and faster and it is amazing exercise. I now have a PT twice a week but still do my walking 5-6 days a week. I will take walking over any other excercise.
  • soundasleepx
    I can't sleep properly unfortunately, I am a terribly light sleeper and wake up with the slightest movement/noise, and I have to go go the toilet a lot at night (weak bladder) and often when I wake up around 1-3am, I'm awake for an hour at the least. It's so frustrating! I need a good night's sleep! Often I wake up around half past 9 in the morning as well, no matter what time I went to bed the night before
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Hi all, this is my first post in this particular topic.
    I've lost round about 14lbs so far, and have another 31 to go before reaching my goal weight. My diet isn't particularly fantastic but I watch my caloric intake and try to make healthy choices (I have tinned mangoes quite a lot, and only eat brown bread). I can't afford to buy a lot of healthy options so I just eat what I can. What I want to know is - my life is pretty much sedentary when it comes to being active. I don't really have a lot of energy and feel tired a lot of the time (it's nothing medical). I used to go to the gym quite a lot but that ended up putting quite a lot of strain on me so I stopped going. - That and I felt pressured and started to hate the idea of going to the gym or working out. How can I manage to get out of this lazy mindset? Do you guys think that walking for an hour a day will be a good start?

    You say it is nothing medical but are you sure? A vitamin D deficiency will make you very tired.
  • DennyHodge
    DennyHodge Posts: 56 Member
    The mistake that people make when they start running, is running too fast. You shouldn't feel dead or that tired after a 5k. Actually a beginning runner may not be able to run a full three miles. But regardless, most people run way too fast and feel overwhelmed with fatigue, trouble breathing, soreness, and injury.

    Walking is awesome for you. It trains your body to burn fat contrary to what some people believe. The lower your heart rate, the more fat you burn instead of glycogen (carbs), from faster, more strenuous paces running.

    I run about 120-140 miles a month and know quite a bit about running. If you have any questions just hit me up.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I try to walk everyday, it really helps, I'm down 33 lbs since Jan.15 2013
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You're not kidding are you?

    You didn't even wake up for your profile picture.

    Yes, walking is fine.