Serious lack of forum support



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    While getting motivation from others does it, it's definitely not the most important part. You have to interact with others and post on their posts AND you have to want to lose the weight. Internal motivation is critical. I suspect that's why some people end up leaving. It's not that they didn't get the support, it's that they thought the site was going to be a miracle and suddenly help them lose the weight. That's not the case, you have to want to lose it and really push yourself.

    As for support from the forums, I'm not sure what type of support you're talking about. If you have questions, post them. I'd post them later in the evening when more people are online. During the earlier part of the day posts may end up sliding downward and get missed.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I've had a couple of forum posts that don't get many responses to. It just happens, it's nothing personal. This is a busy forum and sometimes there's a lot of threads going on at once and some get pushed to the bottom of the page and overlooked.

    This site is too much effort and I feel like except if you're exceptional in either losing weight, giving advice or burning calories, you're just another member who no one really notices. What I'm trying to say is, if you have added someone as a friend, you should be encouraging when they are doing well and demand to know why they haven't logged in for a few days when they disappear - your words could be the difference between failure and success. Not having any support from my 'friend's completely demotivated me. Sad but true :( (I speak only for myself in regards to the above. I am sure this site is fantastic for a vast majority of people)

    You can't rely on others to give you motivation, that's down to you, and anything you get from anyone else is a bonus. I basically read that as 'the reason I gave up is because I don't have supporting friends.'

    I have 69 friends when I last looked, and out of them, only 3 or 4 regularly comment and reply to my posts, and I to them, and that's fine by me. Everything else I need to succeed has to come from me.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Find like-minded friends if you want some actual support from people who at least know a little about you. The forums are basically mindless and meaningless "support" from people who realistically couldn't care less.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Definitely build up a good list of friends whom you feel comfortable with. They will know you better - your health, your finincial situation that would affect the kind of foods you can afford - all of that. The answers you get from the will be better tailored to your own life and capabilities.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I think with Spring people are outside and enjoying the time of year more. I've noticed a drop in posts overall, so it isn't just you.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    A lot of people fall by the wayside this far past January 1.

    But that shouldn't really matter that much, because it's your health and your responsibility, ultimately - it's not somebody's else's to pick you up.

    That isn't meant harshly, but you don't want to risk using it as a reason to sabotage yourself or give up. There are great people on my friends list, but there aren't many that are still posting regularly from when I joined. Maybe they've reached their goal, maybe they've given up - but it was never their job to make somebody else comply with things that their their own choice to participate in or not. Peer pressure sucks, after all.