TDEE what is yours?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130 pounds and I've been maintaining for over two years at 1700 PLUS exercise cals. I don't have a consistent TDEE, so I just go by what MFP gives me and then add earned exercise calories. My basic, couch potato TDEE is 1700, but some days I run 10 miles, other days I run 3 miles and strength train. Some weeks I've super active, others I'm super lazy - never the same thing, so I can't rely on one standard TDEE.
  • helenjon752
    helenjon752 Posts: 55 Member
    I don't understand why my TDEE is so low compared to others

    I am 5 feet 1.5 inches and petite frame age 62 116 lbs and calculated via scoobys

    With light exercise its 1575 and with moderate exercise its 1776

    My cals have to be very low to lose weight

    I only want to lose another 4 lb and reduce my body fat a little
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 28 yrs, 5'4" (164 cm)

    CW: 64.5 kg
    %BF: 12~13%

    My TDEE with workout is 2300 kcal!

    I do TDEE- (15~20%) to loose fat!

    Goal %BF is below 10%
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What is your TDEE and do you pay attention to it?

    I just worked mine out and it is 2733. I want to bulk up so I got to add 10% on to this.

    Has it worked for you?

    everyone should pay attention to their TDEE!

    I alternate between maintaining and cutting to lower my bodyfat a bit, and my TDEE is about 2200ish

    I am 5ft5 and 130ish pounds