not diet related personal question alert



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I just wanted to chime in with a couple of things.

    First of all, all of my pregnancies were negative at home until I was 8 weeks. With my second even the doctor sent me home saying I wasn't pregnant and to come back in a month if I didn't start. I had to fight with him to determine the right EDC!

    Next, I just went to my midwife last week and told her I though that maybe menapause was starting because my periods have been so sporadic this year and I have been having hotflashes, etc. She told me that for every 10# that you lose your endocrine system needs to re-set. Sex hormones are fat soluble, meaning they travel from one gland to another by attaching themselves to adipose cells. So if you serum fat level goes up or down (due to many factors including weight loss) your brain needs to re-calculate how much of each hormone to trigger each gland to produce (pituitatary, ovaries, etc).

  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Interesting thread. Please keep up updated. I'm going through something similar. My periods have been really light the last few months and this month it was light and has been really really light. I have also been feeling kind of off -- a bit of an upset stomach, minor headaches, gas, and emotional. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I'm wondering if maybe it is just stress. I'm going to give it another month and then see a doctor if nothing has changed.

    I wonder for me if part of it is in my head. A lot of my friends and family have had children recently so I am starting to feel my biological clock ticking away not to mention a lot of pressure from my parents, sister and the inlaws to give them a grandchild.
    The last year or so I have even started to have regular dreams about having children. Does it sound like I am losing my mind? Has anyone else had these motherly urges seemingly come out of the blue?

    All the time sweetie - and I have a child - he's 12. When I met my (now) husband and he explained to me that he didn't really want any biological kids of his own... it hit me hard... I was already in love with him, he was great with my son.... but I always felt that I'd want more kids.... for the most part now, I'm okay with the decision... but when we've been around babies - I go through weeks of dreams and wake up kind of sad. You're not strange! We're built that way!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I always waited at least 7 days. But the magic number that I tested on, with both of my children, was 10 days past missed period! I knew something was up if I was that late! lol I always tell all of my girlfriends, WAIT. Test when you are really really late!

    Best of luck :)
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Take the test next week again. Sometimes when you change your, exercise, etc. it can mess with your cycle.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Wait a week and do it again. let us know!
  • since i have started dieting my periods have all been screwed up, and i hear that happens a lot but just to be on the safe side you may want to go and get a test done by your doctor to make sure since that test is a lot better then most HPT

    If your periods are messed up since dieting, it could be you are not eating enough calories for your body, which is very bad for you. It can start to eat muscle, make you tired, cause missed periods and all sorts of other unhealthy things. Here is a website I would like you to check out. I was doing the same till I found this and it scared me t death.
  • sweetrevenge
    sweetrevenge Posts: 188
    It's really soon so you could definitely get a false negative. I went in to the doctor 5 years ago because I was CONVINCED I was pregnant. The nurse did a urine test and it came back negative. I looked her right in her eyes and said "it's wrong, I'm pregnant". She told me to come back in a couple of days. I came back and same thing, it was negative. Then with 5 seconds she looked at it again and said" Oh wait......nobody knows your body like you. It's positive". It was just so soon that the line was very light. And now I have 5 year old Jayden! I would definitely suggest to wait a week and try again. And try with the first urine of the morning. Good luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    They say the best time to check is 2 weeks after you've missed your period so definitely wait until next week.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Thanks all. I guess I just don't think its diet and exercise because I havn't changed it that much. I have worked out every day for the past couple of years and besides adding in a lot more fruits and veggies I havn't changed my diet that much. I always eat at least 1400 calories because of my workouts. I was in a healthy range when I started 145. I am at 141 now and still fighting to get to 135 but really I am just trying to learn how to eat healthier and how to control my weight.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I didn't get a positive until I was about 3 days late.
    Increased exercise has been linked to a lightening of the cycle. My husband was in basic training with a girl who had not had a period in 2 years. She was so athletic, a marathon runner, and because of that she never had a period. So changes in diet and exercise can definitely play games with TOM. I hope you get the results you're hoping for, but it sounds like you'll be happy either way. Good luck when you test again!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    ahhh ladies again. without fail. ate dinner. starting feeling awful! This time i threw up. i never throw up. don't know what it is :angry:
  • candicemcl
    candicemcl Posts: 59
    I have been wondering the same thing, although our family is complete, my husband had a vasectomy 5 yrs ago so I shouldn't be pregnant. I was due at the latest this past Sunday and still no cramping, or anything that I usually have.
    I came across this link, and think I may see how this month goes and talk to my dr, as I know I am making better healthy food choices and exercising regularly compared to hardly ever 1.5 mths ago.
    Keep us updated :-)
  • Any news Annelise??
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