30 day squat challenge anyone wanna start with me tomorrow



  • Cmg2k
    Cmg2k Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in! Did squats at the gym yesterday so I'll start today on Day 2!
  • lindaguil
    Did day 1 today, mind you it's the only exercise that I'm doing. Maybe I should so the ab and tricep challenge at same time.... Get my burn in
  • angiebmore
    angiebmore Posts: 34 Member
    How did the 30 day squat work for you?
  • fdwilson
    fdwilson Posts: 1 Member
    i'll start with you today!
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I want to try this. I have such bad balance though. Anyone have any suggestions on a good way to balance myself at home while moving in and out of the squat position? When I used to do these in the gym my trainer had me use a stabilization ball behind my back and lean against a wall but I do not have a ball at home.
  • edames
    edames Posts: 8 Member
    I've never exercised with other people. Maybe being in a group will motivate me! Ill start today.
  • HomegirlDee
    HomegirlDee Posts: 18 Member
    do you have to do them consecutive? or can I break it up throughout the day?
  • vines515
    vines515 Posts: 18 Member
    Just finished day 1 of the 30 day squat challenge and the 30 day abs challenge. Legs cramping a little. Looking forward to say 2.
  • madimutterfly
    Starting today!
  • vines515
    vines515 Posts: 18 Member
    You can break it up
  • mrsharris316
    its suppose to be rest day but i played catch up
  • lindaguil
    I think your wrong you need to be doing these all togeather no break.

    I just did day two and I tell you my legs hurt
  • Therunner23
    Therunner23 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning everyone, I would like to join this challenge. Can it be different sets of squats or you have to do them all in a row? Are there rules to it! I'm so excited I'm back on track and I have lost 3lbs this week so anything extra I can do I'm all for it! Count me in!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Not wanting to be a bore, but - is there a point to doing 250 squats in one set, apart from damaging your knee joints?

    Even in progressive bodyweight calisthenics, you don't want to be doing loads of reps because the exercise is easy, you should be working to something more like three or four sets of 8 - 12, then looking for a more difficult bodyweight exercise to keep the intensity up with lower reps, otherwise there is no strength gain.
  • auntmims
    auntmims Posts: 11
    Ok, I think I'll try to do this - going on vaca soon so I could do these anywhere, no excuses. But, do you have to do them all at the same time? A little out of shape so I think I'll break it up until I'm able to do more of them. :smile:
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I really do not see how someone could do 100 squats all at once...I have to break it up or I'll get BORED and give up quickly...but I would like to try....I'll start day 1 today! I'm in!
  • lindaguil
    I really do not see how someone could do 100 squats all at once...I have to break it up or I'll get BORED and give up quickly...but I would like to try....I'll start day 1 today! I'm in!

    I think the point is the achievement of being able to do 250 squats. Maybe do it in frount of your tv so your not board. It shouldn't take long any how.

    I hope to do this challenge twice, the second time with weights. Although my quads are quite sore after doing the 55 today.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I want to try this. I have such bad balance though. Anyone have any suggestions on a good way to balance myself at home while moving in and out of the squat position? When I used to do these in the gym my trainer had me use a stabilization ball behind my back and lean against a wall but I do not have a ball at home.

    I had trouble with this when I first started so I picked up some tips on Mark Sisson's website (he does great videos of how to progress push-ups etc too!). I used the wall first of all (without the ball, I didn't press hard back into it, just enough to keep my balance) then progressed onto having my little stepping stool (it's lower than my knees) behind me and I lower myself down until I can just touch it lightly and no more. It took a while but I can do them without the stool now though I might put it back when I get into the hundreds to give me something to collapse on if it all gets too much lol

    His website is www.marksdailyapple.com if you want to see how he does it - it's very useful and definitely improved my form for lots of movements.
  • Truecullers72
    Truecullers72 Posts: 38 Member
    Im on day 5, hoping to see some major changes
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    So I did 50 in 2 sets of 25. Does that count? it was in the same workout,