Getting tired during a workout



  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    As others have already said, you're working out way too long! If you do an hour of cardio before resistance training, you're not going to get even a remotely decent strength training workout in!

    My body says otherwise. Thanks for your advice though - it had been working for me, now I'm just tired.

    The key is, it had been working for you.. now it's not.

    Your body is telling you it's tired.. so rest, and switch it up.

    If it doesn't work, then you can always go back to what your doing.

    Eh, I guess you're right although I don't like to admit it. Cheers.

    @mumtoonegirl - My protein ranges from 120-150 a day, so not sure if it's really that. I don't like protein drinks, but I was eating protein bars afterwards - maybe I needed to eat them before! However, I have now run out of those.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Not workout for 2 hours.

    If you have the intensity high enough, half an hour to 45 minutes should be plenty for cardio... No need to even cross into the hour, 2 hour mark.. unless you are training for something specific.

    Forgot to mention, the second hour is strength based.

    Do strength training on days you don't do cardio.

    Then on days you do cardio, don't do 2 hours of it.

    Easy, right? :)
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    Make sure you are eating enough calories. I know when I don't eat enough my body shuts down during my workouts.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    Have you ever thought about switching up your schedule and going to two-a-days? If you are going to work out that much, doing so will give you some rest and recoup time in between each segment and you will find that you can devote more energy, both mentally physically to each workout.
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    Yr iron levels might be too low, apparently most pre menopausal women's are. I was tested for ferritin (stored iron) a while back and it was very low , even tho my blood iron was ok. At the time I was feeling so rough after workouts, really low, stomping around slamming doors & snapping at everyone. I went on a course of solgars gentle iron after the ferritin test and that *really* helped, took about 3 weeks before I started to notice the diff., but that post workout drag was pretty much gone by then.