Eating healthy turned me into a food snob



  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I have almost the opposite problem. From time to time, I'll have a day off (but never going above maintenance cals too much), or I'll work some desserts into my cals ... and then I catch myself worrying what other people will think when they see me enjoying a cookie or that slice of chocolate cake ^_^;;; Like "How can she claim to be eating healthy?? Look at her scarfing down that cookie!" ...

    and this too. I always feel like if I don't justify myself for eating something unhealthy, people are judging even though I know they're not. It's probably just because of the way I feel when I see it that I think people are doing it to me.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    A lot of people notice bad habbits I others when they start to eat healthier. This is normal. However the feeling of superiority is just a waste of time.

    1. You are NOT superior
    2. The people you judge don't care that you feel superior
    3. It is a long bumpy fall down off the high horse

    ^^^ this is what I tell myself when I think for one minute I am better than someone else for any reason.

    These things too! I don't usually feel superior, just that I feel like I have this knowledge that they NEED me to help them understand. Ridiculous, right? I think I need to start repeating these things to myself as well :P

    I get what you are saying. It is ok to want to share your knowledge with those who are open to listen. I think a lot of people forget what it is like in the beginning. I never want to forget where I came from. For the most part I think it helps me to sympathize instead of judge or feel superior. I am thankful I went through the struggle of weightloss. It really put things into perspective for me.

    Forgive me for any spelling errors lol. I will have to suffer without my classes since apparently it's bad to hit the with a weed eater lol.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Eating healthy has turned me into a foodie, but not a judgemental snob. While I do want others to feel as good as I have felt recently, I do not judge people for their actions. The eating of 2 bagels and a donut in 10 minutes is their decision and does not effect me at all. Get over yourself. You were probably that person once, too.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I was like this about a pregnant coworker's lunches. Not the amount of food but that shed bring in processed frozen lunches. That is, until I was pregnant into MY third trimester and myself could barely bring myself to cook once a week. I learned my lesson.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Eating healthy has turned me into a foodie, but not a judgemental snob.

    Yeah, I've found that it's getting easier for me to pass up true junk food, which in turn makes it easier to keep my weight down. I can pass up things that I know will taste of chemicals, or have a funny texture or a greasy aftertaste. Yesterday DH made a yogurt-based sauce for salmon patties, carefully substituting yogurt for the mayonnaise the recipe called for. The sauce had the funny, glossy appearance of the "creamy" salad dressings I've stopped buying because they've got too much crap in them. I checked the yogurt label. In addition to milk and yogurt cultures, it had sugar (in "plain" yogurt!), whey protein, corn starch and gelatin. I gently pointed it out to DH (househusbands who have dinner ready when you get home from work are to be treated nicely) and he gently pointed out that the only brands available in the tiny size he needed are the cheaper ones. Point taken.

    My scorn is aimed more at the manufacturers when I go through the aisles in the stores and see what they push and read the labels. I know the manufacturers will say that they make what people want to eat, but I really feel that their advertising is behind the huge deterioration in our eating habits over the last couple of decades.
    I was like this about a pregnant coworker's lunches. Not the amount of food but that she'd bring in processed frozen lunches.

    One woman on my staff just had a baby 2 months ago and another is due in June. They both got big as houses from eating all the time. When I had DS in 1984, I was really careful about my weight gain and didn't have a lot to lose after he was born. I kept quiet; they're wonderful people and do fantastic work. The one who had her baby in February is back at Weight Watchers, so that's good. The one due in June may end up following her.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    It's normal to notice such things.

    For example, if you were in denial about the amount of sheer crap you ate before and were the typical 'I have no idea how I'm big, I eat almost nothing/everybody who is slim must be bulimic' type of person, actually realising this could mean you see the doughnuts, chocolate, takeaways, burgers, shakes, processed meats, huge portions of pasta and fatty sauces other people saying the same are actually eating.

    So you realise just how blind you were by seeing those other people.

    The key is to not let on you know.
  • Infauna
    Infauna Posts: 89
    Eating healthy has turned me into a foodie, but not a judgemental snob. While I do want others to feel as good as I have felt recently, I do not judge people for their actions. The eating of 2 bagels and a donut in 10 minutes is their decision and does not effect me at all. Get over yourself. You were probably that person once, too.
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    That's so ridiculous. Not eating a piece of cake or an oreo cookie doesn't make you better than someone else. Why does it matter what someone else puts into their body anyways? It's not really any of your business, worry about yourself. Maybe that's all the person had to eat that day, maybe they had a bad day and were emotionally eating (which everyone has done at one point), maybe they just wanted to eat those things because they were craving it.

    It's stupid to feel superior to someone because you are eating "healthier" than them. It doesn't make you look superior, it makes you look like an a**.

    I think you missed her point....:huh:

    I'm surprised by how many people have had such a negative reaction to this topic and clearly, like you've said, missed the point. The purpose of this topic was not to gather all the healthiest people in the world and brag about how great we are since we eat the healthiest food and talk about how others are below us since they eat *gasp* DONUTS. (This was sarcasm for those of you who obviously don't understand it. :) )

    Let me break it down for some of you.

    In my first point I stated that

    1. I was just wondering if anybody was experiencing a similar feeling (a lot of you are. I was genuinely just curious if it was a personality quirk of mine or a side effect that some people experienced. Literally the only information I hoped to gain by posting this topic.)

    and admitted both that

    2. I am aware that "I know it's none of my business" (A direct quote... did you negative nancys even read my whole post) and "I want to be accepting of whatever people want to do" (So thanks for telling me what I already know)

    and 3. I may just be jealous. Changing the way I eat makes me realize that I won't be able to eat whatever I want like I used to years ago. Seeing other people be so carefree, I wish I was them, oblivious to what I was doing.

    Also, I think it's quite ironic that multiple people have told me to "get over yourself" and to "get off your high horse" because I'm not superior to them. Which I never stated I was, just that it was a feeling I got while eating. Like "my meal is better than yours", not "I am so much better than you as a person and above you because I shop at whole foods" (that's ridiculous lol I would not say that.) You, in turn, seem to be judging me for judging others, which just puts you in the same place.
    I thought the rude comments were unnecessary, but I wasn't surprised to receive them.

    Thank you to those who offered support, it is nice to hear your experiences.

    But who doesn't like OREOS???? Please don't assume that I never indulge and am strictly all healthy food all the time. Yesterday I ate two cookies, the day before I got an ice cream cone, you get it. (Now somebody is going to call me a hypocrite, just watch...)
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    Eating healthy has turned me into a foodie, but not a judgemental snob. While I do want others to feel as good as I have felt recently, I do not judge people for their actions. The eating of 2 bagels and a donut in 10 minutes is their decision and does not effect me at all. Get over yourself. You were probably that person once, too.
    "You were probably that person once too"

    " I used to eat some of the worst stuff, sweets whenever I wanted them..." <
    This is the second sentence of my first post.

    . <<<<
    This is the point

    this is you
    >>> :smile:

    Looks like you missed it.
  • stargazer008
    Food snob for life
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    As long as you don't SAY anything, who cares?
  • rachelklewis3
    rachelklewis3 Posts: 69 Member
    I have almost the opposite problem. From time to time, I'll have a day off (but never going above maintenance cals too much), or I'll work some desserts into my cals ... and then I catch myself worrying what other people will think when they see me enjoying a cookie or that slice of chocolate cake ^_^;;; Like "How can she claim to be eating healthy?? Look at her scarfing down that cookie!" ...

    ^^^ Me too! :/
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm a little like that. I see someone stuffing their face and think...don't you know how bad that is for you?....I'm also a little bit of a gym snob. I'll see the pudgy people walk past the window to the grocery store and just think "you need to be in here, your unhealthy!" But, it doesn't come from a judgy place, it comes from a caring place. I understand wanting to eat some chocolate or a donut, but don't eat 2...or a giant bar of chocolate.....I do have an honest concern for others, but you can't make them do it.
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    I stare at people eating fatty stuff less in a judging way and more in a "holy *kitten* i would kill you and your whole family to be able to pound down that thing with no shame." The only time I ever was a real ***** about it was in my militant uppity vegan days. We.... don't take about those days. :sick:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I notice it, but I never say anything! That would be rude. What really gets me is when we go out to a restaurant and see what people (mostly obese) order, then eat. OMG> First comes the greasy appetizer, then their meal with tons of fries and dripping, nasty cheese, other fried crap and then they order dessert. Oh, wait, I did that last weekend at Texas Roadhouse! Well, not exactly, but I did have some fried onion petals, a salad with real dressing, a small steak, a baked sweet potato with butter and marshmallows on it! I didn't have dessert and I brought half of my meal home and had it for breakfast the next morning. But, I run 3-6 miles every other day, lift 3 times a week, do hours of gardening at a time and walk a LOT.
    Then we have the family get together/potlucks. Eww. That is what really makes me sick. They pile on the potato salad, cheese potatoes, desserts, greasy nasty casseroles, etc. I had to learn to take some of my own healthy food, eat some of that and limit myself to 1/2 cup of 2 'icky' items and some fruit or a small piece of cake for dessert. That way, it's all planned out ahead of time. It does make me sick though to see them eat plate after plate of that garbage, especially knowing that's what I used to do.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    I'll admit, I get judgey in the grocery store.

    The other day, I was shopping and couldn't help but notice a couple who were both extremely overweight. The entire bottom shelf of their cart was 24 packs of Mountain Dew, root beer, and cherry Coke. A quick glance into their cart and I saw capri suns, Hungry Man frozen dinners, chips, and hamburger helper.

    Honestly, it made me sad and I wanted so badly to help them. I'd never ever hand out unsolicited advice, especially to a stranger, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it for a split second.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I don't look at other peoples baskets, nor do I judge what other people eat.

    But what I have noticed is how pleased I feel with myself when I go to the checkout and look at all the lovely healthy food I have chosen. I feel pleased I made the right choices. The same when I eat out, I feel pleased with myself for the choices I make... NEVER judge someone for the choices they make.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    ...but when I see someone eating something that I wouldn't, sometimes I almost feel superior to them and I kind of hate it. I would never say anything, I know it's none of my business....
    As long as you don't say anything, I don't see a problem. If bad thoughts were a crime, I'd be on death row.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Yes. IT's annoying..
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    No I do from time to time too! Like when I am running late to work and get behind people holding up traffic turning into Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, and etc. I tend to speak my mind not so nicely!! To myself of course!!