Male opinions please...



  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    As a seasoned and now retired (engaged) internet dater, I'm sorry to say but you were dissed. Chin up and move on. Guys are pretty obvious when not interested as nice as they try to be they are not very smooth. I don't say this to be mean, just honest. Sorry, girl opinion here!
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Well, tonight I saw him at the gym. I sent him a message to make him aware that I was in the building. After a few minutes he gave me the hello nod and tiny wave from a distance of 30-40 feet (he was lifting, I was stepping). After about another 20 minutes, I was near done with my workout and thought I'd go say hello. When I looked around though, I didnt see him. So I sent another message, "hey I was gonna come say hello, but I've lost you in the crowd." I got a message back that said "I left. lol"

    What if he's thinking the same thing? "OMG She knew I was here and didn't come and say hello. She just got on her stepping machine and ignored me. She must not like me"
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    1) He was freaked out that you were in the gym unexpectedly and felt stalked. 20%

    2) He was just busy working out, wasn't expecting to meet you there, and had to go. 40%

    3) For whatever reason, he's not into you. 40%

    The only way to find out is to ask, but honestly, Joy_Joy is right, wait. If he wants to contact you, he will. Nothing will run a guy off faster than pestering.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Its not beyond the realm of possibility that the man in question has zero social skills and was too anxious to stick around to meet you.
    If he wants to meet - leave it up to him. The ball's now in his court.
    kind regards,

  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    ... But most likely he didn't want u to see him all sweaty

    I thought we were talking about a guy.

    Haha, IKR!
    We were both sweaty. I thought it made for a nice level playing field. Many of our conversations had been about fitness and we joked about eventually running into each other there. We knew we go to the same gym, so it was only a matter of time. I figure if we can discuss fitness and you see me sweaty and working hard, you'll either like me more or like me not.
    I'm thinking not. ha ha
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    ... But most likely he didn't want u to see him all sweaty

    I thought we were talking about a guy.

    well its dependent on the guy...but am guessing when he first met her he didn't wanna be all sweaty...i didnt think it was just a girl thing :laugh:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Don't push it, but next time make sure to walk over and have a polite conversation.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    this is a difficult situation to read. my first instinct was that it was a "diss." sure, he could be shy or have no social skills....but if you're interested in someone and they make it clear that they are nearby...wouldn't you go say hi?

    if i were you, i'd wait it out. if he texts you or comes up to you next time you're in the gym, disregard what i'm saying now. i don't suggest you ask him about it...that could come off as super clingy.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Its not beyond the realm of possibility that the man in question has zero social skills and was too anxious to stick around to meet you.
    If he wants to meet - leave it up to him. The ball's now in his court.
    kind regards,

    Likely this...
  • DonnaNCgirl
    DonnaNCgirl Posts: 372

    I have chatted a bit with a guy on POF. We realized that we went to the same gym. I also got the impression he was interested in meeting me but we hadnt gotten around to it yet.

    So...what gave you the impression that he was interested in meeting you?
    Side note: You're putting way too much thought into this and it isn't even a "this" yet.
    Side note 2: I know you asked for male opinions, but don't care. :wink:
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    If he was really interested, he would have found you and said hello. IMO He is no longer interested.
  • Kevintron2
    Kevintron2 Posts: 101 Member
    Not good.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    1) He was freaked out that you were in the gym unexpectedly and felt stalked. 5%

    2) He was just busy working out, wasn't expecting to meet you there, and had to go. 30%

    3) For whatever reason, he's not into you. 65%

    The only way to find out is to ask, but honestly, Joy_Joy is right, wait. If he wants to contact you, he will. Nothing will run a guy off faster than pestering.

  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    If he was really interested, he would have found you and said hello. IMO He is no longer interested.


    Well thanks everyone.
    I'm not going to beat a dead horse LOL
    I'll simply not respond to the "I left" message and keep my feet moving. If he realizes "whoops, she thinks I dissed her" and messages me I'm ok with that. Otherwise I just wasnt the one for him. Life is good. Love is good. Trying to date is hard :drinker:
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    1) He was freaked out that you were in the gym unexpectedly and felt stalked. 5%

    2) He was just busy working out, wasn't expecting to meet you there, and had to go. 30%

    3) For whatever reason, he's not into you. 65%

    The only way to find out is to ask, but honestly, Joy_Joy is right, wait. If he wants to contact you, he will. Nothing will run a guy off faster than pestering.


  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    If he was really interested, he would have found you and said hello. IMO He is no longer interested.


    Well thanks everyone.
    I'm not going to beat a dead horse LOL
    I'll simply not respond to the "I left" message and keep my feet moving. If he realizes "whoops, she thinks I dissed her" and messages me I'm ok with that. Otherwise I just wasnt the one for him. Life is good. Love is good. Trying to date is hard :drinker:

    THat's a good attitude. :) Yes, trying to date is hard. I've just about had it with the games of online dating. Good luck.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    if it were me, I would say I had been dissed and move on,
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Its not beyond the realm of possibility that the man in question has zero social skills and was too anxious to stick around to meet you.
    If he wants to meet - leave it up to him. The ball's now in his court.
    kind regards,


    This.... I wouldn't text him back.
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Every guy is different just like every other woman is different.

    You just have to keep trying and eventually you'll get lucky.

    You got to plant a lot of seeds before something grows.
    (Pun intended.)


    Me personally I'm the type of guy when I'm working out I don't want to be bothered.
    (This guy that your talking to could of been the same way. Just wanted to get his work out done and go home.)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    1) He was freaked out that you were in the gym unexpectedly and felt stalked. 5%

    2) He was just busy working out, wasn't expecting to meet you there, and had to go. 30%

    3) For whatever reason, he's not into you. 65%

    The only way to find out is to ask, but honestly, Joy_Joy is right, wait. If he wants to contact you, he will. Nothing will run a guy off faster than pestering.


    It depends on whether you count (1) with the guys in relationships, but yea, being brutally honest, you're about right.