Fitbit One...



  • jhstroebel
    jhstroebel Posts: 49 Member
    Yes... Worth the $. People talk about the inaccurate results, but I haven't seen that. Actually quite the opposite, I've seen my Fitbit One be accurate up to .01 miles on a 3 mile run on a treadmill. As for counting steps while you sleep, maybe you should investigate why you're moving so much in your sleep! But my theory is if I'm moving around enough to have it count steps I'm probably doing enough to burn the calorie of a step too... As for the car, I have not experienced this problem either. I personally love my fitbit and it drives me to walk or be more active when I realize how lazy a day its been. It also does a great job of taking into account the very variable nature of my days and giving me back the calories on MFP when I am more active than my activity level setting. I would recommend one to anyone!

    Another thread today was asking about the best thing people have bought to help them lose weight and the 3 constant things were a fitbit, a food scale, and a HRM. Not a coincidence.
  • runningk919
    runningk919 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the Fitbit One and I LOVE IT! I accidentally washed it this weekend and IT STILL WORKS that is an awesome product, in my opinion! It does track stairs, and you're right stairs burn more calories than walking alone.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    So everyone thinks they are worth the $100?

    No. I love electronic type gadgets so got one. This one has been pretty worthless and disappointing to me. It's fun to look things over, but I'm not impressed. I find a lot of errors in it's numbers - ie, I wake up in the am already having traveled 300 steps. It counts steps and stairs when I'm driving. The calorie counts make NO sense to me either on it, I can go the same steps 2 days in a row, do the exact same workout, and it will show me 500-1000 calories different each time. Its fun to have written data somewhere, but that's just it, a toy with no real value for the information provided. I mainly really like mine for the sleep tracking feature, it's given me a more clear picture of my sleep quality.

    In regards to this, I have found that there is some wrong information, but I've found that to be true with any other gadget I've ever used. For me, I accept that this happens, and realize that it probably happens every day. So if I continue to work toward improving the numbers, those inconsistencies really don't matter. For example, if I really walk 4500 steps, and Fitbit says I walk 5000, but I work on increasing it and now my Fitbit says I walked 6000 when it was really 5500, I've still increased by 1000, and I'm okay with that. Just my two cents!

    Maybe that is the difference for me, I'm already very active. I get 10k to 15k average steps per day not counting days I run. I work in an office but am rarely sitting still for long, I'm always up and down from my desk I hoped to find an average calorie burn day, but my numbers are all over the place with no consistency even tho my routine is pretty set.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    It was worth the $100 to me, and the $700 more I spent getting FitBits for dedicated friends and family members! We all love it and are very competitive to get the most weekly steps. Just look at my ticker - I've been wearing a FitBit (original model, then an Ultra, then a One) since before I started my weight loss journey. (It was one of the steps to starting the journey)

    You should be thrilled with it!
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Well, I ordered 1. It should be here next week sometime so hopefully I'll be happy with it. I'm really curious what it will put me at for calories burnt though the day as opposed to the online calculators. Did you find it to be lose to the same or a fair difference?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Well, I ordered 1. It should be here next week sometime so hopefully I'll be happy with it. I'm really curious what it will put me at for calories burnt though the day as opposed to the online calculators. Did you find it to be lose to the same or a fair difference?

    I found that it generally comes in pretty close to what I'd otherwise calculate for a day. It's fun, it's motivating, and it removes a lot of "let's try to guesstimate the calories for this exercise" headaches.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Well, I ordered 1. It should be here next week sometime so hopefully I'll be happy with it. I'm really curious what it will put me at for calories burnt though the day as opposed to the online calculators. Did you find it to be lose to the same or a fair difference?

    I found that it generally comes in pretty close to what I'd otherwise calculate for a day. It's fun, it's motivating, and it removes a lot of "let's try to guesstimate the calories for this exercise" headaches.

    I don't ever really play the " let's try to guesstimate the calories for this exercise" game because I always wear my HRM when I'm doing actual exercise. I'm wanting it more for telling me what I burn through out the day doing my job and living. :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Well, I ordered 1. It should be here next week sometime so hopefully I'll be happy with it. I'm really curious what it will put me at for calories burnt though the day as opposed to the online calculators. Did you find it to be lose to the same or a fair difference?

    I found that it generally comes in pretty close to what I'd otherwise calculate for a day. It's fun, it's motivating, and it removes a lot of "let's try to guesstimate the calories for this exercise" headaches.

    I don't ever really pay the " let's try to guesstimate the calories for his exercise" game because I always wear my HRM when I'm doing actual exercise. I'm wanting it more for telling me what I burn through out the day doing my job and living. :smile:

    Ugh, HRMs. That's a whole nother story. I think HRMs that give "calorie" readouts are one of the worst products ever.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Well, I ordered 1. It should be here next week sometime so hopefully I'll be happy with it. I'm really curious what it will put me at for calories burnt though the day as opposed to the online calculators. Did you find it to be lose to the same or a fair difference?

    I found that it generally comes in pretty close to what I'd otherwise calculate for a day. It's fun, it's motivating, and it removes a lot of "let's try to guesstimate the calories for this exercise" headaches.

    I don't ever really pay the " let's try to guesstimate the calories for his exercise" game because I always wear my HRM when I'm doing actual exercise. I'm wanting it more for telling me what I burn through out the day doing my job and living. :smile:

    Ugh, HRMs. That's a whole nother story. I think HRMs that give "calorie" readouts are one of the worst products ever.

    Why do you say that?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Well, I ordered 1. It should be here next week sometime so hopefully I'll be happy with it. I'm really curious what it will put me at for calories burnt though the day as opposed to the online calculators. Did you find it to be lose to the same or a fair difference?

    I found that it generally comes in pretty close to what I'd otherwise calculate for a day. It's fun, it's motivating, and it removes a lot of "let's try to guesstimate the calories for this exercise" headaches.

    I don't ever really pay the " let's try to guesstimate the calories for his exercise" game because I always wear my HRM when I'm doing actual exercise. I'm wanting it more for telling me what I burn through out the day doing my job and living. :smile:

    Ugh, HRMs. That's a whole nother story. I think HRMs that give "calorie" readouts are one of the worst products ever.

    Why do you say that?

    Even within a single individual, heart rate and energy expenditure are only loosely related. Heart rate is affected by a host of factors other than oxygen consumption (oxygen consumption is directly linked to calorie expenditure; 1 liter of O2 consumed = 5 calories). My heart can be pounding at 170 bpm for several seconds after that 10th squat, but I'm burning a fraction of the calories as if I were running at 8 mph with my heart at 170 bpm. When I get nervous, my heart rate goes up - but my calorie consumption does not. A little bit of caffeine or chromium makes my heart race, but calorie consumption does not change significantly.

    And all that is assuming you know what your VO2 max is in the first place. Knowing VO2 max is the only way you can get even close with an HRM. And most people don't know their VO2 max, even if they have an HRM that lets you enter it. And your VO2 max - and therefore calorie consumption during aerobic exercise - changes significantly as they become more trained, but the HRM doesn't know that.

    It's just all a huge mess. I don't think HRMs produce anything remotely realistic for most people. If they get close, it's just by chance that the preprogrammed parameters just happen to be somewhat close to your own, there are zero modifying factors, and you're using it for purely aerobic exercise.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm sorry, this is one of my trigger topics :laugh:
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I have the body media and it tracks off your heart and off your body tempeture and such. ( which would then tell you how much you burned for each exercise done :) . I would say wait on the fitbit they are coming out with a new one that is worn on the wrist is 100% waterproof and looks so much better than the fit one, also I had a fit one and I disliked it. Just don't get how a little device that doesn't touch you can tell you how much you burned.
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    The FitBit Ultra does too. I have both the Ultra and the One.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have the body media and it tracks the steps you walk, which would then tell you how much you burned. I would say wait on the fitbit they are coming out with a new one that is worn on the wrist is 100% waterproof and looks so much better than the fit one, also I had a fit one and I disliked it. Just don't get how a little device that doesn't touch you can tell you how much you burned.

    It does so because it keeps track of the acceleration you apply to your body. There's a direct mathematical relationship between that acceleration and the energy required to create it.

    The Bodymedia devices use primarily the same relationship to determine calorie burn, except it modifies it slightly based on skin temperature and quantity of sweat.
  • kathyfronk1
    kathyfronk1 Posts: 4 Member
    I love my fit bit and I got it at Best Buy for $50!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I love my Fitbit. My family and my friends family both moved within a month of each other into home where we did have to use stairs. One year later, but both realized we had gained at least 15 pounds. It's crazy how using the stairs help keep the weight off, without thinking about it!
  • lindseymaepatz
    lindseymaepatz Posts: 7 Member
    Yes! Wait for the FitBit Flex! It comes out May 15 and its like a wrist band that will track your sleep as well!
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm sorry, this is one of my trigger topics :laugh:

    Lol, well that only a little apparent, lol. So do you feel they are off on the low end of calorie burn or high end...the HRM gives you to many calories burned or not enough?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yes! Wait for the FitBit Flex! It comes out May 15 and its like a wrist band that will track your sleep as well!

    The Fitbit One tracks sleep as well, BTW. The Flex is a weird sort of device as it has no real display. The One can tell you your current calorie burn, steps taken, floors climbed, etc. It also has a timer function on it that, when activated, shows the amount of calories burned, distance traveled, etc, since you started the timer. I like to use this playing tennis as I can look at any time and see how far I've run and how many calories I've burned in the middle of a match.