am i doing this wrong ?



  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    far from it lol, i'm overweight and need to lose another 3 stone, but i just don't see the point in eating back the calories .:ohwell:

    Because it is the equivalent of thinking eating just 300-odd calories a day is ok. Which obviously it is not.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    but i'm not hungry so why force food down ?
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    but i'm not hungry so why force food down ?

    You are on a weight loss site, so I will assume that at some point in the past you had no problems eating over 1200 calories a day...
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    I reset my daily calories to 1600, my friend is a GP and said 1200 is not enough and said to set it to 1600.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I reset my daily calories to 1600, my friend is a GP and said 1200 is not enough and said to set it to 1600.
    See a nutritionalist.. GP are not as well informed as they are.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    see what your GP says about burning 1600 of the 1900 you are eating.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    I reset my daily calories to 1600, my friend is a GP and said 1200 is not enough and said to set it to 1600.

    If you're taking this advice, you should think about it for a moment. They're suggesting you need to NET 1600 a day. You obviously heeded that.

    If you're really only netting 300ish cals a day, then how are you actually following your friend's suggestion?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Over-exercising can be harmful to you if you aren't fueling the exercise. I suggest you see a dietician if you don't believe you are doing damage.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I hope I am reading this incorrectly.

    Did You EAT 1946 calories...... BURN 1600 of them.... leaving you with a NET for the day of 346?

    IF so...... YES, doing it totally wrong. Can you clarify?

    Your NET should be 1600.


    then you are doing it wrong. having a net of 300 cals is no different to just eating 300 cals.

    if you eat so little over a period of time you will do yourself some serious damage.

    so i need to cut down on the exercise ?

    If you want to exercise that much, that's fine. But you need to be eating back your exercise calories or eating a lot more calories to be burning that much.
    Can I enquire as to what exercise you are doing to burn 1600 cals?

    walking moderate dancing

    OK, well that's a huge burn for just walking and moderate exercise. How many hours are you working out? I ran 6 miles cross-country in hilly terrain today and barely burned just over 600 calories. But the calorie burn all depends on fitness level and current weight. As for eating, you need to NET your GOAL. It's best to measure and weigh your servings for accuracy. It's easy to underestimate your calories if you aren't measuring.

    ETA: Oh I see it's 4 hours of dancing. That's quite a bit. You need to net your goal so your body has fuel and can repair itsef after workouts. Don't give up.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    the reason i do the dancing is because i have to do low impact activities because i have bad knees, i can't do a full workout as it starts a lot of pain , i actually think my calories will be higher as i don't weigh food apart from flour and i count sugar in home baking, but other than that i more or less know portion sizes from when i did weigh watchers.

    The exercise is probably less but i am logging as mfp says and i am losing weight. I did come to a stop which was the purpose of this thread , but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound , so i have at the end of the day on my net 800-1000 calories which i am told is fine .
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    the reason i do the dancing is because i have to do low impact activities because i have bad knees, i can't do a full workout as it starts a lot of pain , i actually think my calories will be higher as i don't weigh food apart from flour and i count sugar in home baking, but other than that i more or less know portion sizes from when i did weigh watchers.

    The exercise is probably less but i am logging as mfp says and i am losing weight. I did come to a stop which was the purpose of this thread , but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound , so i have at the end of the day on my net 800-1000 calories which i am told is fine .

    Who told you to net 800-1000 is fine? They aren't correct.
  • zaneyard
    zaneyard Posts: 28
    but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound
    Yeah I lose 5 pounds of water weight overnight. Look more at the mirror and not the scale.

    I hate to be a jerk, but you're not burning 1600 calories doing light walking and dancing.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound
    Yeah I lose 5 pounds of water weight overnight. Look at the mirror and not the scale.

    I hate to be a jerk, but you're not burning 1600 calories doing light walking and dancing.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound
    Yeah I lose 5 pounds of water weight overnight. Look at the mirror and not the scale.

    I hate to be a jerk, but you're not burning 1600 calories doing light walking and dancing.
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    i'm walking 3 mile per hour which burns a good few calories, my dancing isn't just moving the feet i put a lot of effort into it , but at the end of the day , its working for me so i must be something right . :happy:
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    the reason i do the dancing is because i have to do low impact activities because i have bad knees, i can't do a full workout as it starts a lot of pain , i actually think my calories will be higher as i don't weigh food apart from flour and i count sugar in home baking, but other than that i more or less know portion sizes from when i did weigh watchers.

    The exercise is probably less but i am logging as mfp says and i am losing weight. I did come to a stop which was the purpose of this thread , but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound , so i have at the end of the day on my net 800-1000 calories which i am told is fine .

    Who told you to net 800-1000 is fine? They aren't correct.

    why do you think it is incorrect ?
    I see no point in exercise if i have to eat the lot back , losing weight is a balance and if i wasn't tracking everything i could be doing more exercise less eating and lose weight and not even know ,so i fail to see the problem , if i feel well and energetic why should i stuff myself with food just because i have burned off calories .
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    I reset my daily calories to 1600, my friend is a GP and said 1200 is not enough and said to set it to 1600.
    See a nutritionalist.. GP are not as well informed as they are.

    i trust my friend he is a great GP nutritionalists don't like people eating fat and we need fat for our hair and skin . There is a balance .
  • zaneyard
    zaneyard Posts: 28
    the reason i do the dancing is because i have to do low impact activities because i have bad knees, i can't do a full workout as it starts a lot of pain , i actually think my calories will be higher as i don't weigh food apart from flour and i count sugar in home baking, but other than that i more or less know portion sizes from when i did weigh watchers.

    The exercise is probably less but i am logging as mfp says and i am losing weight. I did come to a stop which was the purpose of this thread , but then i had a good feed up lol and never exercised all day and the next day lost the 3lb roughly which i had gained and an extra pound , so i have at the end of the day on my net 800-1000 calories which i am told is fine .

    Who told you to net 800-1000 is fine? They aren't correct.

    why do you think it is incorrect ?
    Put it this way, if you're truly eating at a net of 300 calories daily, your body should be rapidly breaking down fat and muscle to fuel your vital functions. That's not to imply that eating 300 calories a day is too little, as it's been documented that one could fast healthily for long periods (look up long term fasting if anyone wants to read a source on that, although this isn't really on topic) of time.

    If you aren't losing weight (over a longer period of time than a day), you're either A: eating too much, or B. overestimating the amount of exercise you're doing.

    ***All these people here are telling you that you're eating too little, but the fact of the matter is if you were eating too little you would feel like crap and you would be losing weight.***

    I understand you're coming here for advice and the fitness and nutrition industry is so diluted with crap information it's hard to know what's right, but I highly recommend doing your own research on this sort of matter if you feel like you're not getting anywhere. Pick up a book about nutrition at the library (not something titled "LOSE 50 POUNDS IN 2 DAYS!") or check out wikipedia for reading.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    You have to net your BMR
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    if you aren't measuring your food, THAT is the problem! Your tracked calories must be way off. Estimating portions will not work. Buy a food scale, and if you really want to succeed, weigh every single thing and track it before you eat it. That is how you lose weight.

    You should probably exercise more moderately- there's no need to workout 4 hours a day. Do 1 hour of dance a day and do strength training- you can do basic push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks at home without any equipment (plus a million of other exercises too- check youtube for at-home strength circuits).