juice fast



  • 111orBust
    111orBust Posts: 41
    Water fast?

    You mean you didn't eat anything - anything at all - for 2 weeks?

    You know that's the kind of **** anoretics pull, right?

    Can't say I know much about that, but it in my case it was either try an experiment to fix myself or have an overly keen Doctor stick a camera up my backside. A water fast is a piece of cake in comparison.
  • scginva
    scginva Posts: 2 Member
    I can't believe all the negativity on this page about juicing. I do a juice cleanse every season or at least twice a year, but I also juice at least twice a week. If you put your mind to it you can do anything. I also watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and decided I had to have a juicer (about 3 years ago). Since then, I bought a Breville juicer, the $300 model and it is great! I was also looking for a juice program to kick start me and I found, http://www.juicemaster.com/us/. Jason Vale is a clever man with great knowledge on the benefits of juicing. He even addresses the negativity that you see on this post. I was doing his 7 day juice cleanse, however he has just released a new program that is 5 days. I will be doing it this weekend starting on Sunday for my spring cleanse. Anyway, I had to say something because juicing is key! If you want to be healthy and live longer juicing can help you achieve that! I do agree that you will need to work it in as much as possible and I wouldn't rely on it as a diet! Good luck to you! Also, if you haven't watched it already...check out Hungry for Change. Some other great people for juicy inspiration are Kris Carr, Joe Cross, Jason Vale, John Gabriel, etc.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Water fast?

    You mean you didn't eat anything - anything at all - for 2 weeks?

    You know that's the kind of **** anoretics pull, right?

    Can't say I know much about that, but it in my case it was either try an experiment to fix myself or have an overly keen Doctor stick a camera up my backside. A water fast is a piece of cake in comparison.

    Yeah, the average calorie intake that anoretics aim for is 500 a day.

    Congrats, you beat them.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Don't see it as a Juice diet, see it as resetting your system.

    I completed a 14 day water fast to heal a stomach problem (it was initially only going to be 7 days but I kept extending it). On top of fixing my tum and losing a bunch of weight, I now no longer stuff myself and only eat to satiety regardless of what's left on my plate, I don't want to eat junk food anymore as the idea of putting it in my body repels me, from the moment I wake up my skin looks like I've just had a spa treatment and I'm so much more mindful and respectful of how I treat my body.

    The main problem I had during the fast was overwhelming fatigue and it is taking a while to get my strength back but for all the gains I've made, a few weeks out to rebuild muscle is no biggie.

    Best of luck whatever you decide!

    There is no system resetting, your body is not a video game. This won't affect your metabolism or anything. If you go from eating junk food to juice fasting, you will just eliminate some sodium. Cleanses, fast, and detoxes truly do nothing for your system and anything the causes fatigue isn't worth it.

    Now regarding juicing. There is no benefit to juicing over conventional calorie counting. If you want to supplement juicing for a meal or a snack due to time or you like the taste go right ahead, but juicing will not improve fat loss. The one thing is might due is increase muscle loss if you do not get enough protein or you create too large of a calorie deficit. Also, you have to keep in mind this documentary is selling a lifestyle. It's no different than WW, paleo or any other fad; yes, I know you can make these lifestyle changes and if you like it cool but it's not necessary by any means and many of the improvements can be anecdotal or a placebo effect. It still takes 3500 calorie deficit to lose a lb of weight (fat + lbm). Exercise alone will improve health as will losing weight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Try to make lifestyle changes rather than 10 day fad diets.

    Your losses will probably be mostly water and muscle rather than fat.

    I agree, lifestyle changes are needed. I bought the program from https://www.tryfoodlovers.com and its awesome. What kind of "diet" lets you eat 6 times a day and still eat the food you love? Food Lovers program is a lifestyle change that kicks your metabolism into overdrive. I use it in conjunction with MFP and the gym. So far 46 pounds lost in 2 months.

    I can bet that lifestyle does literally nothing for your metabolism. It's based on a simple calorie deficit. The bigger question comes down to, how much of a deficit are you seeing and how much of your weight loss is fat vs lbm (tissue, water, muscle, bone, etc..).
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I did a 30 day juice fast and I felt fantastic!! Best I felt in many manh years! My heart palpitations went away and my pre-diabetes is gone as well!! There are always going to be naysayers but I say until you try it and give it all you got, then you will just never know. That being said, it truly is not for everyone. But good luck and I hope you do try it!!!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    There is no system resetting, your body is not a video game.

  • rderrickwhite
    rderrickwhite Posts: 69 Member
    I did a 30 day juice fast and I felt fantastic!! Best I felt in many manh years! My heart palpitations went away and my pre-diabetes is gone as well!! There are always going to be naysayers but I say until you try it and give it all you got, then you will just never know. That being said, it truly is not for everyone. But good luck and I hope you do try it!!!!

    This is great for you, but it wasn't just sticking to juice that made this happen. It was the fact that you were taking in very nutritious fruits and vegetables that hadn't been devalued by cooking them. All that happened by taking those nutrients in by way of juice was the removal of fiber. You could have achieved the same results by just eating the vegetables and drinking more water.
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I did a 30 day juice fast and I felt fantastic!! Best I felt in many manh years! My heart palpitations went away and my pre-diabetes is gone as well!! There are always going to be naysayers but I say until you try it and give it all you got, then you will just never know. That being said, it truly is not for everyone. But good luck and I hope you do try it!!!!

    This is great for you, but it wasn't just sticking to juice that made this happen. It was the fact that you were taking in very nutritious fruits and vegetables that hadn't been devalued by cooking them. All that happened by taking those nutrients in by way of juice was the removal of fiber. You could have achieved the same results by just eating the vegetables and drinking more water.

    In all honesty I would not have had enough will power to make myself eat all those veggies and fruits plain and raw. It was much more beneficial for me to make yummy juices! That's just my personal experience anyways. Juicing also gave my digestive system a rest and was able to restore itself which I personally feel was important for me and my body.

    BTW, thank you for not sounding super judgemental like sooooooo many others do when they don't agree with your opinion! :)
  • rderrickwhite
    rderrickwhite Posts: 69 Member

    BTW, thank you for not sounding super judgemental like sooooooo many others do when they don't agree with your opinion! :)

    No worries. I saw the documentary too. Joe is a pretty inspiring guy - and that if nothing else is motivational. According to his physicians it worked for him in more ways than just one. Having spent some time in Sydney, I would say though that the diet there is somewhat more sodium intensive than even a southern boy like me is used to. I enjoy drinking the mean green juice too, however I wouldn't want to limit myself to it - and my physician would not have advised it. Best of luck to you.
  • dorothyfromyork
    I can't believe all the negativity on this page about juicing. I do a juice cleanse every season or at least twice a year, but I also juice at least twice a week. If you put your mind to it you can do anything. I also watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and decided I had to have a juicer (about 3 years ago). Since then, I bought a Breville juicer, the $300 model and it is great! I was also looking for a juice program to kick start me and I found, http://www.juicemaster.com/us/. Jason Vale is a clever man with great knowledge on the benefits of juicing. He even addresses the negativity that you see on this post. I was doing his 7 day juice cleanse, however he has just released a new program that is 5 days. I will be doing it this weekend starting on Sunday for my spring cleanse. Anyway, I had to say something because juicing is key! If you want to be healthy and live longer juicing can help you achieve that! I do agree that you will need to work it in as much as possible and I wouldn't rely on it as a diet! Good luck to you! Also, if you haven't watched it already...check out Hungry for Change. Some other great people for juicy inspiration are Kris Carr, Joe Cross, Jason Vale, John Gabriel, etc.

    I do the same - love Jason Vale and do the juicemaster cleanses each season too. I started the 5lbs in 5 days detox today too...Loving these new recipes and looking forward to the next few days when others start joining in...
    I went to one of Jason's retreats last year - in Turkey - loved every minute of it and hoping to try his new retreat in Portugal this year too. Good luck with the 5 day programme...
  • sunzelle
    sunzelle Posts: 7 Member
    I'm curious to know how many of the "juice haters" have actually tried juicing. While I agree that it would not be healthy to consume a 100% juice diet for the rest of your life, I do believe it's a good way to jump start healthy living. My advice is to take it a day at a time, and pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you're feeling like you need something more than just juice try to stick with plant based/whole food (quinoa with avocado and lemon, etc.), or you can add things like chia seeds to your juice to give you some extra protein . In my experience juicing is a great way to boost energy, remove toxins, and detox from processed/refined foods without having to think about it too much. I think a lot of people (myself included) would agree that starting a healthy lifestyle can be extremely overwhelming, and by not eating you really start to change your relationship with food. It gives you time to reflect on your past habits without the temptation of food. That way when you're done with your cleanse you have a better sense of what your body actually needs for sustenance. Everybody is different, but if you're considering juicing I recommend the 15 day reboot (rebootwithjoe.com) which is basically 5 days of a plant based diet (including 1-2 juices a day), followed by 5 days of juice only, and another 5 of both. This is a great way to ease in and out of a juice cleanse without taking food away for that long. Do what makes you feel good, and above all pay attention to what your body tells you. :)
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Not again.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I'm curious to know how many of the "juice haters" have actually tried juicing. While I agree that it would not be healthy to consume a 100% juice diet for the rest of your life, I do believe it's a good way to jump start healthy living. My advice is to take it a day at a time, and pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you're feeling like you need something more than just juice try to stick with plant based/whole food (quinoa with avocado and lemon, etc.), or you can add things like chia seeds to your juice to give you some extra protein . In my experience juicing is a great way to boost energy, remove toxins, and detox from processed/refined foods without having to think about it too much. I think a lot of people (myself included) would agree that starting a healthy lifestyle can be extremely overwhelming, and by not eating you really start to change your relationship with food. It gives you time to reflect on your past habits without the temptation of food. That way when you're done with your cleanse you have a better sense of what your body actually needs for sustenance. Everybody is different, but if you're considering juicing I recommend the 15 day reboot (rebootwithjoe.com) which is basically 5 days of a plant based diet (including 1-2 juices a day), followed by 5 days of juice only, and another 5 of both. This is a great way to ease in and out of a juice cleanse without taking food away for that long. Do what makes you feel good, and above all pay attention to what your body tells you. :)

    "Jump starting" being healthy is just another way of putting off actually LIVING healthy. "I'll start eating better tomorrow. After the holiday. After the weekend. After my juice fast. After my cleanse." Etc etc etc. All the while you're still not developing positive eating habits.

    That's what got you fat to start with.

    It's what is going to keep you fat to continue with.

    Most of us don't want to be fat anymore. Seems like a good reason to not put off the habit of eating better until we finish sucking down nothing but liquids for a week or more.
  • sunzelle
    sunzelle Posts: 7 Member
    I don't see "sucking down" nothing but healthy, organic nutrients as putting off healthy living. Some people need to distance themselves from food for a bit to help understand how and more importantly why we eat. It's a wonderful way to regroup, and rebuild a PROPER relationship with food which can be overwhelming to someone just starting out. There are proper ways to detox, and there are many who have with great success. It's a great way to boost energy, and draw out negative behavior. You should try it! Or at the very least take the negativity elsewhere. I don't see the point in responding to something you obviously have no experience with. And for the record, I have met plenty of juice advocates who are not fat, nor have the desire to be.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I don't see "sucking down" nothing but healthy, organic nutrients as putting off healthy living. Some people need to distance themselves from food for a bit to help understand how and more importantly why we eat. It's a wonderful way to regroup, and rebuild a PROPER relationship with food which can be overwhelming to someone just starting out. There are proper ways to detox, and there are many who have with great success. It's a great way to boost energy, and draw out negative behavior. You should try it! Or at the very least take the negativity elsewhere. I don't see the point in responding to something you obviously have no experience with. And for the record, I have met plenty of juice advocates who are not fat, nor have the desire to be.

    You have to distance yourself from food.....so you can learn to eat food.....

    Yeah, sorry, not seeing the connection. That's like saying you need to stop breathing for a while to figure out how to breathe properly.

    Have fun with that. (And by "have fun" I mean "have fun with your continual losing and regaining of your 10 pounds of water weight all the while never learning how to eat in moderation.) Oh, and I hope you know how to breathe properly.

    Just in case you were thinking of taking a break from that, too. It'd be a bad idea.
  • sunzelle
    sunzelle Posts: 7 Member
    I'm sorry you fail to see the connection...Most of us have an innate sense of how to properly breathe, but many do not know how to properly eat, or we eat for the wrong reasons. You're lucky to have not experienced that problem. Or am I just assuming that? Kind of like you are assuming that people who juice do it for a "quick fix" or plan on restricting food from their diets forever, or never learning moderation. Juicing IN ADDITION to healthy food (in moderation of course), and exercise can be great for one's health. Not to mention there are some veggies that have great health benefits specifically when juiced. Quit assuming you know everything when it's pretty clear by your comments you have not even researched this topic. You're just acting like a bully, and this isn't the place for it.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I'm sorry you fail to see the connection...Most of us have an innate sense of how to properly breathe, but many do not know how to properly eat, or we eat for the wrong reasons. You're lucky to have not experienced that problem. Or am I just assuming that? Kind of like you are assuming that people who juice do it for a "quick fix" or plan on restricting food from their diets forever, or never learning moderation. Juicing IN ADDITION to healthy food (in moderation of course), and exercise can be great for one's health. Not to mention there are some veggies that have great health benefits specifically when juiced. Quit assuming you know everything when it's pretty clear by your comments you have not even researched this topic. You're just acting like a bully, and this isn't the place for it.

    If I were acting like a bully, I would be calling you names and egging you on to do violent acts of self-destruction. Please save that word for the countless people who are bullied - to suicide, I might add - as to not cheapen the horrors they experience.

    Unless, of course, you feel someone telling you your weight loss theory isn't up to snuff IS the same thing that those people experience in which drives them to suicide. It'd be a grave disservice. If you believe they are the same then you are not anywhere near human enough for me to be arguing with.

    I have researched the topic enough to know two things.

    1) Humans need food.

    2) Human adults need solid food.

    Biology wins over superfluous ideas of cleansing and restarting habits that need to be kept up on regardless.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    I'm sorry you fail to see the connection...Most of us have an innate sense of how to properly breathe, but many do not know how to properly eat, or we eat for the wrong reasons. You're lucky to have not experienced that problem. Or am I just assuming that? Kind of like you are assuming that people who juice do it for a "quick fix" or plan on restricting food from their diets forever, or never learning moderation. Juicing IN ADDITION to healthy food (in moderation of course), and exercise can be great for one's health. Not to mention there are some veggies that have great health benefits specifically when juiced. Quit assuming you know everything when it's pretty clear by your comments you have not even researched this topic. You're just acting like a bully, and this isn't the place for it.

    If I were acting like a bully, I would be calling you names and egging you on to do violent acts of self-destruction. Please save that word for the countless people who are bullied - to suicide, I might add - as to not cheapen the horrors they experience.

    Unless, of course, you feel someone telling you your weight loss theory isn't up to snuff IS the same thing that those people experience in which drives them to suicide. It'd be a grave disservice. If you believe they are the same then you are not anywhere near human enough for me to be arguing with.

    I have researched the topic enough to know two things.

    1) Humans need food.

    2) Human adults need solid food.

    Biology wins over superfluous ideas of cleansing and restarting habits that need to be kept up on regardless.

    I don't think you're a bully. Apparently, if anyone disagrees with us on here we are instantly "being bullied". How sensitive can people be? Debate and diverse opinions should be encouraged. Not just blowing smoke up people's butts

    My opinion? What they're doing is perfectly fine if its only temporary. Maybe that should be in caps. ONLY TEMPORARY. In my eyes, it's pretty much a placebo effect. They think they've "jump started" they're work on dieting and they lose 10 lbs of water weight and they feel so proud of themselves and so pumped that they feel they've fallen into a new lifestyle that is actually working and go into eating well with a positive attitude. It's really a case by case basis. I feel like some people try to justify not eating to the point of insanity. To the point they really turn anorexic and endanger their health. Then again, some others have a good head on their shoulders and only want to do it to "detoxify" their body and since its only for a week, it's not going to endanger their health so why not?

    I think the best way to tackle weight loss is to just take the process seriously. Start eating right and exercise that body. But if some feel like they need to jump start their body before hitting it hard on the dieting front, then hey. More power to them. I would caution on the timeline for doing this though. Few days, okay. A week, maybe. 2-3 weeks? Just no.

    I do wonder how a person might feel losing weight so fast doing this juice diet and then switching to eating right and only losing 2 lbs a week.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I do wonder how a person might feel losing weight so fast doing this juice diet and then switching to eating right and only losing 2 lbs a week.

    Discouraged. Discouraged and frustrated is how they will feel. It sets up unrealistic expectations and truly does nothing to support better eating habits - which is the only thing that will get the weight moving off and staying off.

    We all want to lose the weight fast. No one really wants to lose just 4 or 5 pounds a month - and that's an ideal month. The only way to make this last is to work it consistently and strongly from the beginning.

    I do believe juicing in ADDITION to a well fed diet can be massively helpful. It is a lot easier to drink your veggies than eat plate upon plate of them. But as you said, it needs to be a supplement, not the main focus.