C25K Beginnners



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I did it i did it ...well sorta.

    I tried w1d1 today..i skipped a run in the middle but i did it on the end, so i did all the runs but didn't do the whole 5 min cooldown only 4, but i had a long walk in the middle.

    i didn't think i could do it but i did.
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    I did it i did it ...well sorta.

    I tried w1d1 today..i skipped a run in the middle but i did it on the end, so i did all the runs but didn't do the whole 5 min cooldown only 4, but i had a long walk in the middle.

    i didn't think i could do it but i did.

    Good for you!! You did it and will continue to do it, I'm sure!! th_running1.gif
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Completed my week 1 day 1 of C25K. I'm so proud I did it...I took like a 5 min break towards the end but then I got up and finished!!! :) I didn't think I was going to be able to do it...My legs was hurting a little...I think I need more water in me before my workout and strecthcing...the only reason why I took a little break was b/c my legs was hurting!!!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I completed Week 1 workout 1. It felt good, I am excited about workout 2.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I tried to do it today. I wasn't quite winded but couldn't stop hacking while I was doing it and just about fell over a couple times. I think I need to quit the running until my lungs are back to normal. Maybe in a few more days...?
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I tried to do it today. I wasn't quite winded but couldn't stop hacking while I was doing it and just about fell over a couple times. I think I need to quit the running until my lungs are back to normal. Maybe in a few more days...?

    I hope you feel better soon.
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    So today I'm doing W1D2, and I've gotten my brother to join me! I think that's awesome, it should be a great motivator for us both!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I just finised Week 2 Day 2...and I was very winded and tired...Maybe because TOM came this morning. But I still did my workout, finished but didn't give up or quite like i wanted too.

    Good Luck to all :)
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    This week has been so packed and busy...I really wanna get a least day two in so that way week 2 wont kill me!!!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I did Week Workout 1 this morning. It was great and was able to run faster than in my first workout. I love having a system like this to follow.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have offically finished week 2 day 3. I will be starting week 3 on Monday.

    Have a great weekend!
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Well I only did week 1 workout 1 of my C25K. But I'm not letting it get me down. I will be starting my week 2 workout 1 on Monday. This week was super busy for me. I'm about to sit down and plan out all of my goals...(fitness, weight loss, nutrition, etc.)

    So I have a question for yall. Do yall only do C25K?? Or on your off days do you do other workouts???
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Well I only did week 1 workout 1 of my C25K. But I'm not letting it get me down. I will be starting my week 2 workout 1 on Monday. This week was super busy for me. I'm about to sit down and plan out all of my goals...(fitness, weight loss, nutrition, etc.)

    So I have a question for yall. Do yall only do C25K?? Or on your off days do you do other workouts???

    I just finished Week 1 workout 3 and I am exited about moving on to week 2.

    On the days I do the C25K challenge I also do the 100 push ups challenge. On the alternate days I do a kettlebell workout.
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Okay, I did Week 1 Day 3 today. I think I might repeat the first week next week just to make sure I'm ready to move on to Week 2.
  • Curlzzz2002
    I start Week 1 tomorrow morning bright and early. Looking forward to it. Any advice out there would be great.
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I start Week 1 tomorrow morning bright and early. Looking forward to it. Any advice out there would be great.

    My only advice would be to download one of the podcasts! :D
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I start Week 1 tomorrow morning bright and early. Looking forward to it. Any advice out there would be great.

    Just stick with the program outline. Don't try to do more the first few times. Following a system feels really good to me. I always used to try and do much all at once. Then I would have sore muscles and knees and not workout for weeks afterwards. This time is different. I am following the program, I feel challenged by it, but I also feel that I am making progress.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    So I have a question for yall. Do yall only do C25K?? Or on your off days do you do other workouts???

    I alternate days between C25k and the Elliptical/treadmill. I do C25k on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Elliptical/treadmill on Tuesday, Thursday, and Weekend. I usually do 30 -45 minutes on either or the treadmill/elliptical.

    I hope that helps you out. Good Luck :)
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I finished week 1 last Wed and had planned to repeat it again on Friday. Unfortunately it rained so I was stuck inside. I did a tough lower body workout instead and ever since my knees have been stiff and in pain. I had meant to get up this morning but forget to set an alarm...oops! Hoping tomorrow to get out and at least try...maybe if I start running again, these knee pains will work themselves out. I can only hope anyways!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I am on Week 2 now. I completed Week 2 workout 1 yesterday.