Need input on gyms......embarassment here.



  • Mimoki
    Mimoki Posts: 115 Member
    I have been going to all sorts of gym for yeeaaarrrrsss. No one really pays attention to anyone else, and main thing is you are doing it for YOU! :) I went to gyms with old people, young people, middle age, 400 lbs, 90lbs even lil old ladies 70+. If anything they will be like GOOD for you for joining into a healthy regime.
  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    I have a Planet fitness membership, and I like to go late at night 10pm-11pm and there are always only a couple of people.. I can get anxious going also, but the slow times are perfect.. no one cares or looks or judjes and Planet Fitness.. at least that has been my experience... hope this helps :)
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    The gym I go to has every type of person you can think of.

    Fat ones, skinny ones, short ones, tall ones... Ones who run miles on the treadmill, ones who walk two steps. Big body builders, chubby cardio folk, young and old...etc.

    My philosophy? No matter how you may look, you're still schooling everyone that's sitting on the couch. At least you're AT the gym. Bump everyone else. And truth be told? Many of those so called "good looking" folks at the gym may have started out just like you.
  • MsJackson5
    Im a member of a 24 hr gym as well.. i HAD the same self esteem issues im 345 but i do alot more than most. so i put on my music and forget the rest.....Think to yourself how can THEY judge me..... it's not thier job..... I just laugh to myself and keep on workin out ..... basically u are doing what those people dont think you even have the energy to do. MOVE more EAT less period!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Just walk in there like you own the place and say you want a membership. My gym has a mixture of people from shredded to obese. When I go to the gym it is to hit the weights and get of there..I really do not look around assessing this or that person ..Obviously in between sets I will look around, and if I see a newbish person then I think to myself "hell yea, this person is trying to get In here and get there a$% in shape" I never look at them as a negative...
  • kimm147
    kimm147 Posts: 29 Member
    go go go! if you don't you will never find out. you may love it, you may meet your next best friend there. only think of the positives, people are there TO BETTER THEMSELVES, JUST LIKE YOU. you see the same people in public, at work, on the road.

    dont let your weight or body image issues with yourself get in the way of doing what you need to do to get the job done. today is the heaviest you are going to be if you are gonna keep at it!!

    it only gets better from here, you gonna let that step in your way??? you said you have lost a lot already, are you gonna let fear or discomfort get in the way???

    every gym is different thats why we have choices where we can go. look into a community center maybe if you want a low profile place.

    planet fitness is 10 dollars a month and 75% of people i have seen in there are average and overweight people." first time gym-goers"

  • WanderingLass
    WanderingLass Posts: 86 Member
    38...298#...I just signed on at Planet Fitness and truly? NO ONE pays attention to me. No one. I love it.

    Go. Have a great time. Be strong!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    The simple fact is no matter where you go people are going to say whatever they want. At least if your in the gym they can shove it up their *kitten* because you there for one purpose to workout. I wouldn't care if they all looked and pointed because I'm trying to do whats best for me instead of sitting on the couch stuffing my face. Don't let that stop you from doing what you want to do.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Just walk in there like you own the place and say you want a membership. My gym has a mixture of people from shredded to obese. When I go to the gym it is to hit the weights and get of there..I really do not look around assessing this or that person ..Obviously in between sets I will look around, and if I see a newbish person then I think to myself "hell yea, this person is trying to get In here and get there a$% in shape" I never look at them as a negative...

    pretty much.

    except this one guy i saw using the power cage to do abs. that guy is a weirdo.
  • nmaxie
    nmaxie Posts: 12
    I can understand how you feel because I felt the same way not too long ago. I just joined the Planet Fitness gym this month. I really appreciate their no judgement policy and the fact that their gym is tailored to beginner gym users. Since I've joined I haven't missed a days workout and I have noticed a couple of things. 1. No one pays me any attention when I'm working out unless I ask for help. 2.The gym is less crowded during the day when others are at school or work. You should be very proud of yourself for losing so much already on your own. This is also reason to be confident in your abilities. Use thay confidence to enter the gym workout and leave. Good luck
  • SharonReitsma
    SharonReitsma Posts: 27 Member
    all gyms will give you a free tour. take a couple up on the offer and take a looksie. can't hurt and you can get a feel for the place.

    my gym is a mix. old and fat to young and lean. no one is judgemental and as long as you are there putting in the effort, you'll get respect. I'd recommend hitting up the "family" type places first.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I think everyone has been saying the same thing... and I do agree with them.

    I want to add go visit a couple of gyms. The atmosphere of some gyms is different then others, just like restaurants are different from eachother.

    Have the sales person give you a tour, make sure to go around the time you will normally know you will be working out. Knowing you made an informed decision on a place that you like better then the others should really help calm your nerves. By time you are going a week or two all your insecurities will be relieved.

    Good luck!
  • nicole_andan
    I need some HONEST feedback here, and am turning to all of you.

    I have lost 70 pounds so far on diet alone in the last 7 months. And have done so without exercise.

    I could not go to a gym out of personal low esteem, and concern of people looking at me being "that guy". I am 43, and now 298 lbs.

    But now it's time to put reality in check, exercise and resistence training needs to be incorporated. And I can't break the bank for thousands of home gym equipment.

    I want to enroll, but I have never set foot inside a gym before. I have one near my house that is open 24 hour a day.

    I know going inside, i will see many 20 somethings with defined bodies. I don't want to be the only guy walking in, and feel like I'm the dairy cow in the herd of horses.

    Reality check, what is the attitude in the gym? Give it to me. Should I try and get off another 30 or just get over my fears?

    Ahhhhhhh luvvie, i felt exactly the same way, I thought everyone would look at me and think what's that fat woman doing here. In my experience your local community gym is a better start off point and will often have programmes specifically designed for those who need support for medical reasons (diabetes, obesity, poor mobility etc) but the gym will also have a lot of the "regular joes" the x3 a weekers and I promise you that you will feel awkward and uncomfortable the first few times and after that it won't be so bad.

    It's really worth it!!!

  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I agree with everyone saying to just get in, do your thing and get out. When I started going to the gym, I was 200+ lb (I'm only 5'0"). One of my first days there, I saw a guy who was roughly 300 lb and using a walker to get from machine to machine. I thought, "Dang, if that I guy can get his butt in here and work out, so can I." He was such an inspiration.

    My advice......give it a try. Realize that everyone is there for the same get their workout in and get back home.
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I definitely recommend asking for a free tour of the gym or a free session to get a feel for the place. I've never been to a gym with a bad atmosphere but if they offer it, it's worth it to make yourself more comfortable with signing up. That said, people at my gym are generally polite, keep to themselves, and are of all levels of fitness, size, and age. Plus, it's easy to tune them all out when I'm listening to my iPod.

    Since you haven't worked out in a gym before, the trainers might be a big help for you, so make sure you talk to one before signing up. They can teach you how to use any of the equipment you aren't familiar with and create a plan for you, if you need one.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Just do it! Nothing to be embarrassed about. From my own experience, most of us are in our own zones doing our own things.

    And remember, those 20 somethings with well defined bods most likely weren't born that way. They got that way by going to the gym.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I started at the gym when I was 420 lbs-- and I had lost 60 lbs at that point. I was definitely the biggest girl there. I admit I was a bit intimidated but I said screw it. If they don't like looking at me, they can avert their eyes. If they want to snicker and make comments behind my back, they are the a--holes. Bottom line is that I was there for me. That first week I was able to walk on the treadmill for all of 10 min at a slow pace and two minutes on the elliptical barely moving. But I went back every day and now my typical gym experience is an hour of cardio (I burned 1013 calories on the elliptical yesterday!) and either a class (body combat, step aerobics, strength/tone routine, or another 30 min on the treadmill.

    Set small goals for yourself. Don't go in and think you're going to do the same things that people who have been working out for years are doing. Ignore others.... good music is great for tuning out others and providing motivation. If you can afford it, hook up with a personal trainer. Even just once a month is good to help you get direction, set a plan for the month, and evaluate progress (which is what I do).

    To echo some others... if you can get there first thing in the morning ... I try to get there between 6a & 7a, you see mostly older folks (like me, lol) and professionals -- not to many of the young body building set.

    Good luck.... start it, stick with it and you'll be fine. Add me if you want another cheerleader!
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I HATE going to the gym. I'm always concerned that I'm one of those people not doing something right, but instead of offering help, strangers are secretly video taping me and putting it on the internet.

    I started going ridiculously early, up at 4:30 AM to be there by 5 AM. There are VERY few people there and the ones that are there are usually the kind of people who are willing to help. PLUS I get to run off of those endorphines all day and don't "dread" heading to the gym all day; get it over and done with!

    Right now, I needed that extra push so I'm actually doing a boot camp class with an amazing trainer who helps boost my confidence too. It's a bit more expensive but, personally, I think it's completely worth it.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    The gym that I go to has young and old people....small and big...tall and short....fat and skinny. Seriously, in the morning there are tons of older men and women....I'm guessing 60-80 years old. IF they are in there working out, you can be in there working out. When I first started doing the group fitness classes that my gym has, I was the "big girl". I wanted to die. I was so embarrassed. But when I walked up and saw the two old ladies standing there waiting for class to begin I knew I couldn't back out. If they can do it, my fat *kitten* can surely do it. So glad I found the courage to do it because the classes are now my favorite thing to do at the gym. Everyone there is there for the same reason you better themselves. Some people go for a short time...some are in there for years and years. Many people come and go. Make yourself one of those people who are there for years and years. You deserve it!!!!!!!!!! Now go get it done!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I'm with everyone else who gives a silent "good for him" when I see someone who's 'big' at the gym (or on a hike, or whatever...) The gym is definitely not about status or prestige or perfection - everyone is on a different place in their journey, you won't be the newest member for long, so get in there and get sweating :)

    This too!!!! I'm not even silent about it! I will go up to people and encourage them, tell them I've lost over 250 lbs with diet and exercise. I know its hard and encouragement always helps!!!