


  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    you can do one of them leslie sansone videos ,they are on youtube, choose what duration you want to do and give it a go. they are eminently doable and Ms.sansone does not give the intimidating superfit vibe!!something is always better than nothing.
    ETA: also try ruling out all medical issues including anaemia, hypothyroid and depression.good luck
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Lost my first 40 only walking :smile:
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I lost all my weight with walking as my only exercise.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I lost all my weight with walking as my only exercise.

    Same here
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    What do you mean you can't afford to eat healthy? You would be surprised how cheap a healthy meal can cost. I think you need a crash course to awaken you to a whole new world. Eating healthy doesn't mean having to spend a lot of money. Last night my husband and I had healthy lasagna...here is the break down:

    6 whole wheat lasagna noodles: $1.00
    1 tablespoon of olive oil: $0.10
    1 medium onion: $0.40
    1 Eggplant: $1.89
    2 Garlic Cloves: $0.14
    8oz of lean ground beef: $3.45
    1 can tomato puree: $1.00
    2 cups low fat cottage cheese: $1.67
    1/4 cup parm cheese: $0.42
    1/2 cup mozzarella cheese: $0.97

    Total price: $11.04
    Serves 4 for $2.76 a serving.

    Note that I used expensive grass fed beef in the price. If you were to buy whatever was at the grocery it would be even cheaper. Saying that "It's too expensive to eat healthy" is just an excuse. It takes trial and error, but if once you get the hang of it you can save a lot of money eating healthy. Especially if you plan your week out like I do.
  • mo1700
    mo1700 Posts: 78 Member
    Walking is really fab exercise and will really help improve your energy levels, personally I think an hour a day to start is a bit too much but go with what you feel, it might be better to build yourself up to an hour a day but whatever you do will be extra so it's all good. Good Luck and let us know how you get on with it!!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    For me, exercise is an automatic energy and anti-depressant pill all wrapped into one. I find myself being really tired and sad if I don't exercise regularly. It is hard to in the beginning to start, but after a while it becomes a habit. You can do it....... It really does help! AND, walking is just fine!
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I try to get up early every morning and walk on my TreadClimber. It seems to help with my energy level and my mood during the day.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Walking is one of the best ways to go. I lost all of my weight just watching calories and walking. I am now doing Jillian Michaels no more trouble zones just to try and tone up but walking is great and if you can't do a whole hour at once you can split it up and walk 2 times at 30 minutes and still get the same benefit.
  • ClaireSmith811
    ClaireSmith811 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm down 21lb since October and the only exercise I get is walking with my little boy in his pram. Some weeks I get out most days for 1-2 hours then some weeks I don't get out at all if the weather is bad. The past 3 weeks have been difficult with snow and freezing conditions but this week has been better so hopefully the good weather will stick around so I can try and get out everyday. I definately notice an increase in my weight loss when I can get out walking.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member

    i've been tracking my food for 2 months now, and have only used walking as my only form of exercise.

    the app I use says I've been walking about 25 miles per month, usually done between 4 to 5 days per week.

    now that i feel more fit and 18 lbs lighter, im going to incorporate push ups, sit ups, light jogging when possible.

    and yeah, i dont have a gym membership.