Tattoos in the work place.



  • TattednPierced
    My previous job had issues with my mohawk and piercings. I didn't mind taking out the piercings but there was no way I was going to get my hair chopped just because they didn't like it.

    Luckily my current job have no issues with either so as long as I'm wearing a shirt/trousers and smart shoes I can get away with having my piercings in and my hair multi-coloured.

    The only downside to this is that they have stated if I wish to progress to the next level of my job I will have to change my appearance because it will be site visits, where as at the moment I'm office based all the time.

    What are you deciding to do with the downside?
  • TattednPierced
    My previous job had issues with my mohawk and piercings. I didn't mind taking out the piercings but there was no way I was going to get my hair chopped just because they didn't like it.

    Luckily my current job have no issues with either so as long as I'm wearing a shirt/trousers and smart shoes I can get away with having my piercings in and my hair multi-coloured.

    The only downside to this is that they have stated if I wish to progress to the next level of my job I will have to change my appearance because it will be site visits, where as at the moment I'm office based all the time.

    What are you deciding to do with the downside?

    Well it's the natural progression of my work, in actual fact I'm getting it cut this evening. Which is going to be strange as I haven't had a "normal" hair cut in about 3 years now. If I was being told I had to do it then I don't think i would, but as it is I'm being encouraged by my boss and my director, who really want me to take the next step. They've made it clear that it's something I don't have to do if I don't want, so as it's my choice it's not so much of an issue.

    But I have ambitions to further myself, and the only way to do that is to have the chop.

    Makes perfect sense. Congratulations on your progessions
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i have tattoos, my sleeve isn't visible with a long sleeve shirt but i always roll them up, i've never had any complaints, but i don't work with the public i'm in a lab so i guess it's not that important however surveyors in the same company a couple have clearly visible neck tattoos and nothing has been mentioned

    i think the old ways are dying out and employers are becoming more accepting and as new generations make more of the decisions things are getting more relaxed
  • Emmapople30
    Emmapople30 Posts: 5 Member
    Omg! Here in the uk some ( not all) are very weird about tattoos and PiercingS! I've got a lovely chest piece of flowers and butterflies , went for a job interview... He told me I'd b working along side children and i might scare them!!! Lmao! Their loss of course but that was a very bizarre thing to say lololol. Funnily enough I didn't get the job ????
  • bobbyunangst
    I have 4 tattoos and I work in a medical office. Our employee hand book states that tattoos and piercings are not allowed, in fact even the standard ear piercings for women are only allowed to be studs for safety reasons. I started here almost 7 years ago and almost every ones of the girls are work with now also have tattoos. Some of them show since our scrubs don't cover them. We have not lost a single patient due to the tattoos and as far as I know no one has complained to our doctor about them.

    I think it is safer for businesses to say no tattoos and then let them slide then to say that they are ok and have to explain why they can't hire someone with half their face covered or other form of unprofessional look.
  • broncosbabe
    broncosbabe Posts: 50 Member
    Military as well however we still have some restrictions - no tattoos on the face or anything that could be considered particularly offensive - no visible swearing etc. When we join though, we know there are restrictions so it's not that much of an issue. I've only got one on my wrist so far but will be getting more. Don't particularly want my face tattooed anyway :)

    Peircings are different though - not allowed to wear any peircing in uniform except girls can wear a small stud or hoop earing (very tiny, sleepers they call them) in each ear, no more. Males aren't allowed to wear any peircings while in uniform at all. I know there's a restriction with the stretcher things in ears but to be honest never looked it up because it's not something that's interested me.
  • sharon_moyer
    I feel that tattoos are an expression of art. I don't see why tattoos should be hidden as long as they are in good taste. I personally don't have any tattoos, but I have a son that has 2 tattoos and a sister that has one tattoo. My companion even has tattoos. Heck, I even thought of getting a tattoo but never went through with it. I have a friend that has his own tattoo shop. I suppose that what I'm saying is that I'm for tattoos because they are an expression of someone's art!
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    I used to work in a secondary school here in the UK and they hated my tattoos. I can't quite cover the roses on my neck with a shirt and I refused to take my nose ring out as it didnt effect my job as a manager. The school thought it was a bad example to set to the students.
  • TattednPierced
    I used to work in a secondary school here in the UK and they hated my tattoos. I can't quite cover the roses on my neck with a shirt and I refuse to take my nose ring out however I point blank refused as it didnt effect my job as a manager. The school thought it was a bad example to set to the students.

    God forbid you influence kids to express themselves in a way they seem fit. Silly corporate world.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I suppose it's like a lot of things in life. If a company has rules that you don't like, don't work for them. But if you want that job bad enough, follow the rules. Sadly, life is not fair.

    Edit: Hmmm. I bet I'm going to get shredded for this post.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I work for VWGoA Chattanooga. We have people here running around with colored hair, gauges, nose rings, mohawks, you name it. I have a tat, but it is easily hidden with a long sleeve shirt. It covers most of the inside of my right forearm. I got it while in the Military. However, I am a Specialist/Technician, and will prob not move up any higher. No one I know of here above my grade has any ink,piercings,ect .....but I am comfy where I am at/like my job, so I am okay with that .....

    Most of my friends have sleeves, or even more, along with piercings. And I am always amazed at the treatment they get because of it. By people that know nothing about them, and my friends are all good people, it is rediculous .....
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I got my first tattoo on my chest when I worked at my local council, a very 'all must wear suits and be prim and proper' place. But then, I also had blue hair and wore motorcycle boots to work. They didn't really care what I looked like, for some reason, so long as I didn't have my boobs spilling out.

    But I know with other job interviews, I've gone with neutral coloured hair and clothes that covered my ink, and I take out my piercings, too, because it's sad but true: there are people against body mods, they will judge you on it, and there is nothing you can do about it, because it's still an accepted form of discrimination. I did a big presentation on this a while back, about how it's fine to discriminate against a current/potential employee for being 'alternative' and having ink, piercings, coloured hair etc, however, it's still discrimination, it's still negatively judging/treating someone because of who they are and what they look like. Tattoos are so commonplace now, it's ridiculous that people still view them so negatively.

    Also, I had to fight my school when I was a teenager because I had a nose piercing that they tried to get me to remove, however, having my mother come in and explain as an Indian girl of age, it was traditional to get it done, they left me alone after that. Piercings can be cultural too, as can tattoos. My tattoos have meaning for me, are a part of me, and if people can't accept that then that is there problem, but what it comes down to is this: if I could get an awesome job by conforming and looking 'normal', I would, because that's how the world works, and after work I'll put the metal back in my face and bare my ink for the world to see.

    Body mods do not affect character or capability to do your job well.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    Omg! Here in the uk some ( not all) are very weird about tattoos and PiercingS! I've got a lovely chest piece of flowers and butterflies , went for a job interview... He told me I'd b working along side children and i might scare them!!! Lmao! Their loss of course but that was a very bizarre thing to say lololol. Funnily enough I didn't get the job ????

    I LOVE YOUR INK. Seriously. Butterflies are my thing. I'm getting the heart on my chest covered with one and another on the other side.
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I think it depends on who you are at my job and what you do. I work at an insurance company. We don't see the customers but occasionally vendors and big wigs come through. I can remember being sat down as a temp for the company and being unofficially lectured about how tattoo's that were obvious would impact your career there. I don't know how true it is but it stuck with me. I only have 1 but won't get any that I can't hide. The way the job market is these days why risk adding any negative factors to me. That and i almost have my masters in education so no tattoo's for teachers.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm in hairdressing and music so its not a problem for me as it's all about fashion/image.

    I've had jobs that wouldn't let me show them and some that didn't care.

    To me it's not worth getting in an arguement over, if an employer sees you as a lesser person because you have tattoos then they aren't worth working for.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I work in a professional, white collar line of work. They only allow us to wear jeans on Fridays, so I am sure they wouldn't be too thrilled with tattoos showing, though there was a guy here for a while who had gauges in his ears. I have two tattoos, but they are covered up when I am wearing my work attire.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I work in a VERY conservative work environment! Although, we don't have a policy, I feel certain that a visable display of tattoos would be frowned upon. Only my closest co-workers have seen mine or know that I have them. My tattoos are in places that I can cover them up very easily.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    I work in IT for the federal government and while there is a "dress" code, working in IT tends to have lots of leeway. Now as a supervisor I don't give a *kitten* what you look like or wear - either clothes, ink or metal. Can you program? are you reliable?
    I don't have ink yet -- will be my reward when I hit the fifty pound mark :wink:
  • fitznewme2013
    I have quite a bit including a sleeve in progress. during winter i always wear long sleeves or hoodies because im always cold. As soon as the t-shirts come out the look on peoples faces are priceless! i always get " i didn't know you had tattoos?" and i always respond yeah i have 1 or 2 ( actually i have over 20) or the best one i get " you dont look like someone who would have tattoos" my response and what does someone look like who you think would have tattoos? thankfully my work policy is as long as they dont offend anyone wear and are tasteful then go for it!

    In this day and age it still amazes me how people are so quick to judge based on tattoos . They assume people are criminals or drug users. Well i have quite a few and have never done a drug and have never even had a speeding ticket (knock on wood) bring on the ink!