HOW do I slim down my tree trunk legs?



  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    My legs tend to get big too, I tried regular calastenics - using your own body to generate resistance, that way I usually don't get bulking, but a nice tone. Good luck!!
  • ProjectHappyHealthy
    ProjectHappyHealthy Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same problem. That, and that my pelvis is super wide, so I don't have to be under weight at all before my hips start sticking out and making me look emaciated even though I'm not. I think that our legs will always be a little bigger, but, as for me, I'm struggling to accept that there is only so much that fitness can achieve. There will always be my underlying bone structure and size, and my genetic predisposition to hang on to fat in certain areas. Better maybe than in our stomachs, right? I have a really hard time wearing anything that shows the size of my legs, so I totally understand. I also understand wanting to be dainty! I'm a big boned 5'7" who has always wished to be 5 feet tall and 95 lbs like my friends. Learning to accept that this what I've got to work with, though it's really hard! I'm 27 and still have a long way to go towards body acceptance, but I know that I can do it, and you can too! We're all awesome, just different, and that's ok. Hugs!
  • kelseyeve
    I struggle with this as well. I'm small on top and carry all of my extra weight in my legs. Check out this post -

    We come in all different shapes and sizes, and we often are not the best judge of the beauty our own bodies, as sad as it is. As long as you exercise, your legs will stay toned and strong - which is something that many women want and can't achieve.

    Be proud of all that you have achieved and know that you look beautiful to all of us! (And probably to everyone in your "real life" as well!)
  • demitraknows
    demitraknows Posts: 82 Member
    I get my big thighs from my mom and dad's side. Mine definitely need toning and I am not able to wear anything short because of my cellulite. yours look great and most trainers will probably advise you to add running to your regimen to slim them. good luck I am working on mine as well.