How often do you step on the scale?



  • Blu3Hea7en
    Blu3Hea7en Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh in once a week if I am consistent with my diet and exercise to get an accurate accumulation of data from my weight loss. If i know I ate horribly the day before i may step on the scale the next day to see how much i gained, if any so i know how many calories i need to increase when burning during exercise.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    You had a baby three weeks ago! Give your body some time to recover, and don't fret about weight!

    I weigh myself about every other day, first thing in the morning, but I don't write down the weight until it's been the same for several days/a week. It can fluctuate so much - after exercising/at certain times of the month / after eating bloating foods, I can weigh up to 6lbs more for one day, and the next day it's gone again!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Never. Unless I'm at the doctor's office and sometimes I ask them not to tell me my weight.

    I have a tendency to focus way too much on that number as opposed to how healthy I am's not healthy to obsess over opposed to the fact that I now fit into a pair of pants I couldn't even get up to my knees two months ago.

    There's information more important than the number on the scale.