Top 5 Foods BANNED from my home ...



  • seashell99z
    seashell99z Posts: 113 Member
    1 - Cookies, any kind
    2 - Individually wrapped chocolate pieces, any kind
    3 - As strange as it may sound, I can't have orange juice. I will drink the whole container in 2 days
    4 - Cereal, any kind, even those little twig things
    5 - Macaroni and cheese, the little individual containers...they magically disappear
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    1. boxes of cookies (if im having cookies, i am going to make them myself)
    2. cooler ranch doritos ("i'll only have one" said no one ever.)
    3. ramen (used to eat this almost 4 times a week - now i will never open those little foil packets of seasoning again.)
    4. soda (don't drink it. husband only drinks cream soda anyways)
    5. coffee mate (learned that it is basically made of trans fats and i wont ever use it again)
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    White pasta
    Lindt Truffles- not much on sweets but these- man, I don't know.... something about them
    Chips! Especially corn tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole. Only buy them when we have parties or BBQ's, otherwise I start chomping on them the second I get home from work.
    Sourdough bread (sometimes I break down and buy it "for my husband", HA!)

    As you can see, I'm powerless over refined starches. not only do I horf down the starch, but I am want to slather it in real butter first.
  • Danagirl28
    1) peanut butter
    2) doritos
    3) donuts
    4) cake
    5) honey wheat pretzels

    There are tons more, but those are the ones I CAN'T resist!
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    I forgot to mention soda as well- or any sugary drink for that matter.
    1. boxes of cookies (if im having cookies, i am going to make them myself)
    2. cooler ranch doritos ("i'll only have one" said no one ever.)
    3. ramen (used to eat this almost 4 times a week - now i will never open those little foil packets of seasoning again.)
    4. soda (don't drink it. husband only drinks cream soda anyways)
    5. coffee mate (learned that it is basically made of trans fats and i wont ever use it again)
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    Ice cream
    Crinkle cut chips/Doritos/Cheetos
    Glazed doughnuts/French crullers
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    1) Goldfish crackers
    2) Oreos (+ milk) ... Lord help me!
    3) Pirate's Booty (cheesy puffs) - literally, an entire bag gone within 10 minutes

    Your first three! Goldfish and Pirate's Booty I can down in one sitting. I can go through 1/3 a package of Oreos in a sitting. Wheat Thins, Triscuits, and Cheez-itz are also a no-no for me to buy. It's awful :( I can go through half a box of Thin Mints cookies as well, but I still keep those in the house now, as a nice treat at the end of the day. At 40 calories a cookie, I can have two and not feel bad. I'll be out soon, though. Sad day. Oh! Dove individual chocolates are the devil lol. I haven't bought them in months, and I only started this serious nutrition thing in the past two days!
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    - ANY type of chocolate
    - Jelly
    - Angels Delight (I am in LOVE with chocolate angels delight)

    I try to just eat fruit... and salad sticks... (As snacks that is)
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    how could I forget cake! I am always tempted to buy the slices of white or lemon cake from the bakery- I can't have it in my house! Oh, and cans of frosting with graham crackers too- forget it!
    1) peanut butter
    2) doritos
    3) donuts
    4) cake
    5) honey wheat pretzels

    There are tons more, but those are the ones I CAN'T resist!
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    haha I feel ya on those oreos, maybe once a year do they enter and leave shortly there after in our house.
  • djc0821
    djc0821 Posts: 12 Member
    Ice cream
    Potato Chips
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I don't limit myself.

    All these foods are in my pantry and freezer.....and I eat all of moderation.

    I've lost 33 lbs and still eat oreos- it's telling myself NO and not buying it that pisses my stomach off to the point of an all you can eat from the pantry/freezer day.

    Edited to include- cos if I want something bad enough or have to have it- there is no distance I wouldn't drive to eat it. Has nothing to do with easy access :)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    pork lard? I don't know it's a very short list
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I don't limit myself, either. If I have something, I log it. Simple as that. Nutrition facts are there for a reason.
  • JessyBevy
    JessyBevy Posts: 30 Member
    Spinach dip
    Donuts from a real bakery (I don't eat the hockey pucks you buy at Timmies!)
    Philadelphia chip dips with Old Dutch Ripple Chips

    Oh yes, Spinach dip + hawaiian bread (make tiny sandwiches)
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    White pasta and rice :)
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    Peanut Butter... I'm not sure what it is about peanut butter but if it's in the house I will find away to eat it until it's gone.... So I'll be like ohhhh pb toast for breakfast pb and banana for a snack pb sandwich for lunch pb and apples for a snack pb on anything for dinner... I've eaten a whole jar in 2-3 days... so now I just don't buy it. I have no control when it comes to Peanut Butter!

    this!!!! ^^^^^
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    The amount of time ice cream is mentioned in this thread makes me want to cry.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    white bread
    rice cakes
    any frozen meals/tv dinners
    hot dogs
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member