Beautiful and unique snowflake...



  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member

    haha Love it!
  • traceywaananenstieb
    traceywaananenstieb Posts: 27 Member
    Dear Knight, thank you. I needed to read that today. xoxo
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    My issue is that there are groups out there posting notes liek this encouraging people to not worry about their health just because they are a good person and thats all that matters.

    How is this saying all that? You're reading too much into it, and your 'implications' are pretty off-base. It's a simple reminder that the number on the scale does not define who you are as a person. It is in no way saying "you look so great right now, there's no reason to lose weight!"

    One of the words listed is "possibility", and another is "strength". These both can be tied to someone seeking to improve their health and lifestyle. So... again... how is it saying all these "implications" of yours?

    this poster is definition haes. post it to a billboard thats fine, post it to a scale it implies. Im sorry you dont see that
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My issue is that there are groups out there posting notes liek this encouraging people to not worry about their health just because they are a good person and thats all that matters.

    How is this saying all that? You're reading too much into it, and your 'implications' are pretty off-base. It's a simple reminder that the number on the scale does not define who you are as a person. It is in no way saying "you look so great right now, there's no reason to lose weight!"

    One of the words listed is "possibility", and another is "strength". These both can be tied to someone seeking to improve their health and lifestyle. So... again... how is it saying all these "implications" of yours?

    this poster is definition haes. post it to a billboard thats fine, post it to a scale it implies. Im sorry you dont see that

    Don't attack fat acceptance, it gets me free pizza! I love that people think shredded = starving because that means free food!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    There is a huge difference between Fat Acceptance and Self Acceptance.

    Fat Acceptance: I'm fat. And that's okay. /statement

    Self Acceptance: I'm fat. And that's not okay for my health or the potential wellbeing of society. I will make choices to improve my quality of life, because I'm worth it, and while I do so, I am going to keep in mind that I am a good and decent person, with substance and worth to contribute to my community.

    I do not support Fat Acceptance. It's not okay to just be fat for the sake of ... whatever. .... but people who get pissy about signs of positive affirmation about one's character not being tied to their weight aren't helping anyone. Your insinuation that it's not okay to state this fact about gravity and send a positive message about not using your weight as a finite measure of who you are is, in essence saying, "people should consider their weight as a finite measure of who they are."

    How about this - you do you, us fatties will do us, and we'll all try to be supportive and kind to each other in the meantime.

    Lastly, "Fat" is not a bad word - it's a describing word. I am fat, and I am okay with that statement.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Are you wearing a thong in one of your pictures?

    Sigh... :explode:
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Im kinda done with this thread, but ill say this.

    I dont care taht you want to say a scale just measures how much gravity affects you, im okay with you saying that you need to tell yourself that you are a good person in order to feel better about yourself . okay thats fine.

    There is an implication when you put those two seperate thoughts together. to say I am overweight but thats okay because it doesnt say anything about me as a person when you are stepping on a scale to see your weight. Opps i gained 70lbs but thats okay just that silly gravity! Im still happy on the insides who cares about my failing circulatory system.

    I am not implying anything about overweight people. Its fine to be over weight. I used to weight a lot more than i do. Its the mentality that i can be unhealthy as long as im happy that bothers me. And maybe you dont get that from this post. But to me it screams it. I would not have posted this picture if On a billboard driving down the road it said. You are beautiful strong and amazing no matter what anything or anyone says
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am fat, but I love myself. I recognize that I should lose weight if I want to improve my health, longevity,confidence, quality of life, and general physical appearance. It does not define who I am.
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    I am fat, but I love myself. I recognize that I should lose weight if I want to improve my health, longevity,confidence, quality of life, and general physical appearance. It does not define who I am.

    bravo whierd, theres no reason not love yourself. No one is attacking that :)

    everyone should love who they are and at the same time try to better themselves every day.

    Post to me is just implication of the wrong mindset when its posted on a scale at the gym
  • Sambytheway82
    I like myself more an more the healthier/fitter I become long way to go xx
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Gravity and I have a real up and down relationship. It gets a little emotional at times. I've been trying to break up gently because I don't want to be mean.
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Gravity and I have a real up and down relationship. It gets a little emotional at times. I've been trying to break up gently because I don't want to be mean.

    cut the cord, your just dragging it out...its best for both of you in teh long run
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am fat, but I love myself. I recognize that I should lose weight if I want to improve my health, longevity,confidence, quality of life, and general physical appearance. It does not define who I am.

    bravo whierd, theres no reason not love yourself. No one is attacking that :)

    everyone should love who they are and at the same time try to better themselves every day.

    Post to me is just implication of the wrong mindset when its posted on a scale at the gym

    I do get where you are coming from, I really do. But I think you are forgetting that a lot of people have negative body images and the number on the scale can cause a lot of self-loathing. That is the type of person that the sign is geared towards. It is a reminder that your self-worth isn't tied to the number on the scale and that you are more than your weight.

    I think your problem is mainly that it was on the gym scale, right? Well, if a person is at the gym, they are already winning by doing something about their health. But a guy or girl who has been going to the gym regularly and seeing little to no profress on the scale may be thinking horrible thoughts about themselves and be on the cusp of giving up. Then they see that sign and may realize that weight and physical appearance aren't the most important things about themselves and find the strength to continue through it.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Im kinda done with this thread, but ill say this.

    I dont care taht you want to say a scale just measures how much gravity affects you, im okay with you saying that you need to tell yourself that you are a good person in order to feel better about yourself . okay thats fine.

    There is an implication when you put those two seperate thoughts together. to say I am overweight but thats okay because it doesnt say anything about me as a person when you are stepping on a scale to see your weight. Opps i gained 70lbs but thats okay just that silly gravity! Im still happy on the insides who cares about my failing circulatory system.

    I am not implying anything about overweight people. Its fine to be over weight. I used to weight a lot more than i do. Its the mentality that i can be unhealthy as long as im happy that bothers me. And maybe you dont get that from this post. But to me it screams it. I would not have posted this picture if On a billboard driving down the road it said. You are beautiful strong and amazing no matter what anything or anyone says

    I think what you may be missing here, is that the whole "gravity" thing is sort of ... I dunno... I guess poking fun.. making light... A reminder that the scale isn't the end-all be-all of who you are in a way that makes you go, 'hmm.. interesting.'

    As a woman, it is VERY difficult to find that balance between maintaining a decent level of confidence and trying to be better without letting societal standards (that are some times unhealthy - modeling, for example), completely take over our thoughts. Fashion magazines, television, other women all tell 'us' that we have to be a certain weight, BMI, or jean size to be considered good and deserving of respect. The more we work to separate those numbers and individual identifiers of our whole being, the better we get at taking care of ourselves mentally AND physically.

    Look, OP, I know what you're trying to say... I realize that telling people they don't have to get fit because they're okay on the inside isn't helping ... but maybe you haven't experienced the struggles and stigmas surrounding the numbers on a scale or pair of jeans, you know? I'm all for saying empowering and mindful things to each other any chance I can get.
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    I am fat, but I love myself. I recognize that I should lose weight if I want to improve my health, longevity,confidence, quality of life, and general physical appearance. It does not define who I am.

    bravo whierd, theres no reason not love yourself. No one is attacking that :)

    everyone should love who they are and at the same time try to better themselves every day.

    Post to me is just implication of the wrong mindset when its posted on a scale at the gym

    I do get where you are coming from, I really do. But I think you are forgetting that a lot of people have negative body images and the number on the scale can cause a lot of self-loathing. That is the type of person that the sign is geared towards. It is a reminder that your self-worth isn't tied to the number on the scale and that you are more than your weight.

    I think your problem is mainly that it was on the gym scale, right? Well, if a person is at the gym, they are already winning by doing something about their health. But a guy or girl who has been going to the gym regularly and seeing little to no profress on the scale may be thinking horrible thoughts about themselves and be on the cusp of giving up. Then they see that sign and may realize that weight and physical appearance aren't the most important things about themselves and find the strength to continue through it.

    Wheird i get that I really do. But what does telling someone they are perfect in the context of seeing bad numbers on the scale imply. It implies to me that its okay to fail. that its okay to just be. And okay it is okay to be yourself.. but not in the context of giving up on being healthier if you are already living a unhealthy lifestyle.

    I really dont wanna seem non sympathetic to peoples plight. I know people are miserable, we all are....but I think it sends the wrong message no matter who reads it. I dont think in any ways it encourages a positive reaction in teh context of health alone.
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member

    American Kevin weirds me out. Our Blue has a friend who's black and comes from Birmingham. I like him. (And we made it first, it's ours, so there.)

    What he looks like now..


    ..Yep.. total creep..
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Im kinda done with this thread, but ill say this.

    I dont care taht you want to say a scale just measures how much gravity affects you, im okay with you saying that you need to tell yourself that you are a good person in order to feel better about yourself . okay thats fine.

    There is an implication when you put those two seperate thoughts together. to say I am overweight but thats okay because it doesnt say anything about me as a person when you are stepping on a scale to see your weight. Opps i gained 70lbs but thats okay just that silly gravity! Im still happy on the insides who cares about my failing circulatory system.

    I am not implying anything about overweight people. Its fine to be over weight. I used to weight a lot more than i do. Its the mentality that i can be unhealthy as long as im happy that bothers me. And maybe you dont get that from this post. But to me it screams it. I would not have posted this picture if On a billboard driving down the road it said. You are beautiful strong and amazing no matter what anything or anyone says

    I think what you may be missing here, is that the whole "gravity" thing is sort of ... I dunno... I guess poking fun.. making light... A reminder that the scale isn't the end-all be-all of who you are in a way that makes you go, 'hmm.. interesting.'

    As a woman, it is VERY difficult to find that balance between maintaining a decent level of confidence and trying to be better without letting societal standards (that are some times unhealthy - modeling, for example), completely take over our thoughts. Fashion magazines, television, other women all tell 'us' that we have to be a certain weight, BMI, or jean size to be considered good and deserving of respect. The more we work to separate those numbers and individual identifiers of our whole being, the better we get at taking care of ourselves mentally AND physically.

    Look, OP, I know what you're trying to say... I realize that telling people they don't have to get fit because they're okay on the inside isn't helping ... but maybe you haven't experienced the struggles and stigmas surrounding the numbers on a scale or pair of jeans, you know? I'm all for saying empowering and mindful things to each other any chance I can get.

    and I dont disagree, People need motivation internally before they can make changes externally... I just dont think posting this on a scale is the correct message for that motivation. thats really all I am saying

    Also i mostly posted this for thoughtful insightful debate and so far so good so thanks :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Im kinda done with this thread, but ill say this.

    I dont care taht you want to say a scale just measures how much gravity affects you, im okay with you saying that you need to tell yourself that you are a good person in order to feel better about yourself . okay thats fine.

    There is an implication when you put those two seperate thoughts together. to say I am overweight but thats okay because it doesnt say anything about me as a person when you are stepping on a scale to see your weight. Opps i gained 70lbs but thats okay just that silly gravity! Im still happy on the insides who cares about my failing circulatory system.
    I am not implying anything about overweight people. Its fine to be over weight. I used to weight a lot more than i do. Its the mentality that i can be unhealthy as long as im happy that bothers me. And maybe you dont get that from this post. But to me it screams it. I would not have posted this picture if On a billboard driving down the road it said. You are beautiful strong and amazing no matter what anything or anyone says

    I think what you may be missing here, is that the whole "gravity" thing is sort of ... I dunno... I guess poking fun.. making light... A reminder that the scale isn't the end-all be-all of who you are in a way that makes you go, 'hmm.. interesting.'

    As a woman, it is VERY difficult to find that balance between maintaining a decent level of confidence and trying to be better without letting societal standards (that are some times unhealthy - modeling, for example), completely take over our thoughts. Fashion magazines, television, other women all tell 'us' that we have to be a certain weight, BMI, or jean size to be considered good and deserving of respect. The more we work to separate those numbers and individual identifiers of our whole being, the better we get at taking care of ourselves mentally AND physically.

    Look, OP, I know what you're trying to say... I realize that telling people they don't have to get fit because they're okay on the inside isn't helping ... but maybe you haven't experienced the struggles and stigmas surrounding the numbers on a scale or pair of jeans, you know? I'm all for saying empowering and mindful things to each other any chance I can get.

    How YOU doin' sexy?
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member