Beautiful Blues 5/4/10 Newbies always welcome!



  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I love camping - can I come? :wink:

    Hope everyone is having a good day. I can't wait for the weekend! And the mostest bestest weekend wishes go out to Peter!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Thank you Mary, Mayra, Deb and everyone else.
    Last day here, tomorrow morning we will be driving 2200kms down to Florida.

    Going to have an awesome time, see you all in just over 2 weeks.
    Be good, push play everyday or go walking everyday.

    Make good choices. We can all succeed on our journey.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Peter- We will miss you! Best wishes on your wedding. Have fun and enjoy every minute of it! I'm sure you are going to look great after all your hard work with P90X and other workout programs.

    Sorry all, I have been out of it today. My professor emailed me with a project I had not seen, so I worked on it until 2:00pm and submitted it. I think now I'm done. It was such a mood killer for me because after I saw the email I did not feel like working out. I will count my 15 minute walk to the spa today where I got my hair cut and done. I saw on the Dr. Oz show today that the best day to start a diet is on the weekend, especially on Saturday because then the body is used to working out and when the week starts the body can continue on. I have not quit people, just got side tracked and rebelled a little. I have not been on the scale though all week, like I promised and I'm proud of that. The scale was beginning to really depress me seeing the weight go up and down every day. I'll only weigh myself once a week. I'm just reserving my energy and am so pumped to bring it this weekend. Tomorrow is my P90X rest or stretch x day and I am ready guys.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening guys, and thank you for being yourselves and pushing it every single day!!!

    Take care all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    A quick note before I go to bed: I will be away for a few days. Tomorrow I am leaving from church, and going to my Mom's to take her and my two sisters to a dinner theater for Mother's Day. Then on Monday I will take the three of them to Kansas City to see Stars on Ice. We will stay at my daughter's apartment. Pray that my sisters and my mother can get along with each other for a few days without driving me nuts. (I am always the peacemaker.) If you see on the news that a woman was arrested for murdering a sister on the Kansas Turnpike, the only question will be which one drove me over the edge! Send Reese's pieces to me in jail - I can't live without my peanut butter!

    Deb, just leave my weight the same, that's what it was this morning.

    Everyone have a good Mother's Day, and I will be back later in the week. Bye for now!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    msh- Have fun on your trip and I hope it's drama free. Let us know how it goes.

    Yesterday did a walk, today another walk at six flags. It was very windy and cold today but I enjoyed myself. I had fun this week relaxing a bit, but I miss my regular workouts. I plan on going to bed at a decent time tonight and getting up tomorrow morning for my 5th week of P90X and my morning jog. This was supposed to be done today but for this week, I'll switch my week to start on Monday. I'm really pumped and I'm ready to lose another set of 40 pounds. Happy mothers day to all moms here and enjoy your day everyone!!!!

    Make it a good day!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just breezing through on Mom's computer, saying howdy. So far the trip is pretty good, only had to stomp out a few fires. Tomorrow will be the real test. See you all later!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was nice and relaxing. I got sunkissed and dehydrated but I guess that is par for the course. :happy:

    Peter I hope everything went well and congratulations!

    Mayra--we all deserve time off sometimes. We can start fresh today! :bigsmile:

    Mary Good luck with not killing family... I know how hard that can be at times!:bigsmile:

    I am wishing I had a weekend to catch up from my weekend! It is always nice to get away, I just hate having to go back to the grindstone!

    Don't forget to send me your weights today!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Glad to see you all still here! I'll be sure to check in with you- missed you guys!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Went wogging yesterday and it felt great. wanted to go again today but the weather will not let me. I wish I had Chrissy's motivation to run in the rain. If I didn't have to go fo a funeral viewing tonight I would but since I don't have time to reshower and get ready I will do something after we go to the viewing.

    Busy week ahead
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Hey everyone IM BACK!! I have gain some of my weight back since the last time I have been on but I'm back on track and ready to do this. I had to take care of my mental health first and unfortunately that meant letting go of my physical for a while. My husband and I joined a gym a couple weeks ago. I never thought we would ever do that but after insurance paid for their share we only end up paying $10 out of pocket for the both of us as long as we go 8xa month. Cant beat that.

    Im so very proud of myself today at the gym I ran two mins at a time three times so that is a total of 6mins of running. I can't wait to get my new HRM to see how many calories I'm burning. My dog was nice enough to eat the last one. :mad:

    Hello everyone and I shall be checking in everyday from now on thank you msh0530 for sending me a message.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    jg- It's great to work out with a partner especially your husband. Glad you are okay and that you are putting your health first.

    So I'm on the 5th week of P90X and completed Chest, Shoulders & Triceps for 60 minutes. This exercise had alot of very difficult types of push ups that I've never done before: like even ones with one hand. I love the challenge but I switched to female pushups towards the middle. I had planned to also do Ab ripper X and Insanity Max Interval circuit, but I'm afraid I ran out of time today. I babysat my cousin's 5 month old baby and it's tons of fun, but she came to pick him up and we were chatting until 6:00pm. I did P90X from 7:00-8:00pm and then I watched Dancing with the stars until 10:00pm and my body is telling me it's too late to exercise. Tomorrow is a new day! I'm really hungry today so I hope that's a sign that my metabolism is gearing up. I'm happy to say I'm back in it and feel awesome to have worked out today. Please weather get warmer, because I want to run outside....

    Take care and keep bringing it.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I second the weather getting better. I live in MN and all it has done in the last two weeks is rain. We would love some sunny weather. I have depression and I can tell you that this is no good for that for sure.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have only run in the rain once. It was a 5k in May and actually very pleasant. I don't know that I would push myself out the door to do that again. But I enjoyed the race!

    I am ready for actual spring weather. We have had hot and cold and rain I don't think it can make up it's mind!

    j-g have they checked your vitamin d levels?? My husband had really low levels and was always exhausted until it was treated. Everyone in the northern areas really should have them checked or be taking a supplement. Dr Oz says it is the new epidemic of the United States. Welcome back by the way. :flowerforyou:

    I really lost my motivation last week so I think I am going to repeat the fifth week of p90x. I figure it can't hurt. I keep thinking that I am going to clean up my eating and then I don't. My willpower is apparently zero currently.

    Well off to do Cardio x! Take Care!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    Beautiful Blues, I want to join your lovely group!! :flowerforyou:
    SW - 163.8 ( 3/2010)
    CW - 157.6
    GW - 132

    I work out in the morning before work at 4am, usually 40-50 minutes. Right now I am mostly doing cardio 400-750 calories. After I am done with my triathlon on June 20th, I will add strength training. I am hoping by June 20th I will be at my half way point, 148lb. I have been going to gym 27 days straight, so my goal is to continue going and log my food everyday. I will do at least 1 mile of swimming this week. I have yet to get into the pool this year. :ohwell:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member

    My willpower is apparently zero currently.

    Must be "in the water" things I avoided for so long seem to be things I am leaning towards. BUT I've snuck in a workout here and there and not ready to throw in the towl by any means! Just means I need to ramp up the exercise. I noticed though while not focusing on nutrition that I've not felt as good...nausea, dizziness, weird how it really makes such a huge difference for me.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    swilkie, welcome to our group! You are of course more than welcome! Send me your current weight every monday and I will get you on the board.

    Chrissy--I am really glad that I am not the only one having problems right now. I have come to realize that I have to think of this as a lifestyle change because once I start thinking diet I get off course. My issues started when I went through a binge before starting the biggest loser program--I have not gotten back on track since. I also have not been feeling as well I have almost constant heartburn, nausea, fogginess of the brain that sort of thing. My husband has been wondering what is wrong with me. :laugh: I told him I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant. :wink: I just don't feel good not eating well...I wish that was enough incentive to make me eat well! So from now on I am going to focus on the balanced diet, no fad diets or playing around with it anymore! I know what works I just need to do it!

    We had a late start day where I just gave up fighting my daughter to get her to school on time. I managed to get her there only a half hour late. Luckily there are only a few more weeks until Summer break. It can't come soon enough!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hey everyone!! And, welcome newbies!! :wink: :laugh: I need to check-in more often. I miss it!!

    I've been soooo busy at work and working on my blog. LOL. I actually really like blogging - I need work on my layout more, though.

    I've got about 6 more weeks before I go to the beach and I'm stuck at 219. I want to be 210 before I go! 9 more pounds ... :grumble: :noway: Gotta get 'em!

    I will be back to write more later! Just got my weight to deb - thanks for the reminder! :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    swilkie, welcome to our group! You are of course more than welcome! Send me your current weight every monday and I will get you on the board.

    Chrissy--I am really glad that I am not the only one having problems right now. I have come to realize that I have to think of this as a lifestyle change because once I start thinking diet I get off course. My issues started when I went through a binge before starting the biggest loser program--I have not gotten back on track since. I also have not been feeling as well I have almost constant heartburn, nausea, fogginess of the brain that sort of thing. My husband has been wondering what is wrong with me. :laugh: I told him I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant. :wink: I just don't feel good not eating well...I wish that was enough incentive to make me eat well! So from now on I am going to focus on the balanced diet, no fad diets or playing around with it anymore! I know what works I just need to do it!

    We had a late start day where I just gave up fighting my daughter to get her to school on time. I managed to get her there only a half hour late. Luckily there are only a few more weeks until Summer break. It can't come soon enough!

    Deb-it sounds like we've been feeling the same. I've been on this not so healthy choice kick since I've been dealing with all my mom's stuff with her Alzheimers. WE WILL DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Leigh-I can't wait to read your blog-haven't had time to but I will soon. Speaking of that-I need to post an update to mine.
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    HI I'd like to join! I need all the motivation and support I can get. I'm finally MENTALLY ready to do this weightloss thing :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi Fawkes! I am going to put up the new chart today so get me your starting weight and current weight asap :flowerforyou: Welcome!

    Stress sure seems to be a deal killer. The move has gotten me way out of sink. We can do this though. One step at a time! It is amazing how all the old habits come out and it is hard to even remember what you were eating before. I am working on that though!

    Have a great day!