Eating more to weigh less????



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yep, here is the export thread.

    And yes a correction between estimated and actual is what I wrote for myself but never cleaned enough to share.
    My other concern about at method is keeping it simple for the long term. I like not using an excel sheet because having everything in MFP is sufficient for me. I'll do a big deep dive and then chose a lazy *kitten* estimator method. Given all the variables, I'm satisfied.
    If I was a short woman with various medical conditions, where just following a general calorie cut sometimes fails I'd be more concerned - but that is the space the equations have higher variability and my recommendations would focus more on exercise and composition on top of diet to assure a tdee large enough to remain nutritional.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Why do you all fight about the details? Eat a little less and move your body! It's really not that hard once you start moving. Here's a solution - don't watch TV! Walk instead.

    Eating more to weigh less applies to very few people, you and Dan can preach it all you want. No different than iimym, please.......
    Sorry Sarah and Patrick, one diet does not fit all. Never will. I have genetic differences than you, and being a female my nutritional requirements vary throughout the month. Yesssss, less calories will always mean a loss in weight, but what about your overall health and balance? Endocrine? 90% of it is absorbed by the receptors in your gut, not crossing the blood barrier in your brain.
    So tired of this board. Too tired to argue. Please just think back to biology 101.

    I couldn't care less about my weight, I'll never be over weight, but I DO track my micros.
  • AbigailClarke48
    I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks eating 1480 calories a week (based on MFP) and running 2 or 3 times a week (lost 4.25 stone in 6 months following this, so it had been successful). Started Insanity last week, upped my calories to 2000 a day based on their formula, have lost 1.75 pounds this week (an an inch off waist and well, and half an inch of thighs). So yes, eat more, do more intense exercise, it's all gravy...

    I really hope you mean 1480 a day!