Male verse female



  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Have to call bull**** on this. I know that some women know how to train and bust their *kitten* in and out of the gym, but for the 99% their "workouts" are beyond rubbish and consist of maybe 30 minutes walking or sitting on a machine in a gym while messing on their phones.

    I'm really not trying to be rude but this statement makes me wonder if you even know any women.
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    I do not cut everything out however over 1000 calories for a meal in itself is ridiculous diet or no diet :/

  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.

    ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad those did not burn a whole lot of calories haha!! :)
    Not true, orgasms do burn cals and beside that, i take it you dont have multiple orgasm in 5 min? Let's say average time of sex is 30 min, you use every muscle in your body, you burn way more cals in those 30 min humping than 30 min workout.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    If you consume fewer calories than your TDEE you will lose weight over time according to that deficit. This is the case for both men and women. If you believe this is not the case then you are either miscalculating your TDEE or miscalculating your caloric intake.

    I don't think its helpful to compare yourself to your husband as has different caloric needs. If you consume at a deficit to your TDEE you will also lose weight.

    Good luck!
    OK so can I tell you how much it annoys me that men can drop weight no problem (rephrase,.MOST men) and women usually struggle their entire life. You know that commercial where the animated woman is talking and her husband is standing next to her. They cut out junk food - he shrinks and she doesn't. Ya welcome to my life!!!!

    So what got me here: pasta, breads, eating dominoes bread bowls (oh YUM), an occasional fried dough, nachos...that is prob about it. Everything else I eat is generally pretty healthy.
    My husband - same but add in donuts every AM on the way to work.

    I cut out all of the above: still have to cut more and have to get my booty moving...still the scale & measuring tape fights me

    He cuts out donuts..yes people JUST donuts and loses 18 pounds in a month...seriously?!?! SMH

    Just needed to vent haha :)

    ~Want to add before anyone goes all crazy on me LOL...just a silly vent I know in reality...,first he has a lot more to lose than I do...I have always eaten a pretty balanced diet except the occasional splurges..he has not... These are in fact why he can lose faster than I for now :) But for the drives me batty!!!! :p
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    Unless of course you consider lifting children several times a day, or laundry,trash etc. lifting LOL :)

    My KitchenAide weights 27# !

    Carrying a basket of wet lander up the stairs....

    2 toddlers and an infant, double stroller AND baby carrier (back in the day)

    You'd think bench dips and deadlifts would come easier than they do...
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Have to call bull**** on this. I know that some women know how to train and bust their *kitten* in and out of the gym, but for the 99% their "workouts" are beyond rubbish and consist of maybe 30 minutes walking or sitting on a machine in a gym while messing on their phones.

    your gym must have gotten all the lazies then, when I attended my gym this was not the case.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Have to call bull**** on this. I know that some women know how to train and bust their *kitten* in and out of the gym, but for the 99% their "workouts" are beyond rubbish and consist of maybe 30 minutes walking or sitting on a machine in a gym while messing on their phones.

    I'm really not trying to be rude but this statement makes me wonder if you even know any women.

    Yeah, we all want to know where you got this 99% statistic, give us your sources, LMAO. I don't even visibly see 1% of ladies doing this in the gym, even in the ladies only section (where they work their *kitten* off). I have (anecdotaly speaking) seen 1 lady do this in the 17 years since I joined a gym (and worked at the gym at a college setting).