am i doing this wrong ?

this is my end result for the calories eaten and exercise , this week i never lost any weight infact i put a pound on am i doing it all wrong ?

Goal Food Exercise = Net
1600 1946 - 1600 346


  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    it's only been a week. Give it time. It's not something that is linear. You'll be spot on target one week and not lose (or even gain) and then the next week you'll have a couple off days and you'll lose. Then you'll be perfect for a couple weeks, lose, be perfect for a couple more weeks and stay the same. It's not just about what you've done in this week, it's an overall change. It's a compilation of all of your efforts over a long period of time. As long as you are eating at a deficit and exercising then just stick with it for 6-8 weeks and see how it goes. Then you can re-evaluate what is working and what isn't and make adjustments.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.

  • seekingstrengthX2
    Then yes, that is totally wrong. If 1600 is your goal, 1600 should be your NET at the end of the day with ZERO calories remaining.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.


    then you are doing it wrong. having a net of 300 cals is no different to just eating 300 cals.

    if you eat so little over a period of time you will do yourself some serious damage.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Yes you are doing it all wrong!

    Please have a read before you harm yourself.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.


    then you are doing it wrong. having a net of 300 cals is no different to just eating 300 cals.

    if you eat so little over a period of time you will do yourself some serious damage.

    so i need to cut down on the exercise ?
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    No its fine to exercise :) the calories you are given is what you should eat at a minimum every day. Your calories have already been deducted by MFP to give you a defecit so you will be aimed at to lose x amount per week with whatever your minumum is that has been given. when you exercise you are burning more calories again. If it takes you below that minimum then eat them back.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.


    then you are doing it wrong. having a net of 300 cals is no different to just eating 300 cals.

    if you eat so little over a period of time you will do yourself some serious damage.

    so i need to cut down on the exercise ?

    If you want to exercise that much, that's fine. But you need to be eating back your exercise calories or eating a lot more calories to be burning that much.
    Can I enquire as to what exercise you are doing to burn 1600 cals?
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.


    then you are doing it wrong. having a net of 300 cals is no different to just eating 300 cals.

    if you eat so little over a period of time you will do yourself some serious damage.

    so i need to cut down on the exercise ?

    If you want to exercise that much, that's fine. But you need to be eating back your exercise calories or eating a lot more calories to be burning that much.
    Can I enquire as to what exercise you are doing to burn 1600 cals?

    walking moderate dancing
  • delekium
    delekium Posts: 40 Member
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    how long are you moderately dancing? I did a 3 hour Zumbathon once and burned like 1400 according to my HRM.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    how long are you moderately dancing? I did a 3 hour Zumbathon once and burned like 1400 according to my HRM.

    4 hours but i am giving it all up i don't want to be ill . i'm deleting the account .
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how long are you moderately dancing? I did a 3 hour Zumbathon once and burned like 1400 according to my HRM.

    4 hours but i am giving it all up i don't want to be ill . i'm deleting the account .

    thats the spirit, why try and learn to be healthy and lose weight when you can just give up?!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    how long are you moderately dancing? I did a 3 hour Zumbathon once and burned like 1400 according to my HRM.

    4 hours but i am giving it all up i don't want to be ill . i'm deleting the account .
    Giving up dancing and deleting the account? Wha?? :huh:

    You asked for advice on using MFP correctly and you got great answers - why on earth does this make you want to chuck it all and quit?

    You can learn a lot here and be very successful with weight loss and fitness if you stick around. :flowerforyou:
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    Four hours of dancing (seems a bit obsessive-compulsive), didn't eat enough, and are now going to delete the account when people try to help you (are you afraid of being told to eat more or exercise less?).

    I apologize if this sounds harsh or if I'm way off base, but it sounds like anorexia nervosa...or it could become anorexia. If you have issues with food or exercise and finding healthy and steady ways to maintain your weight, please, please see a doctor.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    I see no point in exercising if i am going to eat the calories back, i may as well sit down all day and just eat 1600 calories, i wouldn't do this actually as i am far to active . Even on weight watchers i never ate all the calories back . It makes no sense .
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    far from it lol, i'm overweight and need to lose another 3 stone, but i just don't see the point in eating back the calories .:ohwell: